Monthly Archives: December 2017

Advertising Opportunities on Aviation Central

Advertising Opportunities on Aviation Central

Good day

We are excited to announce Advertising Opportunities on Aviation Central on our website  and Facebook page.

Option 1: Once-off Sponsorship / Advertisement. By Sponsoring us absolutely anything that can help us to spread the love off Aviation, From a Cap to Fuel (Normal Diesel and Petrol), Accommodation at Events, Financial, Camera Equipment, Anything and anyway that can assist us! Will share your Business on this website and our Very busy Facebook page.  To see our current sponsors click here

Option 2: A simple image “click to follow” advert is ZAR800pm till end February 2019 or a pay once for the full year – R8000 for the year (This is an R1600 saving) PLUS we will also share your Advert on our Facebook page every two weeks (+/- twice a month) (We do have, excluding the airlines, the largest following on Facebook for any Aviation Related page in South Africa)

Although we are open to almost any Aviation related advertising, preference will be given to Flight Schools, Airlines, Aviation & Hobby shops, Scenic & Charter Operators, Aviation related clubs and those offering accommodation and Travel packages to Airshows and Aviation Events.

Quarter One 2018 stats

For Airshow and Aviation Events organizers only, we have the Big One available to you. Our Facebook page is mostly dedicated to Airshow and other aviation events, informing our followers a we will share all information and updates on Airshows for FREE, no cost, just keep us updated as much as possible and we will share and promote your event.

We do however have the Prime spot for advertising available to Airshow organizers, our Facebook Cover Image can be yours, read more here.

If you are interested in Advertising Opportunities then please contact Lettie at

If you are willing and can help us with sponsorship to cover our costs, please contact Flippie at  or phone 081 270 443Zero
* All funds will be used to “up” our game to bring Aviation Events news to our South African Aviation lovers and Aviation Central followers.
** We all at Aviation Central have Normal day jobs and do this as a hobby on our free-time for the Love for Aviation Events and by sharing the love with our followers.

Flippie van Emmenis
Owner @Aviation Central

Antonov An-124 at OR Tambo international Airport

Antonov An-124 at OR Tambo international Airport
10 Jan 2019

Antonov An-124 belonging to Volga Dnepr Airlines landed at OR Tambo international airport Johannesburg south Africa.

AN-124 departing from ORTI

Antonov AN124 from Volga-Dnepr Airlines blasting out of ORTIA from runway 03L with amazing smoke trails from those four massive engines as it climbed over the R21 highway.

Photos by Andre Nel (Click to enlarge)

Please click on Advertisement below to help keep us going! (More photos below Add)
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Photos by Michael Combrink from ORTIA Spotter, to join his Facebook page click here

An-124 at O.R. Tambo International Airport

An-124 at O.R. Tambo International Airport

An-124 at O.R. Tambo International Airport

An-124 at O.R. Tambo International Airport

Antonov An-124

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Back in 2018

This morning at just after 11am, OR Tambo international Airport saw an Antonov An-124-100M landing on runway 03R.
This flight was to bring a Replacement engine for an British Airways (BA) A380 (Reg G-XLEA) that was stranded at OR-Tambo due to an faulty engine.
The AN-124 was operated by Antonov Design Bureau, aircraft registration was UR-82027 and used flight number ADB2341. The Flight left London Stansted Airport in the United Kingdom at about 9:48pm on the 18th December 2017 and landed at ORTI at about 11:14am on the 19th December.

AN-124 at ORTI cargo-A380 Engine Photo Michael Combrink


AN-124 at ORTI cargo-A380 Engine Photo Michael Combrink


AN-124 at ORTI cargo-A380 Engine Photo Michael Combrink


AN-124 at ORTI cargo-A380 Engine Photo Michael Combrink


This was her Cargo, an Airbus A380 engine

AN-124 at ORTI cargo-A380 Engine Photo Dale Bowles


Below is the flight tracked on flightradar24 AN-124 Flight ADB2341 AN-124 Flight ADB2341


Below are photos send to us by Aviation Central followers: Thank you all for sharing your photos.

AN-124 at ORTI Photo by Brandon Dillon


AN-124 at ORTI Photo by Brandon Dillon


AN-124 at ORTI Photo by Herman Theart


AN124 rear Photo by Dylan Slater


Nice comparison AF A380 and the AN124 coming in one after the other Photo Dylan Slater


More photos

AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Andre Nel


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Jonathan Druion


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Jonathan Druion


AN-124 at ORTI – Photo by Jonathan Druion

Video by Vincent Nagel

Video by Jessica van der Merwe


On this link is a video of an British Airways A380 landing at OR Tambo international Airport ( Pls note it’s not the flight with the faulty engine)

Jarryd Sinovich ( Hawk Eye )

Jarryd Sinovich ( Hawk Eye )

Jarryd Sinovich ( Hawk Eye ), I was born in Johannesburg on the 20th July 1995.I attended Bedfordview Primary School from 2002-2008 and then attended Jeppe High School for Boys from 2009-2013.I started flying at the age of 16 and went solo at the age of 18 at Springbok Air Academy owned by Flippie Vermulen flying Cessna C150s to be more exact that being two C150s from the old Defence Flying Club which was based at AFS Zwartkop ZS-IOP and ZS-EZX. My hobbies consisted of flying, fishing, game viewing and photography. During my early days before I started flying I spent my weekends at Rand Airport in Germiston. Where I interacted with pilots, including Dennis Spence who took me for my first aerobatic flight in a Pitts Special. I also got to fly in some really exotic aircraft, A PBY Catalina being one of them, from a military point of view ,flying in my favorite SAAF helicopter an Oryx from 19 Squadron, Casa 212 and C130s.
I joined Aviation Central in May 2015,I have been following the page since January 2013,which kept up to date with airshows and other information aviation in South Africa. My first post was the 2015 Lowveld Nelspruit Airshow, which was very interesting for me as I had never done any article for any publisher. Today the Lowveld airshow is in the top three category for best airshow in South Africa. The country airshows are a favorite for me as you get interact more with pilots and the aircraft then the bigger airshows that one attends.
Before I mention anything else, let me tell you where it all started the bug I caught and could never get rid of it again. That bug was called Aviation. My dad came home from a trip to Cape Town, when I was at the age of 2,he bought for me a model of a 747.I didn’t know how to explain how happy and interested I was in that aircraft, I used to play with it day in and day out. Every time my parents went to the shop they had to buy me  a present, that present being another aero plane, over time I had a large collection of toy aircraft and then starting buying a magazine by the name of Aero Africa which I paged through to see the different aircraft pictures shown throughout the book. I then was taken to my first airshow at AFB Waterkloof in 1998,back then the show was known as DEXSA and today it is know as AAD.
During the late 90s the SAAF Museum hosted a number of flying days, which were more as airshow days, as the Museum had a large number of aircraft in flying condition at AFS Zwartkop in Pretoria. I was luck enough to go to a number of those flying days and remember seeing aircraft that we would not see flying in South Africa today. But being at Zwartkop was not just about seeing the aircraft flying, but the aircraft on static display, soaking up the art in the display halls, meeting the pilots, model display aircraft built by some of the best model fanatics out there, hearing the commentary of Brian Emmenis and probably the best lump in my throat moment would be, seeing a deadly delta behind Bays Hill screaming towards the display box.
We may not be spoilt in South Africa like other countries that have airshows with lots of warbirds and military aircraft on display, I have sure appreciated the presence of what we had, over the years I had the opportunity seeing Thunder City’s Jets, that being the Buccaneer, Lightning and Hawker Hunter. Menno Parsons in his P51 and T28 , Stu and Patrick Davidson in their Sea fury and P51 and Ron Wheeldon in his Hawker Hunters and T2 Buckeye.
It now being 2017,I have attended more than a 150+ airshows, seen people and aircraft come and go. Shared tears with others as we lost loved ones to tragic accidents, experienced some of the worlds best pilots showing off aircraft. My best airshow that I wish I could  go to one more time would be at Airforce Base Makhado, which held South Africa’s first ever Fighter Meet in 2005.The thunder in the sky from that day still gives me goosebumps. My worst airshow experience was the 2013 Secunda airshow, when Glen Dell crashed in his Extra 330.
There has been two new airshows that I have ticked off, that I attended this year that being the Matsieng airshow and Gaborone airshow in Botswana. I have one last Airshow that I will be going to with the mass SAAF participation and it being the 50th anniversary of the Silver Falcons Aerobatic team at AFB Langebaanweg on the Capes west coast.
I have so much more I can talk about in this short experience this bug has given me, I will continue doing what I love doing, and bring aviation to the world following Aviation Central and attending airshows until the day I die. Through the years there’s one person I would like to thank and for getting me this far and taking the time to take me to airshows ,my dad if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have gotten the opportunities I have had.

Lettie van Emmenis ( Administration )


Name: Lettie van Emmenis
Age: 48
Full Time Job: Office Manager
Town: Pretoria
Camera: Oops
How Did Your Passion For Aviation Start: The Bossman
At What Age Did Your Love For Aviation Start: 42
What’s Your Favourite Current Airshow: Middelburg
What’s Your Favourite Airshow To Date: Matsieng
What’s Your Most Memorable Moments: Race for Rhinos Botswana




Flippie Van Emmenis ( Boss Man

Flippie Van Emmenis ( Boss Man )



Flippie Van Emmenis ( Boss Man ), Born in Pretoria 1970, Grownup on the KZN coast, Durban, Richardsbay and Empangeni.
I was introduced to RC flying in the 80’s while in primary school. My 1st RC Club was Zululand Aero Modelers. My Instructor at that time was Carl Enslin and what a great man he is!
My dad was my number 1 supporter and he was always there to support me with my interests.  He always helped me build my RC airplanes and accompanied me to the air fields, he assisted me with startup and help maintaining the Radio controlled aircraft flying.  At the Age of 15 in 1985, I flew RC at an Airshow that was hosted at Empangeni Airstrip, I again competed in 1986 at the Empangeni Airshow and the 1986 Richards bay Airshow. We moved to Pretoria in 1988 where I completed my last two years of schooling and was a member of the Rosslyn Aero Modelers RC Club.

Flippie van Emmenis

In 1990, just after completing school, I did my National Services (Army) and was called up to Youngsfield Army Base in Cape town. I was luckyvery lucky to be selected for the Skylift team and what an experience it was. We flew RC aircrafts for the Anti-Aircraft group for practice. Myself, Rob Hearn and Andrew Imrie were based at Lohatla, in the Northern Cape. We damaged/pranged more aircraft than what were shot down.

After my Army years, I started working at Telkom, called the Post Office at that time. I am still with Telkom and it is still my day job.
My Best Airshow ever was the SAAF75 held at Waterkloof AFB in 1995. My best Aviation Event Ever was the 2017 Race for Rhinos held at Sowa Pan! #ILoveBotswana and the most fun I had at an event was at the Durban Sky GP held at Durban North Beach!  My most loved small-town shows are the, Middelburg and Newcastle shows. On my bucket list to still attend is the Lowveld show in Nelspruit.  The ultimate experience would be to attend the The International Russian show called the MAKS in Moscow. I Attended in 1985 the South African World Masters Aerobatics Champs La Mercy held in Durban and the WAC 2017 held at Malelane.

My additional Hobbies are building model trains and observing wild life and just driving the open road.

My life as the Team lead of Aviation Central started in 2010 when I joined Aviation Central as n normal “Like” at that time. Aviation Central had at that stage about 260 likes and I ,as an Airshow fan, started commenting and posting. After a while, the owner at that time, Elan Hoffman, asked If I can assist him on the page and made an Administrator on the page. I had the time in hand that Elan did not have. With more posts and information on the Aviation Central page, the likes were growing and in 2013 we had 1600 likes, Elan contacted me again and handed owner ship over to me. By that time, I had already sourced/lined up John James to help me on the Page. Shortly after I was handed over the ownership, I started looking out for two more team Members to join us on Aviation Central. Soon after that I recruited/found Jarred and Trevor.  I want to send you a big thank you to my lovely wife, and AC Admin lady, Lettie, for supporting with my love of Aviation

The Aviation Central Team, Team AC, is a very dedicated team and backed by our Admin Lady Lettie (Also my stunning wife). I was given the Callsign “BossMan” by my team. I used to be the Guy onom my camping chair at an Airshow, or sitting next to an Airport, just looking at the aircraft!
Now, we are dedicated to bring Aviation, Aviation Events, Radio Controlled and the Real Deal to all Aviation Fans in South Africa. From the Guy Attend airshows, Plane spotters, RC guys, Aviation Support crews, Pilots and the Guy always looking up if a plane goes over… You are our biggest fans.

My hobby becomes my passion and my passion becomes my life. We are doing it for the love of Aviation and therefore our time we spend are free and with love.

Read about the rest of the Team….

Thank you all


Langebaanweg Airshow 2017

Langebaanweg Airshow 2017

See it, Hear it and feel it was the theme of the 2017 Langebaanweg Airshow, When talk started of the beginning of the year about the Silver Falcons 50th Anniversary, This was a show not to be missed at all. For those who don’t know this is where most pilots start their basic flying training and is home to the Central Flying School and The Silver Falcons Aerobatic team. The base is situated a few kilometers outside the windy town of Langebaan and windy it was, which was set to be on the program for most of the day.

The morning of the 9th December was D-day for the long awaited Langebaanweg Airshow, we were blessed with clear skies but unfortunately the wind was one up with the organisers. Brigadier General Mac Mathanda and his team made sure that this show was not to be missed with a lot of the public attending the show from far and wide would not be disappointed. The layout of the base made easy access to and from the crowd lines and  to static displays but also made sure one did not make contact with one of the resident Cape Cobras on the day!

The show opened with the SAAF fire and rescue services cavalcade, while a heritage formation made up of the Puma Flying Lions, followed by a single Impala and lastly a fly-past by team 81 in the Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team. As the crowds starting filling up the show continued with the Puma Flying Lions led by Captain Scully Levin, the sound of a radial engine brought back many memories to the base as the Harvard was once the basic trainer before the introductory of the Swiss Pilatus Pc7mk11.Scully then flew onto Cape Town International Airport to fetch the Mango 737-800 which was later flanked by the Silver Falcons Aerobatic team led by Major Mark’Katana’Gentles.

SAA Captain Pierre Gouws led the Raptors RVs from the home base in Kitty Hawk in the east of Pretoria with tight formation aerobatics been put to use. Nigel Hopkins in his Extra 330 led Team Extreme, with two Sbachs flown by Jason Beamish and Mark ‘Sammy’ Sampson and the slot pilot Mark ‘Bugs’ Hensman in his Mx2.Andrew Blackwood Murray show off his colorful Nashua Extra 300 from his home base at Rand Airport.

With the long crowd line the Capital Sounds team provided excellent sound and commentary, which was made up by Brian Emmenis, Leon Du Plessis and Col Keith Fryer. This gave a heads up before displays and made you feel like you were sitting in the cockpit with the pilots during the time of their displays. Col Keith Fryer was also air boss for the day and Col Keith Andrews, them and the SAAF ATC made sure the show was safe and display ran on time.

21 Pc7mkii formed a formation in a 50 representing the 50th anniversary of the Silver Falcons flown by the instructors of the Central Flying School. Radio Controlled aircraft were still flown despite the strong wind.

Helicopter displays saw a 15 Squadron A109LUH and a 22 Squadron Oryx performed an aerial ballet for the public, The A109 then put on a solo display flown by Diaan Grobbelaar. A single 16 Squadron Rooivalk from AFB Bloemspruit showed off why its such a great assest in the DRC, Paul’Raccoon Kempie’Kempthorn.A brand new Ec145 operated by AMS at Cape Town International Airport gave a hoisting demo.

Former Falcon 5 Shaun’Dexter’Constable flew a solo Pilatus Pc7mkii display, while the fighters from AFB Makhado with high speed paces from the 85 Combat Flying School Hawk Mk120 flown by Craig’Shark’Lesson and Major Geoffrey ‘Spartan’Cooper making 2 Squadron proud in his ever popular Gripen display.

Another Former leader of the Silver Falcons Major Scott Ternent displayed the C47TP from 35 Squadron AFB Ysterplaat and not to be outdone by the 28 Squadron C130BZ.Civilain jets saw the Wonderboom based Impala Mk1 and now based PE L39 ZU-TEE painted in the same colour scheme as Middelburg based L39 ZU-IBN.

The breaking of the sound barrier close to 34000 feet by Rehan ‘Kaine’ Venter in the Gripen was what everyone came to hear,they’re weren’t disappointed.This particular show was the first airshow since 1995,this was our first visit to the base. We hope that the organizers wont be shy to have another show soon. The work and effort put in was great you did the SAAF proud.





Best of 2017 photo album

Best of 2017 photo album

Due to requests from those on holiday, the deadline has been extended to

31st Dec 2017, MIDNIGHT **Final**

As we are nearing the end of 2017 and the last airshow of the year is now over, we are going to do a Best of 2017 Photos album. If you want to see your photos in our album, please send us not more than two photos that you want see in the Best of 2017 photo album.
Each photo should not exceed 1Mb per photo and add your watermark as to give yourself credit for your stunning photos. In 30 words or less, you can tell us something about your photo if you feel the need.

Photos will be posted on our website and then shared on our Facebook page where 10’s of thousands of people will see your Aviation Related photos of 2017.

Do you want to give your photos exposure? Then send your photos to
Please note this is not a competition, but a bragging opportunity! Submissions closes 26 December 2017.

Langebaanweg, Skies are getting busy!

Langebaanweg, Skies are getting busy!

Update: Midday Friday
Capital Sounds setting up , Silver Falcons flew for the Wings Parade, Flying Lions completed validation and C130 getting ready with Paratroopers. Impala  ZU-IMP just arrived from Gauteng.
Photos on ground setup taking place!  Photos by Russell Dixon-Paver

Airshow box

Crowd line right

With SAAF hardware mostly arrived on Wednesday, Thursday saw many SAAF validation Flights.
View Full weekend programe
From CASA and C130 to Hawk and Gripen, DC3 and more.   Below are some Photos by Russell Dixon-Paver , Keep your eyes on this page for more updates during the day as SAAF and civilian Aircraft will be validating today!

Langebaanweg Hawk

Langebaanweg DC3

Langebaanweg CASA

Langebaanweg DC3

Langebaanweg Hawk



(The Phonetic Alphabet)

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In the world of aviation, pilots and air traffic controllers use special jargon to communicate with one another. This special jargon, called the Aviation Alphabet, uses the same 26 letters many of us learned in kindergarten. Each letter has a corresponding word used to identify aircraft, often called the tail number, and taxiways, which are just like the roads we drive on.

Want to learn to fly? Then read here..

The Nato Phonetic Alphabet, also sometimes referred to as Alpha Bravo Charlie.

Letter: Code Word: Pronunciation:
A Alpha Al fah
B Bravo Brah Voh
C Charlie Char Lee
D Delta Dell Tah
E Echo Eck Oh
F Foxtrot Foks Trot
G Golf Golf
H Hotel Hoh Tell (FAA, IMO, ITU) Ho Tell (ICAO)
I India In Dee Ah
J Juliett Jew Lee Ett
K Kilo Key Loh
L Lima Lee Mah
M Mike Mike
N November No Vem Ber
O Oscar Oss Car
P Papa Pah Pah
Q Quebec Keh Beck
R Romeo Row Me Oh
S Sierra See Air Ah (FAA) See Air Rah (ICAO, IMO, ITU)
T Tango Tang Go
U Uniform You Nee Form
V Victor Vik Tah
W Whiskey Wiss Key
X X Ray Ecks Ray
Y Yankee Yang Key
Z Zulu Zoo Loo


Numbers (FAA, ICAO)

Number: Code Word: Pronunciation:
0 Zero Zee Row
1 One Wun
2 Two Too
3 Three Tree
4 Four Fow Er
5 Five Fife
6 Six Six
7 Seven Sev En
8 Eight Ait
9 Niner Nine Er

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Here is an example of how the Aviation Alphabet would be used between a pilot and the Air Traffic Control Tower:

Air Traffic Control Tower ACAir Pilot:
“OR Tower, ACAir 6587 4 Echo Romeo ready for takeoff.”
Air Traffic Control Tower:
“ACAir 6587 Echo Romeo taxi via taxiway Juliet and hold short Runway 30 Right.”
ACAir Pilot:
“Roger Philly Tower. Taxiing via Juliet and holding short of Runway 30 Right.”





Black Hawk “The Puppy” update Dec 2017

Black Hawk “The Puppy” update Dec 2017

Progress update on the 1st BlackHawk helicopter (ex US Army) in South Africa
To read our 1st article on this beautiful bird “The Puppy” Click here

They are almost finished the refurbishment and will install the main rotor blades next week and are busy with the assembly/import certificate of airworthiness inspection.
The Blackhawk ZT-RGA  has been named “The Puppy” by The Owner, Mark and the crew working on her.

Information on The Puppy

  • Aircraft Type: Rotorcraft
  • Manufacturer: SIKORSKY
  • Model: UH-60A
  • Serial:80-23446
  • Year of Manufacture: 1980
  • No. Engines: 2
  • Manufacturer: GE
  • Type: Turbo-shaft
  • Model: T700-GE-700
  • Horsepower: 01561
  • SA Reg: ZT-RGA*

* ZT-xxx is now used in SA for rotor-craft

Below are some Puppy photos taken today. (2017-12-06)












Some older photos. (2017-10-30)

Our 1st article on this beautiful bird “The Puppy” Click here




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