Monthly Archives: June 2018

Cessna Fly-In Brakapn Airfield

The Brakpan Aeroclubs Social event in June saw the Cessna Fly-in at Brakpan Airfield on the 16th June 2018.As we are definitely in Winter,a cold breeze didn’t keep visitors away from the field,as the Brakpan Airfield is now a very vibrant field. The Clubhouse had a filling  breakfast to offer and a warm cup of coffee to get the day started.

Cessna’s from all over Johannesburg made their way to the field,ranging from a Cessna 195 to a Cessna 152.We also had a couple of other aircraft that flew in for the day.We made a couple of visits to greet some of the pilots in their Hangers including Ivan Van der Schaar and his Wife Sonica at the Hangar and Bed and Breakfast .What better way to wake up to the sound of aircraft…

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Rob Osner and Charles Fuller flew their beautiful Alouette III and II around the field,no one gets tired of hearing the Turbomeca Artouste turboshaft engine on the helicopter.We were later treated to a flip around the vicinity of the field.

We had a little surprise visitor from high above the field ,a Boeing C17 of the Qatar Emiri Air Force departing outbound from OR Tambo International Airport.

Once again the Brakpan Aero Club pulled off another great Fly-In,we look forward to another event in the near future.

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AAD 2018 Media Launch

With the upcoming Africa Aerospace and Defense show around the corner, excitement is definitely building as we were invited to the 100 day media launch at AFB Waterkloof officers mess in Pretoria. AAD known as the Africa Aerospace and Defense is a regular trade show and airshow held every two years at AFB Waterkloof in Pretoria South Africa ,this is all part of unlocking Africa’s Aerospace and defense potential. This show dates back to when DEXSA 1975 ,The Africa Aerospace and Defense (AAD) Expo was born from the Aerospace Africa civilian exhibition that originates from the 1975 Lanseria Air Show and the DEXSA military exhibition.
The first in the series of aviation exhibitions titled “Aviation Africa.”

In 1995 the AMD organised the hugely successful SAAF ’75 Expo in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the South African Air Force SAAF which is the second oldest air force in the world.During the trade exhibition, companies in the aviation industry were able to showcase their products in an indoor exhibition area, book hospitality chalets and display their aircraft in a static aircraft park.
The air show was open to the public and offered members of the general public the opportunity  to view  international aircraft.

During  the last AAD in 2016,we saw 12 National pavilions,75 Official delegations from 37 countries,532 Exhibitors from 34 countries,33 862 Trade visitors from105 countries,56 924 general public visitors,444 accredited local and international media,146 military and civilian aircraft and 24 978 Exhibition space.

We were welcomed by Mr.  Leon Dillman, CEO of CAASA The Commercial Aviation Association Of South Africa.The Youth Development Programme (YDP) forms an integral component of the Africa Aerospace and Defence Show, this years show promises to include the youth and provide as much needed information for them to have a career in the defence industry.


The Chief of the South African Airforce  Lt Gen “Zakes” Fabian Zimpande Msimang Keynote Address on the occasion of AAD 2018 100 days countdown:

A UAV quadcopter made a brief appearance in the media room to welcome us with a 100 day countdown message!

The Chief of Staff from the Ministry of Defence and your counterpart from the Mayors Office in the city of Tshwane;Admirals and Generals from the SANDF;Senor Officers;Chairperson of AAD 2018 Policy Committee and senior representatives from the AAD partnership; Executives and Senior Managers from the SA Government in general as well as the Gauteng Province and the City of Tshwane in particular as our host Province and City respectively; Member’s of the Diplomatic Community should any be in attendance here today; Captains of Industry; Member’s of the Media; Ladies and Gentleman…

On behalf of our Minister of Defence and Military Veterans-Ms. Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula- who is also the Chief patron for AAD;as well as on behalf of Gen Silly Shoke the CSANDF and custodian  of AAD in the SANDF and whom I am effectively representing here today-I greet you and welcome you.

A special word of welcome goes to our guests of honour ,our exhibitors,sponsors as well as other key role-players and Partners on whose invaluable support we depend to make AAD a success especially SAA as our Official Carrier,The Gauteng development Agency-GGDA as well as Gautrain.

The number 100 has taken on a renewed significance for AAD. Not only has our CiC and President of the country recently completed his 100 days in the high office but today we are exactly 100 days from this seminal and 10th instalment of this global show piece and we do so in a year when our nation is celebrating the Centenary for our founding President and CiC.

It is now a matter of record, that AAD 2016 was a resounding success. Otherwise we would not be here launching the shows 10th instalment as scheduled for the 19th to the 23rd of September 2018 and I declare that WE ARE READY!!!

This years theme is “Unlocking Africa’s Aerospace and Defence Potential”. As already mentioned, this 10th edition of AAD takes place against the backdrop of the Nelson Mandela Centenary Celebrations. The SANDF is deeply honoured to remember Nelson Mandela as its founding Commander-in-Chief and continues to be inspired by his values and vision for a Defence Force that symbolizes unity and service to all our people. It is with this in mind that we have decided that, for the duration of AAD2018 expo, Hangar 1 at Waterkloof Airforce Base will be renamed ‘Madiba Hangar’ in honour of the first Commander in Chief.

Though hosted in our beautiful capital city ,AAD is not just a South African event but a continental spectacle as well as a premier global exhibition. The Africa Aerospace and Defence Expo represents the collective aspirations of our African people.The AAD demonstrates that Africans can be masters of their own density by creating the capability for defending themselves.It also showcases Africa’s defence industrial capability which is an integral part of any country’s ability to defend its sovereignty. At AAD 2016 the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula highlighted the global challenges that we,as democratic South Africa and a leading player in the various multilateral organisations, cannot afford to ignore. Today, I would like to add the regional challenges in the form of conflicts and the twin scourges of piracy and rhino poaching.

In collaboration with our partners on the Continent, we stand ready to face these challenges in the interest of peace and security. without this collaboration our beloved continent would never realise the much-needed socio-economic development that is key to strengthening democracy on the Continent.

We are all aware of the growing cyber-threat world wide that poses a risk to all countries. It is paramount that efficient, powerful and cost effective cyber defence and cyber security solutions are implemented to protect the critical information infrastructure. During AAD2018  a work session is planned to specifically address cyber security and all exhibitors operating inn this environment are invited to be part of and share best practices and innovations.

In context of the above, AAD is not only a national and continental assets AAD is also the means and the platform for sourcing the latest technologies, equipment, services and solutions whilst availing and exposing the to our partners. This ensures we are collectively enabled and empowered to co-operate and complement each otter’s efforts in addressing the challenges as and when the arise. It is for this reason that we will continue to support and host this exhibition and to grow it into a bigger and better show well into the future.

Another important element to this years edition is the transformational part of AAD which has partnered with tow small travel agencies as part of the development of Small Micro-Medium Enterprises. Wayam Travel  and Seesa Destination Network are now the official travel partners to AAD 2018. 

It is therefore, my honour to officiate at this countdown to AAD 2018. I invite all of you, in your various capacities to engage with the relevant nodal points within the AAD partnership and defence establishment.

I look forward to meeting you all of you at AAD 2018 and make tie to explore and experience our beautiful City of Tshwane as you enjoy this renowned premier defence exhibition

I Thank you and see you at AAD 2018!

Just before the end of the media Launch, The Gen. Msimang mentioned that many foreign International aircraft have been confirmed already for the show, we will announce the aircraft as soon as we know. AAD 2018 will showcase Africa’s largest Airshow, static display and live demonstrations. We were then treated to refreshments before departing AFB Waterkloof, keep your eyes on Aviation Central for more updates on AAD 2018.










Air Total Newcastle Airshow 2018

The 8th annual Newcastle Airshow, the only show in Kwazulu-Natal took place on the 2 June 2018 at the Newcastle Airport on the outskirts of the town of Newcastle. With this show being the only show on the circuit in KZN, members of the public traveled far and wide to the norther KZN town of Newcastle to witness the ever vibrant Airshow.  This years theme was ‘Give your dreams some Wings’.

Show day saw some early morning mist around the skies of Newcastle,but didn’t last long due to the sun creeping  through the hills in the distance,some early morning arrivals from display aircraft from Gauteng and other parts of the country was a welcome sight like every other airshow as the excitement cannot be hidden before the start of an Airshow.An Aviation Career expo was held in the morning before the days proceedings took place.Other talks from pilots took place during the day.

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The show started with a Para drop from SANDF and Golden Eagles parachutists from a 15 Squadron Oryx helicopter flown by Altaaf Sheik, Warren Jobe and flight engineer Lazola Vumazonke,once the last skydiver had landed safely the Oryx crew then began giving flips to the youth who have never flown in a aircraft ever.The Aerobatics Unlimited L29 ZU-AUX flown by Glen’Gringo’ Warden showed off the eastern block aircraft the to crowds who love seeing a jet in the sky especially in Newcastle.Major Lee-Roy ‘Shinobi’ Goosen and Lt Col Johannes ‘Boerboel ‘Mashaba flew the JAS39D Gripen all the way from Air force Base Makhado in the Limpopo province ,this was the 2nd time the Gripen has flown at Newcastle,the last time was in 2012.The frontline fighter was put through its paces before its final maneuver ,a ‘Upper Charlie’ and disappearing into the blue sky.Major Lone Nel was the GLO for the SAAF Aircraft.


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Major Diaan Grobbelaar put the 15 Squadron A109LUH through its paces,one of the great A109 displays one can see at an airshow these days. The Silver Falcons Team 82 with the leadership of Major Omphile Matloane,  flew the first official airshow display as team 82 flying out of the Central Flying School of AFB Langebaanweg along the Capes West Coast. Other team member’s consists of Major Bheki Shabangu at the number 2,Major Corne van Deventer and the soloist Major Sivu Tangana. It was great to see how hard the ground crew for the Silver Falcons, they’re  are the ones who keep the aircraft maintained at all time. A big salute to all of them!

Radials that were present on the day was Menno Parsons Dc3 flown by Derek Hopkins,a first to see a DC3 at the Newcastle Airshow.The Puma flying Lions flying the T6 Harvard’s led by Captain Scully Levin. Ivan van der Schaar flew his Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman.

Brian Emmenis from Capital Sounds provided the sound for this Airshow once again.commentary for the day was professional provided by Leon Du Plessis and Brian Emmenis, keeping the public informed of all the aircraft and pilots during the course of the day, and always bringing the vibe to the airshow and getting the public excited for each act during the display slots.

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South Africa’s top aerobatic pilots from the likes of Patrick Davidson flew all the way in from Port Alfred in his RedBull sponsored Sbach 342,a first at Newcastle to have him display at this particular show.He will soon get ready for his next Redbull Air Race series in Russia in August this year. Team Extreme  two member’s, Nigel Hopkins flying his Extra330 and Mark’Buggs’Hensman flying Mark Sampson’s yellow Sbach in high energy aerobatic sequences. The Goodyear Eagles Pitts Team flew their three ship display routine under the leadership of Glen Warden, Nigel Hopkins and Jason Beamish flying the other two Pitts.

Neville Ferreira flew his newly painted Slick 540 from Kitty Hawk aerodrome to the East of Pretoria, He then raced a AMG Mercedes later in the day. Matthew Zalewski flew the Magni Gyrocopter, becoming one of the best and only Gyrocopter displays to watch at airshows.

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A big well done to the organizer of this years Newcastle Airshow, from the entire Airshow Committee and Johan Pieters and Christo van der Vyver from Champ Marketing. Johan Neilon, Pete Graham and the ATCs kept the show safe and on time.To all the emergency services that were on standby during the whole day if any incidents had to occur. Thanks to Charlie Hugo for organising the media accreditation and to Capital Sounds for providing commentary and sound during the show, to the South African Air force providing aircraft and promoting and restoring National pride to our country.To all the stakeholders who sponsored the show, this last paragraph is all for the unsung hero’s mentioned above he make these country Airshows possible.We look forward to the 9th edition of the Newcastle Airshow next year.

Please browse through our gallery below

Kroon Fly in 2018

Kroon Fly in 2018

8th Annual Fly-in was held at Kroon Airfield this weekend, 02 June and turnout was very good and the Breakfast was just amazing

We arrived just before sunrise and the team already had the fires going and getting ready for the Famous Kroon fly in breakfast.

The arrivals of the Aircraft were bit later than normal due to some airports being fogged in and VFR flights was delayed. Once they start coming, they just kept on coming and the fly in was well supported. ATC got busy at stages. Pierre v d Wald was responsible for ATC on the day and was supported by Dawie du Toit Safety for the day was Jacques Kroon. Marshalling was done by pupil pilots of Rosslyn Microflyers.

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54 Aircraft flew in and 8 local aircraft participated. 160 Breakfasts was sold. Local SAPS air-wing also stopped by for a quick breakfast.
Weather conditions and clear skies even allowed for some airliners to grace the skies at a distance towards the south heading west to east.

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If you are interested in Microlight flying, then contact Marius Nel at 0834196613

Kroon info

Kroon landing strip is 750m, excellent grass strip. Just to the South of the N4 highway to Rustenburg.
RW 11/29 (RW29 now have NO overhead power lines.)
The circuit is always to the North of the Runway, Lefthand for 11 and Righthand for 29
Freq: 124.8 (although we are South of the N4 Highway, our Circuit is to the North)
Circuit Alt: 4700ft for Trikes and 4900 for fix wings
Airfield Alt: 4330ft
Lats: 25°39’33.90″S
Longs: 28°00’00.00″E


Click to enlarge photos


International Day Of Peacekeepers 29 May 2018

The “International Day Of Peacekeepers“, May 29, is “a day to pay tribute to all the men and women who have served and continue to serve in United Nations Peacekeepers Operations their high level of professionalism, dedication, and courage and to honor the memory of those who have lost their lives in the cause of peace.The day is marked at the United Nations headquarters in New York City with the presentation of the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal, statements by the President of the General Assembly and the Secretary-General, as well as a press release regarding the state of UN Peacekeeping missions and the continued necessity of their work.
There are also observances around the world; often countries will honor their own peacekeepers abroad, but the UN also organizes festivals, discussion forums, and memorials in cooperation with local and national groups.


The South African National Defence Force Commemorated the International Day Of Uninted Nationats Peacekeepers at De Brug Weapons range outside of Bloemfontein,Free State South Africa.More than 50 South African soldiers have been killed in Blue Helmets’ missions in West Africa and the Democratic Republic of Congo during the course of the last couple of years during peace keeping missions.


A Wreath Laying was placed by SANDF Chief General Solly Shokewho joined families of the SANDF personnel that died while on United Nations peacekeeping missions.

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