Monthly Archives: April 2019

BOAC -It is 3 out of 3 for South Africa!

It is 3 out of 3 for South Africa!

TodMonday 29 April 2019 the third B747 painted in a retro livery, as part of BA’s 100th birthday, touched down with a puff of smoke in Johannesburg at 08:53. Cape Town have been spoilt by receiving two of these, the Negus and Landor liveries, but Johannesburg was the envy of aviation enthusiasts.

G-BYGC where scheduled to land in Johannesburg on Sunday but as things happen, this was changed to today. G-BYGC was went into the paint shop on 18 February 2019 and was unveiled to the world on the same day. She mostly visited the USA but as BA implemented their summer schedule, aviation enthusiasts became excited and hoping that G-BYGC appears on Johannesburg schedules.

G-BYGC is 20 old, is a B747-436 with serial number 25823. Our Negus arrival coverage can be seen here and our Landor arrival coverage can be seen here It took some time for us to see the BOAC here in South Africa but it was worth the wait. Hoping for many more visits!

3 x Below Photo credit: Christopher R. Lourens

3 x Below Photo credit: Niel Swart

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The EAA Convention 2019- Adventure Rally

The EAA convention this year was held again at Vryheid, which is situated close to the escarpment in very scenic
mountainous areas and in the heart of the Anglo Boer & Zulu war zones. With the success of last year’s Adventure
Rally, which had a mainly battlefield theme, it was decided to hold another one, this one being a mix of a scenic route
and some battlefield areas.

At registration time, there were 27 crews who had entered, this being a record for this type of event, but with weather
still closed in on Saturday morning, some crews could not get to Vryheid in time to take part, and at last count 20
crews were able to take part, which is still one of the most attended Adventure Rallies, giving credit to EAA’ers
enjoying this type of event.

For this year, the route started just northeast of the field at a big railroad U junction, and however one would fly, there
would be a railway line that would be seen flying east or north, thus to converge on to the start would be an easy
matter….., but guess what, some competitors could not find the start.
From the railroad U junction, the route went behind Lancaster Hill to a nondescript dam, and from there on west to
north-west in the valley until a very prominent farm house complex was seen.

Greg Clegg and Keaton Perkins
in their Jodel ZU-UEK attained 2 nd place

From there south west to a more
nondescript farmhouse nearby a quarry, turning more south east on a curved leg to be positioned to descend after
crossing the mountain range known as Skurweberg into the Aasvoelskrans gorge where three distinctive waterfalls
could be seen, making this the most worthwhile scenic part of the route. At the bottom of the gorge another farmhouse was a waypoint and then to the battlefield memorial of Blood River Poort, and from there to three dams
that made up the last three turn points the last being the Klipfontein dam just south east of the airfield.

As part of this rally, it was decided that to add some spice as well, to track everybody with loggers to check how
accurately they fly to keep within a 1 km corridor, which should have been easy given that one is allowed to fly with

Carl Visagie with Navigator Niel Terreblanche in their Ikarus ZU-EUV came in first place

The map and task booklet were provided 20 minutes prior the take-off for everybody to either plan their route
with traditional map plotting tools or to program their GPS’s – if they were more at home following the magenta line.
Each route’s leg had turning point photographs to be recognised (either being correct or incorrect), then a few
questions had to be answered on ground features or sites that were historic or scenic, mostly cryptic in nature.

The booklet contained a section of wiki notes that would enable the crews to answer all the questions – with a
warning – “Don’t read at your peril….”, and guess what…., most forgot to find the answers in the most obvious place….
Some crews of course were googling for answers on their cell phones – because they can – somewhat inefficient given
everything was right in front of them, and of course sometimes getting the wrong information from what was written
up in the notes.

Third place going to soloist and local Morne Strauss in the RV4 ZU-FVL.

The briefing was eventually held at 10 am after the misty weather had delayed the start, and then papers were
handed out with the first take-off around 11 am, with good flying conditions with hardly any wind. Most crews were
able to find their way around, and appeared hardly anybody used a GPS, possibly with insufficient time to program
them, there were a few crews that wandered off course somewhat, and one got totally lost and decided to return to the airfield aborting the flight.

And then there was the only helicopter taking part in the rally, that being the Gazelle of Eugene Couzyn flying with Marie Reddy who took to heart the briefing that said enjoy the scenery of the 3 waterfall
gorge, and hovered to take some pictures (see the header photo in this article)

Gazelle of Eugene Couzyn flying with Marie Reddy,first time a chopper taking part in a rally.

With everybody successfully home, it was time for marking the exam papers which was left to Mark Clulow to do, with
Rob downloading loggers and printing results. Then at the Convention prize giving and spit braai, Rob gave a
presentation of everybody’s logged tracks which had many in stitches for those who lost their way a bit, thereafter the
prize winners were called up to received their prizes.

Carl Visagie with Navigator Niel Terreblanche in their Ikarus ZU-EUV came in first place, Greg Clegg and Keaton Perkins
in their Jodel ZU-UEK attained 2 nd place, with third place going to soloist and local Morne Strauss in the RV4 ZU-FVL. In
the spot landing that everybody carried out after the rally, the winner was also Carl Visagie. For the most accurate
flown route went to Mark Clulow and Sean Cronin.

Thus came to the end of a hopefully enjoyable day for everybody who took part, and given the interest in the event,
should bode well for future rallies of this type and also gain an expression of interest in the more formal and timed

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L29 ZU-VLL relocates to Tempe Bloemfontein

L29 ZU-VLL has now changed ownership, and will now grace the skies over Tempe Bloemfontein, where th former soviet jet trainer will now reside.We hope to see this particular L29 at airshows more often and hopefully even join in formation with Rand Airport based L29 ZU-AUX and Middelburg based L29 ZU-DNX at a future airshow. South Africa is definitely has the richest aviation heritage on the African continent

We been privileged enough to have seen some of these ex military jet trainers flying in our skies. It seems these sights and sounds are becoming fewer and fewer.

L29 ZU-VLL safe at Tempe Airfield after a ferry from Durban
(Picture by Flightdeck Instrument Systems CC)
L29 at here new home Tempe airfield Bloemfontein
(Picture by Flightdeck Instrument Systems CC)

The Aero L29 Delfin-The Soviet Trainer(English: Dolphin, NATO reporting name: Maya) is a military jet trainer developed and manufactured by Czechoslovakian aviation manufacturer Aero Vodochody. The jet trainer is a dual seat training aircraft. It is the country’s first locally designed and constructed jet aircraft, as well as likely being the biggest aircraft industrial programme to take place in any of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance  countries except the Soviet Union.

Larry Beamish takes off in ZU-VLL Newcastle Airshow 2013
L29 ZU-VLL Cockpit

Freedom Day Celebration Flypasts

The sound of thunder of jets rocked Port Elizabeth residents as Gripens, Hawks, The Silver Falcons, two BK117s and Lynx took part in Freedom Flypasts over event in Makhanda, formerly Grahamstown, in the Eastern Cape.

The 27th April marked 25 years of democracy, following decades of apartheid rule and segregation in which the majority of the country’s citizens were marginalised.

JAS39D Gripen

Local residents in Grahamstown got to witness the flypasts and brought joy to the youth as some of these aircraft are not usually seen in the area.

The Silver Falcons showed why they can restore national pride as known as the cockpit ambassadors to the South African Airforce. Falcon 5 Sivu Tangana grew up in the area and it was surely a proud moment to display in front of a home crowd.

Silver Falcons Team 82
Silver Falcons

It was also a photo opportunity for some of the local aviation enthusiasts to capture the Test Flight and Development Centre JAS39D Gripen ‘3901’.This was the first gripen delivered to the SAAF.

Test Flight and Development Centre JAS39D Gripen ‘3901
85 Comabt Flying School Hawk MK120 ‘262’
Hawk MK120
Pilatus PC7MKII

We would like to thank Patrick Davidson for allowing us to use a certain platform to gain access to get this incredible photos.

2 Squadron JAS39C Gripen ‘3918’

Another big presence of South African Airforce Aircraft will be seen over Pretoria end of May 2019 and no its not an airshow.Keep an eye on our social media pages.

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EAA National Convention-Vryheid 2019

The small town of Vryheid in Kwa-Zulu-Natal,was invaded with all types of small aircraft on the South African aircraft register from
ultralights to former South African Airforce Aircraft.The Experiamental Aircraft Assiaotion played a vital role in the organsing of
this the second event to take place at this airfield as did like last years fly-inn.

Vryheid Airfield

South Africa has a wide variety of general aviation and probaly the biggest on the African continant.and as the fly-inns are a
great way to discover how many aircraft congrigate to these events are a aviation enthieasts crem-til-le-crem.

Best place is to camp under your aircrafts wing.

Friday the 26th April 2019 aircraft from all places around the contry made their way to Vryheid where visiting aircraft and pilots
were treted to hospitality from the local flying club contigent and EAA members. Lets also not forget Neil Bowden’s mini Oshkosh set up camp where tents were set up for pilots and clean ablution blocks close to the vicinity of the camp site on the field.

Oshkosh look alike Camp Site

Most pilots camped next to their aircraft for the weekend, most of the aircraft arriving on the Friday during the course of the day. Braai packs were available for purchase and a aviation vibe kept the folk social until the early hours into Saturday morning.

Brian Appletons Luscombe
Riaan Prinsloo YAK18T
Bellanca Scout
Kitplanes Safari
Archie Kemps Cessna 195
Peter Lea’s RV10

The following day abit of low cloud and mist,which delyaed
a couple of aircraft arriving in for the day but quickly burnt off and a hot condtions were install for the remainder of the day.

Piper Colt flown by Keaton Perkins

The days activities consisted of a adventure rally, which a number of aircraft took place. A flypast was held for EAA member Klaus
Keuchel and his partner Maxine Fietch who lost their lives last year when they crashed in a Taylorcraft on their way home from Vryheid .The missing man formation was in the form of a Beechcraft Bonanza, a Vans RV7 and RV10.

Missing man formation

The a EAA 322 Annual General Meeting also took place and announcements were made for the future of the EAA in South Africa.Other safety meetings also took place with the likes of Santjie White,Fred Bebbington and a few others.

The only helicopter that flew in a Aérospatiale Gazelle.
Classic cars were also on display

A great dinner was served with a awards evening on the best judged aircraft of the day. A 100+ aircraft flew in for the weekend, some didn’t as said before with inclement weather stopping arrivals on Saturday morning.We look forward to next years event hosted by the
Pietermaritzburg flying Club.

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Eagle Air-The Fly Away March 2019

Eagle Air-The Fly Away March 2019

By Marcelle Nienaber – Grade 2 Instructor at Eagle Air.

Its early morning Friday, the 27th of March.

There is a slight chill in the air as 20 pilots assemble with luggage, flight plans and positive attitudes around a fleet of 9 aircraft. Fueled and ready to take to the skies for eagle Air’s first Fly-Away for 2019.

“Cleared for take-off” echoed in all the headsets as we routed to Kruger International Airport. One hour into the flight we had to divert back to Wonderboom (FAWB) due to inclement weather at Kruger. Our fleet met up and re-fueled at FAWB.

With the weather keeping its head up high, our pilots took to the skies again. This time to Bloemfontein (FABL) on route, clear skies greeted us.

After a well-deserved rest at FABL, flight plans were filed for our route to Port Elizabeth via Beaufort West.

Spectacular views of the Indian Ocean ensured excitement among all. PE welcomed Eagle Air with signature windy conditions.

With great anticipation on day 3 of the Fly-Away, the fleet departed for Cape Town via George. Touching down in George revealed adverse conditions and aircraft were secured for the night.

The skies cleared for day 4 as or journey continued on to Cape Town. More spectacular views of the mountains and sea stunned the Eagle Air fleet. We descended into Cape Town International Airport slotting seamlessly between commercial carriers. With a few hours of daylight left, the Eagle Air squad explored the streets of Cape Town, taking in all it has to offer.

Energized by the scenes of the Mother City we set off to Bloemfontein (FABL) to settle in for the final night before heading back to the Eagle Nest.

Midday on the 3rd of April, the Eagle Air fleet safely arrived back at home base.

“Six days, a dozen cities, thousands of nautical miles and immeasurable memories and experience gained” quoted by Percy Rudman.

Photo credits: Eagle Air

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SANDF Capability Demonstration and Arena Displays- Rand Easter Show 2019

The 125th Rand Easter Show has once again entertained Gauteng residents with raw power of the South African National Defence  with the South African Navy, Army, Airforce and Military Health Service all present at the Expo Centre Nasrec South of Johannesburg.

SAAF Silver Falcons fly overhead the arena

The Capability demonstration was once again a major draw card to the Rand Show as it always is and run for the first four days of the opening of the show. Unfortunately with the absence of South African Airforce helicopters as the choppers were still on operational duties in Mozambique and Malawi.

15 Squadron Agusta A109LUH on static display

We were blessed with great weather for the first 3 days of the event including the validation day before the opening of the event as their was predicted rain showers and overcast weather for the duration of the morning shows. The final day was unfortunately rained out.

2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen flown by Major Lee-Roy ‘Shinobi” Goosen and Major Kevin ‘Saffron’ Chetty

2 Squadron didn’t disappoint  with the presence of two Gripens opening the event. Major Mohua “Dobaman” Vundla with navigator Kevin “Saffron” Chetty and in the second Gripen was Major Lee-Roy “Shinobi” Goosen kept a tight formation flypast as the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula arrived on the podium to address the public on the official opening of the Rand Easter Show 2019.

2 Squadron Gripens flown by ‘Dobaman’ and “Saffron” in the first gripen and “Shinobi” in the second gripen

“I am delighted and honored to be amongst the men and women in the uniform-our country’s armed forces – during the official opening of the 2019 Rand Easter Show. Our soldiers have been patriotically exhibiting and showcasing their capabilities at this crowd – pulling event without fail since 2011 and endeared themselves to visitors from all walks of life, educating our people about the miltarys role in society and towards the defence of our constitutional dispensation.”

Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula

” The platform that the Rand Easter Show affords the South African National Defence Force is key to exposing the citizens of Gauteng and the country at large to the capabilities, state of the art technologies and the career opportunities the abound within our national defence force.”

Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula

” It is through the participation of the SANDF in events such as this one that the aspirations of young men and women–from Eldorado Park, Soweto, Tembisa, Diepsloot, Brynston, Alexandra and Dainfern- in fact throughout the country, ignites them to serve the country. “

” The Rand Easter Show has over the years been a gathering place for visitors who have proven to be owerawed by the dedication, hard work and precision with which our soldiers carry out their duties as showcased through the various capabilities demonstrated in these arena lawns.”

The capability demonstration se the theme this year as a deployment of reaction forces to support a convoy ambushed in a foreign territory. Two Ratel 90 ammoured vehicles gave support fire power as well as a lone 2 Squadron Gripen with simulated airstrikes. Simulated mortar strikes echoed in the arena as the crowds were awered of the pyrotechnics set off by the army engineers. All while this was happening a bridge laying was complete during the mock attack.

Simulated IED Mine
Ratel 90
2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen
Simulated Mortor Strikes.
Bridge Build

A 44 Squadron Casa 212 flown by Major Ashley Naxhe and  Major Nick Green and Loadmaster  Flight Sergeant Ramajela who
dropped skydivers from 44 parachute battlion with a designated landing zone in the arena. The Casa 212 then gave a beautiful fly past over the arena as they excited the special rules west area of Johannesburg.

44 Squadron CASA 212 Paradrop
44 Squadron Casa 212

The cockpit ambassadors of the South African Airforce, Silver Falcons of team 82 led by Major Omphile Matloane, Tiaan Stander, Corne Deventer, Bheki Shabangu and the soloist Major Sivu Tangana flew their 5 ship Pilatus PC7MKIIs.

Silver Falcons in the ‘Vixen’ Formation
Silver Falcons in the ‘Cobra’ formation
Silver Falcons in the ‘Starfighter’ formation

Other arena events on the program included presion drills from the SA Army and Navy. The now popular Navy gun run, a Military Police anti hijacking display, SANDF Marshal Arts demonstration. The SANDF K9 unit and field patrol. And finally the new act on the SANDF the Land Drover of the Army Technical Corpse which is demobilised and mobilized under 10 minutes. Also a favorite at this year’s event.

Thank you kindly to the Rand Easter Show organizers. We look forward to next year’s 126th event.

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BLG Wings & Wheels Festival 2019 – Uitenhage

By Conrad Pretorius
This past Saturday the 13th of April 2019 saw the annual BLG Wings & Wheels Festival come to life at the Uitenhage Airfield. The show was really well planned and meticulously presented to all the enthusiasts and visitors who attended the festival. This show really caters for everyone and as per the Association’s objectives this show really do;

Motor Falke SF-25

 “provide a community Festival to bring people/different communities
 “serve as a vehicle to provide social up-liftment”
 “Expose the community to aviation, 4 X 4 vehicles, other new &
vintage vehicles, motorcycles and stalls relating to same. At the same
time provide exposure and/or guidance to the youth regarding
possible career opportunities in the aforesaid files of
aviation/motoring industries”

Gates to the show opened Saturday morning at 08h00, and without any delay
the event was started by Römer Extreme 4×4 Challenge. This 4×4 challenge is truly unique to this festival and serves as a huge attraction for the crowds. Participants took to the challenge in standard 4×4 vehicles as well as modified “pipe cars”. This event lasted throughout the day and people flocked through the gates to come and witness the challenge.

There was also a Radio Control 4×4 – Challenge, which saw the “little brothers” take to the challenge. This event was also hugely successful and visitors really enjoyed watching these radio controlled “crawlers” showing their capabilities.

Helicopter flights was provided the visitors who wanted a bird’s eye view of
show from the air. Visitors patiently waited there turns, and one could see on the faces of both young and old what enjoyment a helicopter flight can bring.
Fixed wing flights were also provided in the SF-25 Super Falke.

SF-25 Super Falke.

Skydive Jeffreys bay provided all the skydiving entertainment for the show, and also did tandem jumps with some lucky festival visitors. The Atlas Angel C4M Kudu utilised for the jumps was also one of the most favourite aircrafts on display. The Skydive Jeffreys bay crew is extremely professional and comes highly recommended.

Atlas Angel

Another highlight of the show was the two motorcycle participants who
entertained the crowds with their “daredevil” tricks and jumps. Spurred on by the crowds these motocross type rides gave the crowd real bang for their buck.

One of the biggest if not THE BIGGEST shows of the day unfortunately could
not be performed, Patrick Davidson in his Red Bull SU-31. I am convinced that Patrick will most definitely make up for this years absence at next year’s BLG Wings & Wheels Festival as he is one of the crowd favourites at this event.

Sling 2

Veteran/ Smart cars as well as “Trike Motorcycles” were also on display, and visitors as well as petrol heads could not get enough from this display.


This 2019 edition of the BLG Wings & Wheels Festival was nothing short of
spectacular and we are looking forward to the 2020 edition of this Festival.

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SANDF to wow crowds at this years Rand Easter Show

Agusta A109LUH during an medical extraction

The South African National Defence force will once again take part and exhibit at this years Rand Easter Show at the Expo Centre Nasrec, south of Johannesburg.

The Show which was first organised in 1894 and attracted 3000 visitors quickly became part of South African heritage attracting industries and dignitaries from around the globe and has always been a firm favourite with the public, with a record 848,332 visitors attending in 1989.

2 Squadron JAS39C Gripen during the 2018 Rand Easter Show mock attacks.

The 125th Celebration promises to be one of the best shows ever with the introduction of fantastic, on trend, content. This will include Africa’s biggest celebration of the global sensation game, Fortnite, new reality cooking and talent shows, a beautifully presented Flower and Décor pavilion, a world class international Fitness Expo, Military displays, Drum Majorette Gold Cup and so much more.

SAAF Helicopter formation in 2018

The South African Airforce cockpit ambassadors will once again grace the skies over Johannesburg led by Major Omphile Matloane. Low flying aircraft will also be busy over the north of Johannesburg as they fly from AFB Swartkop and AFB Waterkloof for the first couple of days of the Rand Easter Show. Note the SANDF Capability display will take place for the first 4 days of the opening of the show.

Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team

More details on what aircraft and other SANDF assets will be posted once confirmed.

Oryx Helicopter landing in the arena where the capability demonstration will once again take place.
Events program

The Coves Flying Carnival

The Coves Fly-Inn estate which is situated on the western shore of Hartbeespoort Dam west of Pretoria. The Coves is home to many airshow pilots on the South African Airshow circuit. We see now why they have chosen the Coves to be their home!

Arrivals in the morning

What turned out to be a miserable weekend as the weather gods predicted rainy and cold conditions, turned out to be a fantastic day with lots of sunshine a scattered clouds throughout the day.

Hot Air Balloon giving some of the residents a free ride.

Some of the Visiting Aircraft

Arrival at the Coves on Saturday the 6th April 2019,gate guards at the entrance of the estate were very friendly and directed us to a parking spot alongside the airfields runway.

Nice to have seen two Piaggio Albatrosses who both flew into the Coves
a clean healthy aviation inhibited Coves estate

JP Fourie from National Airways Corporation (NAC) was the event boss for this years Coves Fly-inn or better known as the Coves Flying Carnival. The event was for pilots flying in for the day, residents and invited guests were treated to a great day of aviation. With vintage and modern aircraft taking to the skies above the Coves.

a Canon camera moment

With the event being so big this year, Capital Sounds were present to give us some of their knowledge from all the aircraft that flew in for the day, Thanks to Brian Emmenis and Leon Du Plesiss for their commentary throughout the day.

Capital Sounds Leon Du Plessis and Brian Emmenis
Capital Sounds Elvis Manene
Century Avionics

What Fly-inn in South Africa gets the South African Airforce Silver Falcons and 2 Squadron Gripen display pilot to be present at a event. Yes the Coves, Major Omphile Matloane brought some of his crew and as well as Major Geoffrey ‘Spartan’ Cooper to the event to watch some of the displays and interact with the crowds.

SAAF Silver Falcons

Capital Sounds Brian Emmenis and 2 Squadron Gripen Display Pilot Major Geoffrey ‘Spartan’ Cooper

Flying displays consisted of RC Flying displays ,The Puma Flying Lions led by Captain Scully Levin, flew out from Rand Airport for their Harvard display. The Goodyear Eagles flew a three ship Pitts Display led by Glen Warden who earlier in the day brought the SAAF Museum De Havilland Vampire T55 for a couple of low level flypasts. Jason Beamish flew his brand new extra 330 and later joined up with Nigel Hopkins in his Extra 330 for a dual sunset display. Other flypasts for the day included a mass RV Formation as well as the Coves flypasts with many resident aircraft flying past the crowd line during the day.

Puma Flying Lions
Johan von Solms in the Goodyear Pitts S2B
SAAF Museum De Havilland Vampire T55
Jason Beamish in his Extra 330
Team Extremes Jason Beamish and Nigel Hopkins
Mass Rv Formation
Jason Beamish and Silver Falcons Falcon 5 Major Sivu Tangana get airborne in a RV7 ZU-POP
Flying Fronteirs Tokkie Botes in his Bell Jetranger
Beechcraft Baron
Beechcraft Baron
Bell 230 Flypast

Well done to JP Fourie and all other members involved in making the day a huge success. We look forward to a even bigger and better fly-in next year.

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