Tag Archives: Capability Demonstration

Armed Forces Day 2020 Capability Demonstration |Night Shoot- Roodewal Bombing Range

The most anticipated event of the Armed Forces Week taking place in Polokwane had to be the capability demonstration at the Roodewal Bombing Range a few kilometres outside the Limpopo capital Polokwane.

Guests were flown up to Polokwane by a charted aircraft,where they were then bused to the bombing range,to witness some of the different assets the South African National Defence Forces Firepower!

The display of arms started with various vehicles showing their fire power, that being the Ratel 90,Olifant MK2 battle tanks are just to name a few.Pathfinders were then dropped into the battle zone as that was the beginning of the mechanised attack from different mechanised armored vehicles, air assets and other ground forces.

Ratel 90
Olifant mk2

The South African Airforce are big favourites at Roodewal as this is the home to 2 Squadron and 85 Combat Flying School as their weapons training grounds. An Oryx Helicopter simulated a fire fighting task, with a Bambi bucket equipped underneath the helicopter.

Oryx Helicopter

The fighters assets provided a recce run, with a single gripen and hawk. A 2v1 combat routine was then shown by two friendly JAS39C Gripens and a enemy Hawk Mk120.

Hawk & Gripen Formation
2 Squadron JAS39C Gripen

Trooping was tasked to a pair of Oryx helicopters with fast ropping, followed by two Agusta A109 helicopters providing a mock hoisting operation from a downed pilot scenario.

Agusta A109LUH

From the transport line including 44 Squadron with a single Casa 212 simulated a tactical cargo supply drop. A 41 Squadron Cessna 208A Caravan was the eye in the sky providing top cover footage to both the spectators and playing a vital role during the entire period of the demonstration with aerial visuals to the coordinators of the simulated battle zone.

44 Squadron Casa 212
41 Squadron Cessna 208A Caravan

The invited guests were treated to see 2 different 16 Squadron Rooivalks in camo and in white, the proudly south African made helicopter provided both cannon and rocket fire gun runs during the demo.

16 Squadron Rooivalk rocket strike!
16 Squadron Rooivalk

Bombing runs were then up next ,with Hawks and Gripens and then followed by a 30mm Aden cannon strike from four Hawks on Charlie Coke known to the pilots as the famous weapons strike zone!

Hawk Bomb Run
The Aftermath
Hawk 30mm Cannon

The night shoot was made up of all arms of ground forces fire power at Roodewal,as well as a cannon and rocket strike from a Rooivalk Helicopter. A single gripen flew directly over the crowd with full afterburner as it reached for the Limpopo night skies filled with dropping flares,a oryx helicopter following next with a flare drop to close off this years Armed Forces Day Capability demonstration.

Oryx Helicopter Flares

A very big well done to all members of the South African National Defence Force that made the event possible and abling the media to attend these exciting demo’s!

SANDF Capability Demonstration and Arena Displays- Rand Easter Show 2019

The 125th Rand Easter Show has once again entertained Gauteng residents with raw power of the South African National Defence  with the South African Navy, Army, Airforce and Military Health Service all present at the Expo Centre Nasrec South of Johannesburg.

SAAF Silver Falcons fly overhead the arena

The Capability demonstration was once again a major draw card to the Rand Show as it always is and run for the first four days of the opening of the show. Unfortunately with the absence of South African Airforce helicopters as the choppers were still on operational duties in Mozambique and Malawi.

15 Squadron Agusta A109LUH on static display

We were blessed with great weather for the first 3 days of the event including the validation day before the opening of the event as their was predicted rain showers and overcast weather for the duration of the morning shows. The final day was unfortunately rained out.

2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen flown by Major Lee-Roy ‘Shinobi” Goosen and Major Kevin ‘Saffron’ Chetty

2 Squadron didn’t disappoint  with the presence of two Gripens opening the event. Major Mohua “Dobaman” Vundla with navigator Kevin “Saffron” Chetty and in the second Gripen was Major Lee-Roy “Shinobi” Goosen kept a tight formation flypast as the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula arrived on the podium to address the public on the official opening of the Rand Easter Show 2019.

2 Squadron Gripens flown by ‘Dobaman’ and “Saffron” in the first gripen and “Shinobi” in the second gripen

“I am delighted and honored to be amongst the men and women in the uniform-our country’s armed forces – during the official opening of the 2019 Rand Easter Show. Our soldiers have been patriotically exhibiting and showcasing their capabilities at this crowd – pulling event without fail since 2011 and endeared themselves to visitors from all walks of life, educating our people about the miltarys role in society and towards the defence of our constitutional dispensation.”

Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula

” The platform that the Rand Easter Show affords the South African National Defence Force is key to exposing the citizens of Gauteng and the country at large to the capabilities, state of the art technologies and the career opportunities the abound within our national defence force.”

Minister of Defence and Military Veterans
Nosiviwe Noluthando Mapisa-Nqakula

” It is through the participation of the SANDF in events such as this one that the aspirations of young men and women–from Eldorado Park, Soweto, Tembisa, Diepsloot, Brynston, Alexandra and Dainfern- in fact throughout the country, ignites them to serve the country. “

” The Rand Easter Show has over the years been a gathering place for visitors who have proven to be owerawed by the dedication, hard work and precision with which our soldiers carry out their duties as showcased through the various capabilities demonstrated in these arena lawns.”

The capability demonstration se the theme this year as a deployment of reaction forces to support a convoy ambushed in a foreign territory. Two Ratel 90 ammoured vehicles gave support fire power as well as a lone 2 Squadron Gripen with simulated airstrikes. Simulated mortar strikes echoed in the arena as the crowds were awered of the pyrotechnics set off by the army engineers. All while this was happening a bridge laying was complete during the mock attack.

Simulated IED Mine
Ratel 90
2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen
Simulated Mortor Strikes.
Bridge Build

A 44 Squadron Casa 212 flown by Major Ashley Naxhe and  Major Nick Green and Loadmaster  Flight Sergeant Ramajela who
dropped skydivers from 44 parachute battlion with a designated landing zone in the arena. The Casa 212 then gave a beautiful fly past over the arena as they excited the special rules west area of Johannesburg.

44 Squadron CASA 212 Paradrop
44 Squadron Casa 212

The cockpit ambassadors of the South African Airforce, Silver Falcons of team 82 led by Major Omphile Matloane, Tiaan Stander, Corne Deventer, Bheki Shabangu and the soloist Major Sivu Tangana flew their 5 ship Pilatus PC7MKIIs.

Silver Falcons in the ‘Vixen’ Formation
Silver Falcons in the ‘Cobra’ formation
Silver Falcons in the ‘Starfighter’ formation

Other arena events on the program included presion drills from the SA Army and Navy. The now popular Navy gun run, a Military Police anti hijacking display, SANDF Marshal Arts demonstration. The SANDF K9 unit and field patrol. And finally the new act on the SANDF the Land Drover of the Army Technical Corpse which is demobilised and mobilized under 10 minutes. Also a favorite at this year’s event.

Thank you kindly to the Rand Easter Show organizers. We look forward to next year’s 126th event.

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The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is hosting Armed Forces Day (AFD) 2019 in Cape Town from 16 to 21 February 2019. The event is aimed at honouring the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives on the line of duty and those who continue selflessly serving our country. The AFD 19 is the highlight on the SANDF event calendar. This annual celebration by our country’s armed forces is hosted on a rotational basis by each of South Africa’s nine provinces.

The event also coincides with the commemoration of the fateful sinking of the SS MENDI on 21 February 1917 when over 600 South African men perished in the icy waters of the English Channel, of which 607 were from the South African Native Labour Corps and 33 crew members.

The event also serves to create consensus on defence by taking the SANDF to the people. During AFD, the public is afforded an opportunity to interact with the men and women in uniform and is exposed to the capabilities of our country’s state-of-the-art military equipment. AFD is also a platform to test the SANDF’s logistical capabilities and state of readiness.

AFD is a joint presentation by all arms of service and divisions of the SANDF and demonstrates unity of effort from our military.

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The SA Army will contribute an array of assets ranging from long-range artillery guns, tanks and armoured cars, bridge building and water purification capabilities, advanced battle field surveillance and intelligence capabilities, ground based air defence capabilities and battle winning infantry skills.

SA Air Force has a number of assets comprising of ground and air crew, general support staff, command and control personnel inclusive of communication as well as safety and planning elements. Amongst the platforms on display are helicopters: the Agusta A109, Oryx, Rooivalk and Super Lynx. The Gripens and Hawks jet fighters as well as the transport fleet comprising the CASA 212, King Air, PC 12 will also feature at this year’s event.

The SA Navy will contribute two support vessels – (South African Ship) SAS DRAKENSBERG and PROTEA, two Frigates – SAS AMATOLA and SPIOENKOP, two Offshore Patrol Vessels – SAS MAKHANDA, SAS GALESHEWE and a Submarine – S101 SAS MANTATISI. 

The South African Military Health Services (SAMHS) will provide medical support to all SANDF members involved in the event and also exhibit their capabilities such as the Air Droppable Surgical Post, Communicable Disease Isolation Unit and Mobile Hospitals.

The event comprises a series of planned activities building up to the main parade on 21 Feb where the President of the Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the SANDF will be the main functionary. 

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These activities are:

Static Display of Military Equipment and Live Arena Military Demonstrations, 16 -19 Feb at the Mandela Park Sports Stadium (Khayelitsha), 08:00 – 18:00 (Daily).

CSANDF/CISM FUN RUN 5km and 10km, 16 Feb at the Sea Point Promenade, (Registration at 06:00), 08:00 for 08:30.

SA Navy Ships and Submarine Opening, 16 – 17 Feb at the V&A Waterfront, Ships:  09:00 – 15:00, Submarine: 10:00 – 14:00.

Band performance and sea cadets marching through, 16 – 17 Feb at the V&A Waterfront, 16:00.

Inter-Faith Service, 17 Feb at Cape Town City Hall at 10:00.

Sports Clinics for primary schools, Grades 6 and 7, 16 – 20 Feb at Pama Road, Khayelitsha Stadium.

Night Shooting Rehearsal, at Muizenberg (Sunrise Beach), 19:30.

Night Shooting, at Muizenberg (Sunrise Beach). 19:30.

Military Parade and Capability Demonstration, 21 Feb: Military parade to include marching and mechanised columns (10:30 -13:00) and will be followed by military capability demonstration (13:00) at Table View Beach.

Entry is free and members of the public are invited to attend. In anticipation of large numbers expected to attend these activities, there will be viewing areas with big screens at the Grand Parade, Mandela Park Sports Stadium (Khayelitsha) and Table View Beach.

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