Tag Archives: Middelburg Aero Club

The Middelburg Speed Navigation Rally – 26th June 2022

  by Rob Jonkers

This is the 2nd Speed Rally in Season 4 for 2022, which has been fraught with challenges to get going, what with a venue change, skyrocketing fuel price and unseasonal weather. This is the 6th SAPFA event in as many months that has been affected by weather, seems that this year is jinxed in some way, what with following on of the two Covid years as well. So, now it seems a common term that everybody has now heard of “Cut off low” again made its appearance over SA, exactly a month later where the PTAR was also disrupted.

Strange that in mid winter having significant summer type rainfall in June. The initial weather prediction earlier in the week only showed cloudy conditions for Wednesday and Thursday, and as the week started to unfold, did the prediction see poorer conditions for Friday and Saturday, with all indictions that there would still be good enough conditions. Friday saw many arrivals after midday atter the morning low cloud had lifted, and test flights could be carried out of 5 new aircraft entries, four being new types not having flown in Speed Rallies before, an Ercoupe, a Maule, a Pioneer 300 and a Sequoia Falco.

The first Friday afternoon briefing was done at 6 PM, with a weather prognosis not very favourable but still showed promise of a window of clear enough weather in the early afternoon – shown on the spot graph for the local area.

Saturday morning dawned with rain, which although drying up a short while later with the cloud base rising, only two of the remaining competitors flew in, with five others still stuck at their fields. After holding three weather briefings at 9, 10 & 11 am, the event was scrubbed with an agreement to reconvene to Sunday where the weather was predicted to be clear and pristine. With everybody securing an additional night stay over, most of the teams and officials found their way to Ginelli’s for an excellent dinner and company, with a good fly-off finish before retiring for some good sleep…..

Sunday morning proved to start off in pristine cloudless and windless conditions, but icy cold with a high pressure system now dominating over the Highveld. However as the early morning unfolded the wind started picking  up from the south east.

After having 16 entries, the field was reduced to 11, 5 having had to withdraw not being available for the Sunday. After an 8h30 briefing by Iaan Myburgh, we got everybody ready for a 10h30 first take-off, with scrutineering actions and releasing papers 25 minutes prior take-off. Having had to change the take-off runway to 14 due to the 10+ kt wind, groups of 3 aircraft had to backtrack the runway to get into position. This worked out well, everybody got off onto their route, with the exception of Race 6 ZS-FMH who developed a flat tyre.

After all teams having returned and safe on the ground, the scoring team got to work to analyse the results, with the tracks for a number being quite accurate, although some had wobbles, two had got significantly lost. The scores were released fairly quickly, and prize giving could be held at 13h15 before everybody would pack up for home.

For the Navigation Accuracy category, third place went to Lex and Christo Erasmus in their first time flight of their Ercoupe ZS-VCE, in 2nd  place Apie Kotzee and Hendrik Loots in their Robinson R66 ZS-HRS, and in 1st  place Quintin Kruger & Johan Whiteman in their Cherokee 235 ZS-FVV.

For the Handicap/Speed category, third place went to Lex and Christo Erasmus in their Ercoupe ZS-VCE, in 2nd  place Gareth Pollock & Marcus Nouwens in the Maule ZS-MNW, and in 1st  place Quintin Kruger & Johan Whiteman in their Cherokee 235 ZS-FVV.

Overall Winners in third place went to Gareth Pollock & Marcus Nouwens in the Maule ZS-MNW, in 2nd  place Lex and Christo Erasmus in their Ercoupe ZS-VCE, and in 1st  place Quintin Kruger & Johan Whiteman in their Cherokee 235 ZS-FVV.

Many thanks to the Middelburg Aero Club for hosting this fantastic event, supporting with logistics and great meals available throughout the day, Nigel Musgrave as the Safety Officer, Iaan Myburgh doing the scoring, as well as taking up the Deputy Event Director role, Marc Robinson with his team from Century Avionics for technical scrutineering, Chareen Atherton & Anthea Cronin for aircraft scrutineering, and Moira Wakeley for handling the Papers. Race Master David le Roux did some double duty also being the race starter, and arranged for a number of live video pod casts.

Also thanks to our headline sponsors Holborn Assets, Pilot Insure, Flying Eyes and our sponsored teams, Prompt Roofing, Beagle Tracking, Gem Air and Mnandi Signs.

Our next Speed Rally event will be in Groblersdal on the 27th August 2022.

Aero Club Air Week- Middelburg 2022

The Aero Club Airweek held from Friday 22 nd to Sunday 24 th April is an event showcasing all of
General & Recreational Aviation as an annual event, which in recent years has been hosted by the
Middelburg Aero Club where there are excellent facilities and open airspace. In 2021 it was the
Centenary Year + 1 (as 2020 was cancelled – literally….), where 2021 with Airweek being one of the
first events post Covid, it became a big attraction for attendance with around 150 aircraft of various
types participating.

This year and also in conjunction with the EAA Convention, it was more subdued
in terms of attendance given variability of weather outlook (although weather was excellent through
the whole weekend) as well as economics coming in to play with fuel now hitting R30/l.

In any event, those that attended saw activities as a real gem, from no less than 10 aviation related
exhibitors, Flying Lions & Goodyear Eagles displays, Dawn Balloon flights to a EAA Navex hosted by
SAPFA. There were around 100 aircraft in attendance from Friday through to Sunday, with many
campers on the well prepared lawn adjacent the club.

As is the tradition at Airweek, the Saturday night dinner was also the awards evening, with Aero Club
handing out some fun awards, these being:

 Most Enthusiastic Team Award – The Bateleurs who had prime spot at the event
 Bob the Builder Award (Best Homebuilt) – Richard & Irene Lovett – RV14 – ZU-ITF
 Fairy Award (Best Light Sport Aircraft) – Lance Holland – Cheetah – ZU-DKI
 The old and Beautiful Award (Best Vintage Aircraft) – Patrick Watson – Cessna 140 – ZU-ECP
 The Powdered Pampered Bum Award (Best Warbird) – Steve George – Navion – ZS-WUK
 Piping Hot Award (Hottest Air Balloon) – Mario Febbrario – ZS-HOK

Many thanks go to our sponsors Vektor Aviation & Sport Plane Builders, support we had from our
exhibitors, the photographers & journalists, the Middelburg Aero Club, without all these entities we
would not have been able to hold the event.

The Aero Club is looking at reinforcing this event as the GA & RA annual showcase, and will be
working again with Middelburg to host again in 2023 where we will be looking at expanding the
activities on a wider front.

Thanks to Pieter Cronje for the beautiful pictures!

What to expect for the Aero Club Airweek 2019

Some of the provisional entries on the list for the Aero Club Airweek 2019 that is scheduled for this week that ends with a Stunning High Energy Middelburg Airshow 2019 that will future Fireworks and Dragster Cars racing against Aircraft and Choppers.
Proudly hosted by Middelburg Aero Club
Don’t Forget that is a build-up to Airweek 2020 when the Aero Club of South Africa will be celebrating 100 Years

SAPFA Rally Training Camp

SAPFA Rally Training Camp – Aerosud Premises 19 January 2019 – by Rob Jonkers

SAPFA held a very successful training event on Rally Navigation on Saturday 19th January as the first SAPFA event of the year. Initially planned for a maximum of 30 participants, and at Grand Central, the eventual total participation was 50, and fitting everybody into the Aerosud training hall proved a challenge.

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Alan Evan Hanes – GM of the Aero Club with a short Aero Club Intro

It is great to see the sport being supported so enthusiastically, and the willingness to learn these basic skills of map reading and planning. The GM of the Aero Club Alan Evan Hanes opened the day with a brief overview of the Aero Club and its functions, that the Aero Club has as its mission to protect all forms of Recreational Aviation, and supports Sections of the Aero Club such as SAPFA to be able hold successful events within the procedures governing recreational aviation in SA.

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The Participants – 50 in total

With that Mary de Klerk took charge and laid out the objectives of the day, by initially going through the theory of plotting, and then to practice on an actual plot. With this year of 2019 having a full calendar of events, and the Nationals coming up in April in Stellenbosch, and with SAPFA having won the bid to host the World Rally Flying Championships in 2020 (which is also the Centenary year of the Aero Club), this training event would serve as an excellent platform to entice new members to the sport and to start training for the Internationals and obtain Protea Colours.

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Mary first started off with having everybody introduce themselves, and what they each had as objectives for training, some were there as newbies interested in taking part in the sport, some having takien part previously indicated they needed some formal and expert training, and some others indicated they just wanted to delve more in depth than what a ppl course would give on the art of paper based navigation.

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The Rally Plotting Class of 2019

From there Mary outlined the theory on plotting procedures and described the tools of the trade. Then it was off to plotting an example course which had to be done from basic plotting principles of co-ordinates, bearings (which could be in either true or magnetic) and distances (either in nm of km). Each turning point then had to be found and identified and linked into legs, some of which could be arcs or follow map features.

The goal in getting to National level standard is to be able to plot in the aircraft with a papers time of around 30-40 minutes prior take-off, which means speed is of the essence in doing the plot, so that the navigator can assist with finding and identifying the ground photos.

The morning’s training ended off at around 11 am, and after a short break, everybody got their first route in an envelope, got the laminated transparent tool, which they had to cut out, and proceeded to plot each of the turn points making up the route. It was decided to proceed right through lunch, and most had finished their plot by after 2pm. The course was ended off with an in cockpit video of one of Rob & Martin’s 2012 rally flights to show how the leg photo features match up with the real world outside to give the perspective of what one sees outside the cockpit from the flying height and distance.

Everybody left with some knowledge gained on plotting and techniques of planning & flying a rally, and it is hoped that many will come to the Rand Challenge on the 26th January and Nationals in April.

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Daniel Ralefeta and his team of Rise Above Aviators getting ready to plot

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Feverously map reading and plotting

The Track shown of Route 2 – an anti-clockwise route

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Martin Meyer assisting Dave Thomas

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Mark and Rene Clulow figuring the plot

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Newbies to the sport, Time Scharf, Conrad van Coller and Daniel Ralefeta

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Mary de Klerk assisting Melika Mohapi with Franz Smit & Ashley Loynes at left

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Kim Pratley and his son Andrew Pratley working their plot

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Protea pilot Adrian Pilling and newly minted ppl pilot son Adam learning from the expert

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Arthur Piercy working his plot

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Michael Stofberg & Bryony Martin from 104 squadron

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Virtual Aviators Johan van Wyk and Freek Stegman

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Shaun Barron with Cally Eckard helping in the background

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Rob Jonkers explaining some flying techniques

2019 Airshow Season

2018 has come and gone and saw some fantastic airshow displays across Southern Africa. We trust all our followers had a great festive season and some well spent time with loved ones!

We would like to wish all our followers a Happy New Year to you and your loved ones,2019 we should have a busier year with some action packed return events on the airshow circuit this year.

2018 Season

A quick recap on lasts years airshow season saw the welcome return of the Ermelo Airshow in Mpumalanga. The show had a great turnout and many of South Africa’s top airshow performers


Armed Forces Day which was held in Kimberly Northern Cape had a major SANDF presence, we were lucky enough to be invited to the Weapons Demo at De Brug Weapons Range in Bloemfontein. We got to witness all forms of Fire Power from all the South African National Defence Force.


Race for Rhinos saw our team make way to Sua Pan in Botswana, we made our 3 hour journey up from Wonderboom Airport onboard Little Annie AN2.And got to witness the worlds biggest air race, with all funds raised going to supporting Africa’s Endangered Rhino!


The Africa Aerospace and Defence show at AFB Waterkloof was a major success and I’m sure we all waiting for the 2020 edition of the show.


Before any airshows take place the boys and girls in the Cape must get ready for Armed Forces Day which will be taking place in Bloubergstrand. Many types of SAAF aircraft will be keeping Capetonians eyes to the sky.

Armed Forces Day 2019

2019 airshow season will be kicking off with the Middelburg Airshow and Aeroclub-Air Week at Middelburg Airfield in Mpumalanga from 7-10 March 2019. The country airshows are always a favourite and access to aircraft and pilots is always a guarantee among the crowds.

Middelburg Airshow 2019
Airweek 2019 Logo

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Some news for 2019

Get your own Airshow and Aviation Events Desktop calendar here

Aviation Centrals Newest Member

We would like to introduce one of our newest members to the Aviation Central Team, Mr Alan Richert who hails from Hilcrest in Kwa-Zulu Natal.

Alan Richert

He will be covering the Natal Aviation events with our Aviation Centrals Trevor Viljoen. We look forward to your beautiful pictures and reviews Alan!

Some pictures from some RC Flying along the coast this past weekend Alan took, while Trevor Viljoen at the controls of the RC Aircraft!

Trevor Viljoen at the controls

Seen at Virginia Airport (FAVG) January 2019

Netcare Bell 222

See also https://www.aviationcentral.co.za/the-aero-l29-delfin-the-soviet-trainer/#more-4211

Silver Falcons Team 82

The Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team introduced a new team member to the team, Major Tian Stander became the number two. We would like to wish Major Omphile Matloane and the rest of the team a safe 2019 airshow season.



Falcon 2

Major Tiaan Stander

Silver Falcons Team 82

Falcon 1-Major Omphile “Biggy” Matloane (Flown the Pc7MKII,A109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

Falcon 2-Major Tiaan “Excell” Stander (Flown the PC7MKII,Alouette III,A109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

Falcon 3-Major Corne “Stilbo” van Deventer (Flown the PC7MKII,HawkMK120)

Falcon 4-Major Bheki “SwaziBoy”Shabungu (Flown the PC7MKII,Cessna 208 Caravan)

Falcon 5-Major Sivu “Sivuple” Tangana (Flown the PC7MKII,AgustaA109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

Falcon 6 GLO- Major Musa Dlamini (Flown the PC7MKII)

Falcon 7 PRO- Captain Xander Albasani (Flown the PC7MKII)

Falcon 8- Commentator Brian Emmenis

Silver Falcons

The 2019 Airshow season is set to be exciting and a number of shows will be there to entertain the South African Aviation Fanatics. Keep a good eye on our Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/AviationSA/    And also our website https://www.aviationcentral.co.za/ 

Please click on Advertisement below to help keep us going!

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Aviation Events Calendar Orders

2019 Aviation Events Calendar

Aviation Central Logo


master power technologies


Vertex Automation

We have launched our 1st ever physical Aviation Events calendar for the year 2019. This being the 1st ever printed calendar for us, but definitely not the last. The cost per Calendar is R100 (ZAR) and courier cost R50 if within South Africa. Maximum of 5 calendars can be sent via one shipment (R50). On the Bottom of this page you will see a preview of all the pages on the calendar. The Calendar consists of 13 photos taken during the 2017 & 2018 season with the Stunning Mustang Sally owned by the Amazing gentleman by the name of Menno Parsons. Menno is truly a guy with many talents, successful businessman and has a heart of gold! Click here to view our online calendar!

How to order your Calendar(s)


Courier will be done with PEP stores PAXI serves and you will have to collect from your nearest PEP store. We selected the PEP PAXI option as to keep cost down. PEP PAXI was the cheapest option to get your calendar to you.  Please make sure you have enter full address information (To locate your nearest PEP store). If possible get the PAXI code form your nearest PEP or online, this will assist us, but is not a requirement. To read more on PAXI or to get your PAXI code online goto  https://www.paxi.co.za

*PAXI codethe code of your local PEP stores where your calender will be sent to.

Choose how many calendars do you need, Maximum of 5 per order, however more than one order can be placed. Do an EFT payment to the Bank account below and then complete the order form below and attaching your Payment proof.  The Costing table below can be used as an guide.  1st Shipment will be done 5th January 2019 and then every Saturday with new orders that came in the week.


We will be having collection points in Pretoria North, Centurion, Durban, Rand Airport and Swartkop AFB (2nd Feb only) . If you opt for this you will not need to pay courier cost. Please take note of the rules on this option. Shipments will be made to these points on 11th Jan, 19th Jan and 2nd Feb 2019. If you place an order the shipment will be send to the collection point on the next shipment date after your order has been received (11th Jan, 19th Jan and 2nd Feb) After it has arrived at the collection point, we will contact you with the details on collection once they are ready for collection.

Choose how many calendars do you need, Maximum of 5 per order, however more than one order can be placed. Do an EFT payment to the Bank account below and then complete the order form below and attaching your Payment. The Costing table below can be used as a guide.

If we have stock left, We will be at Swartkop AFB 02 Feb 2019 for cash sales

Limited stock available, this order form will be closed once we are sold-out

Cost Per CalendarNumber of calendarsCourier costTotal

For Bulk orders or any other questions please use WhatsApp number 081 392 1823 (text only) to get in contact with us.

Order form continues below Advert

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Team Aviation Central proudly use Canon Cameras

Click to enlarge

**Now the T&C’s**

  1. Calendar was printed with dates known as at 22 November 2018
  2. We cannot be responsible for any incorrect dates
  3. We cannot be responsible for any date changes
  4. Events can be Added, Removed or be Moved at any time
  5. 1st Shipment will be done 11th January 2019 and then every Saturday with new orders that came in the week.
  6. Courier option, 7-9 business days after shipment date.
  7. Courier option, We will WhatsApp you the information once your Calendar is ready to collect form your Nearest PEP store
  8. Collection option, We will WhatsApp  you contact details on the collection point.
  9. For inquiries send a WhatsApp ONLY to 081 392 1823 or email admin[at]aviationcentral.co.za
  10. Be sure to check out our online calendar for updates during 2019

Banking information to use for the EFT payment

Bank FNB
Account Number 62792754519
FNB Universal Branch Code 250655

Order form

Complete only once EFT payment has been made

    CourierCollect DurbanCollect CenturionCollect Pretoria NorthCollect Rand AirportCollect Swartkop AFB(02 FEB only)

    Please click on Advertisement below to help keep us going!

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    Airshow of the Year 2017

    Aviation Central’s Flippie Van Emmenis and Lettie van Emmenis got invited to attend the 2017 The Aero Club of South Africa Gala awards dinner held at Air Force Base Swartkop 04 November 2017.
    We will be doing two posts on this prestige event, one focusing on the Airshow side of things and a 2nd focusing on the full event.

    Francois Hanekom
    Lt. Col. Francois Hanekom From SAAF got the DON TILLEY “Safety in Aviation” Award for his roll in Aviation Safety at Airshows 2017, He was involved on the safety side of things at a few airshows during 2017 in South Africa and Botswana. He was also the Airboss for the SAAF Museum Airshow 2017. Well deserved award!

    Athol Terence Franz
    2017 Had a number of good shows and the decision was tuff according the Editor of African Pilot, Athol Terence Franz
    3rd Place went to Lowveld Air Show hosted by Kishugu. The 2017 Airshow season was not easygoing for the team at Kishugu as the show had to be moved after a tropical storm was moving in and was on its strongest on show day. The team made an good call to move the show to an later date. What a show it was! Well-done to the team at Lowveld Air Show 2017.
    2nd Place went to one of my favors for the 2017 (and 2016) year.

    Middelburg Aero Club
    The Middelburg Airshow 2017 hosted by the Middelburg Aero Club. The team had no SAAF and many other Stars on the Airshow circuit in South Africa was also not able to attend, yet they pulled-off and fantastic show! Middelburg Aero Club will also host The Aero Club of South Africa Air Week 9-11 March in 2018, keep an eye on Aviation Central and other Media for more information on this! Wayne van Rooyen said this will be the best and biggest event of its kind South Africa has ever seen!
    The Winner of the 2017 Airshow of the year award goes to Adrenaline Show 2017

    Adrenalin Team
    Christian Maiorana, Chris Briers, Mark Mansfield and all the Rest! Well done guys, and as Athol said, you set the bar so high, you will have to go to all extream to get the 2018 award. What made them pull to the top was the well timed end to the show on the Saturday evening
    Brian Emmenis CAPITAL SOUNDS, Francois Hanekom SAAF, Rikus Erasmus chairman of Air Show South Africa – ASSA and myself, Flippie Van Emmenis Aviation Central. Also on our table we had Brian’s Lovely wife Beverley Emmenis, Athol Terence Franz from African Pilot, Christine Brits and my Stunning Wife Lettie van Emmenis

    Table 19
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