Tag Archives: NAC

The Childrens Flight 2022

Dawn broke on the foot hills of the Magaliesburg mountains, as is it was time for the 2022 edition of the Children’s Flight that was held at Orient Airfield this past Friday. This being the field of dreams for many aspiring and current aviators!

The Children’s Flight’s origins lie in a music video called ‘Paper Plane’, which is essentially about a child with a Dream to fly, but on a deeper level it’s about anyone with a dream.

Aviation is traditionally about defying great odds and overcoming the laws of nature, the politics of man, the limitations of economy, and technological development…..for so long aviation was  an exclusive privilege to supreme military, selected individuals or the super wealthy…

We wanted to bring home aviation to the children, to promote the idea that anyone can be what ever they dream of being… That you can literally ‘take that paper plane to your destiny’…. one day if even one of these kids goes for their dream, then this day may have played a role in that.

500 kids from underprivileged backgrounds got to fly in a helicopter or fixed wing aircraft for the first time in their lives. They were treated to a splendid day out where they were spoilt in the aviation fraternity.

Skydivers opened the Children’s flight from their jump ship an Antonov An2 ZU-FOO, once landed a rather large Van’s RV formation flew over the field.

It was then time for the rotary types to take children up in a Bell Huey, Bell 407, Alouette II and Alouette III just to name a few.

The fixed with aircraft comprised of a Bat Hawk to a Cessna 208 Caravan. Hot 102.7 Radio Station were also present on the day doing a live radio broadcast of the days proceedings. Brian Emmenis provided commentary of the afternoons airshow as he was also scheduled to be at the Grand Rand Airshow in a few days after the Children’s Flight.

An airshow display was then provided by Airshow South Africa, with the Puma Flying Lions led by Scully Levin, Menno Parsons in his Tiger Bell UH-1 Huey.

Andre van Zyl in his Magni Gyrocopter, Ivan and Jeandre van der Schaar debuting the Boeing Stearman and RC Extra 300 display. As well as the Goodyear Eagles Pitts Specials and Iveco Extra 330s flown by Nigel Hopkins and Jason Beamish.

Pictures by Anton Wannenburg,Lettie van Emmenis & Jarryd Sinovich

We’ll done to Felix Gosher, all major role players and Sponsors for giving the children the time of their life.

Aero South Africa 2019

The General Aviation Global show of the world which has been taking place in Lake Constance in Germany for the last 40 years and now the show has made its way to South Africa. This is due to the close partnership between Messe Friedrichshafen and Messe Frankfurt.

The much anticipated Aero South Africa finally arrived on South African shores at the Wonderboom National Airport in the city of Tshwane. This was the first of its kind in South Africa to introduce this type of expo to the General Aviation Industry. The purpose of the event was to see an interactive trade show with demonstration flights of the different aircraft, aviation exhibitors, flight schools and other products in the industry that were showcased, a fly-inn was also part of the proceedings during the entire duration of the event.

4000 square meters of space was provided for exhibition space, consisting of indoor, outdoor, park and sell plus and aircraft display area. This included general aviation most of all types seen in South Africa, a couple of warbird aircraft that also flew in for the event, such as the P51D Mustang, De Havilland Tiger Moth and also part of the De Havilland family the Wonderboom based De Havilland T55 Vampire, a number of helicopters were on static display and in the park and sell area.

Swiss Vampire T55 & Wonderboom National Airport Terminal

The Saturday saw the entire apron full of aircraft both that flew in and that of who were present from day 1.Lieutenant Colonel Keith Andrews from the South African Airforce was Ramp Controller and made sure he could accommodate any type of aircraft for parking purposes for all three days of the event.

Bell 407-Dian Townsend

The Park and Sell area was pointed out as a new attraction to any aviation event in South Africa sponsored by the well know Auto Trader which made a perfect opportunity to sell previously owned aircraft. A total of 80+ exhibitor’s were present. The new Cirrus vision jet of CDC aviation was a favourite for us to see south Africa’s first of its type face to face for the first time. Absolute’s Aviation Citation XLS+ was also one of the bizjets on static display shadowed by a Cessna Grand Caravan EX.

Cessna 210-Dian Townsend
Cessna Citation XLS+
Absolute Aviation showing the youth a Cessna Grand Caravan

Team Extreme’s Jason Beamish and Nigel Hopkins in their Extra 330 Aerobatic Aircraft closed day 1 of Aero South Africa with a short aerobatic display, while day 2 and 3 were closed off with Jason in his Extra 330 and Mark Sampson in his Sbach 341.They also met up with Menno Parsons on the final day of Aero in his P51D ‘Mustang Sally’ with some formation flying before the day concluded.

Team Extreme Extra 330s
P51D ‘Mustang Sally’

Century Avionics was many of the many exhibitors of the event, their products were put to show were the static display of both Team Extremes MX2 owned and flown by Mark Hensman’s and Mark Sampson’s Sbach 341 with GPSs and other avionics the aircraft are fitted with.


Villa San Giovanni’s Restaurant made sure pure business visitors and the general public didn’t go hungry with excellent Italian cuisine during the three days of the show, as well as accommodation on the airports premises.

Little Annie the well known Airshow Antonov 2 owned by the Hill Family, was on static display and visitors were able to look and interact with. They also had a raffle for a new set of Bose Headsets with R20 000 which is available with Wings n Things from Lanseria International Airpor.Wings ‘n Things is a pilot supplies store established in 1990. We are authorised dealers of the world’s leading aviation brands such as Jeppesen, David Clark and Bose, as well as a reseller of many other aviation products.

‘Little Annie’ AN2

A huge well done to all the organisers of the event both local and overseas officials. Lets hope this becomes and annual event with the next Aero South Africa even bigger.

Saturday was the busiest day of the AERO SA trade show weekend. The morning started out quiet but picked up speed after 10h00. The fly-in was a great success. Anything and everything that flies was seen at Wonderboom. Vans RVs, Cessna, Bat hawks and many Robinson Helicopters. Absolute Aviation Group with Jason Beamish took photos with fans and they printed them on customized frames. The day played out beautifully and there was entertainment for the whole family. Definitely one for the 2020 calendar!-Dian Townsend SAAFMPC Member

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Home of Pilatus- Silver Falcons visit Switzerland

“The idea was hatched late last year about getting the team to do an international trip . Switzerland being the home of the Pilatus was a no brainer. For us to be able get to view how and where all the current airframes were designed and built. On May the 3rd, Emirates hauled us through Dubai to Zurich, arriving in the cold that afternoon. Then a train ride from Zurich to Lucerne where we stayed for 3 days. For two days lots of walking around or busing around the sites and sounds of Lucerne.”

“It must be said the bus n train network in Switzerland was brutally efficient and effective. On Sunday May the 6th was a special treat with the visit up Mount Pilatus to be greeted by typical winter weather in Europe with tons and tons of snow. Something one would never see in Langebaanweg. The rest of the day was spent visiting the old town of Lucerne.”

Mt Pilatus at 7000ft
Cold smiles all around
Falcon snow man

“The 6th was the team received special treatment form Pilatus aircraft corporation. The company arranged everything from transport from our mini budget hotel to Stans were the factory is located. Jerome Pörtner played host and guide for and arranged what needed to be needed during our visit. Once at the factory were given two cards, which one was a security clearance and the other a Wi Fi (Switzerland neh ) card.”

“The day began with a presentation about the company and their ethos of how they operate in a niche market, Swiss chocolates were on offer . From there on a factory tour covering everything from how parts are made from scratch to the company latest flagship the pC24 floor. Everything from the paint shop to the tiniest of details.”

The Pilatus Assembly line

“What blew the teams mind away was the special design of the hangers/factory which is made of special wood not the usual mortar n brick or canvas as we are used to back home in RSA. To say one can eat of the floor would not be off the mark. What was not lost to us was how space in general when it comes to aviation is a tricky thing to solve! In all the hangers, airframe after airframe, we squizzed into every corner available (guess the work must continue non the less ) regardless wether it’s the pc24 or pc12 hanger.”

The Team in the Pilatus factory

“Then another treat was the special ‘ground instruction ‘ of the PC21 given to the team by Neil ( ot&e pilot ex RAF) & senior sales man and Pascal and Jerome Pörtner. (One can only dream hey). Then it was lunch at the newly refurbished factory canteen which can be best described as a 3-4 start hotel dining hall. It boast views of all the surroundings mountains around the factory.”

Pilatus PC24s on the apron
The cold kicking in
What a view

“The a very interesting part of the factory is where Central Flying School (CFS) sends their Prat & Whitney engines for overhauling. Where they pull them apart and put them together again. Everyone swelled with pride from the feedback from the engines from the SAAF are always in good condition compared to other users which showcases how the SAAF looks after its equipment.”

Central Flying School Pilatus PC7MKIIs

“Sadly the day flew by and on Wednesday May the 7th, the team repositioned to Zurich to get ready to fly back home. The evening of the 7th was spent visiting the beautiful city of Zurich with a special dinner held In town in one of the most beautiful part of the city and an age old restaurant which used to be an armory during the times (Zeughauskeller) “

One of the restaurants we visited in Zurich

“Special thanks goes out to the Coves aviation community led by JP Fourie of NAC and Luigi Rossi of Internek engineering and Obviously the SAAF for giving team 82 this opportunity.”

Left to Right
Major Sivu Tangana,Major Musa Dlamini,Major Bheki Shabungu,Major Tiaan Stander,Major Omphile Matloane,Captain Xander Albasani and Major Corne van Deventer.

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Stellenbosch warms old and young hearts alike-Stellenbosch Airshow 2019

Stellenbosch is situated in the Western Cape, South Africa. The area is known for its scenery, wine, university and the kindness of the community. Stellenbosch Flying Club is located just off the R44 leading out of Stellenbosch and has a relaxed atmosphere where flying, local craft beer and good food makes for lazy Saturday afternoons. On the 23rd of March 2019 this changed to a hive of activity and the day where it all came together, months of meticulous planning with hard work and preparations came together. The scene was set, the queue at the gates forming just after sunrise and the weather being almost perfect.

Capital Sounds Brian Emennis and Silver Falcons lead Major Omphile Matloane

The packed program list and the variety of participating aircraft is proof of a wonderful show that warmed the hearts of many. The biggest flag in Africa was parachuted in from a C206, the emergency cavalcade was on display and the props of the aircraft of the first display were turning… out came the Silver Falcons to open the show. With the mountains and greenery from the surroundings being the scenery, the Silver Falcons took to the sky and gave a shortened but wonderful display. Really being the cockpit ambassadors for the South African Air Force.

SAAF Silver Falcons

Special mention is to be made of Mr Air Show, Brian Emmenis. As many will know, he is the voice of air shows in South Africa and abroad. While the first few displays where happening, interviews were performed with James Vos: MEC Tourism and Economic Affairs, Major Omphile Mutloane, Phillip du Preez: Head of ExecuJet Cape Town, Franz Smit: Pilot insure and Graham Smith who received a lifetime membership from Stellenbosh Flying Club.

The program consisted of The Silver Falcons, Team Extreme, a Mango B737, Ex-SAAF Bosbok, Working on Fire display consisting of two Hueys, a Cessna and AT-802, L39, NAC Bell 407, Shock Cub, Raptors RVs, Tigermoth, J51C Glider, Boeing Stearman, Howard Vintage, Radio Control Models, Husky, Harvard T6, a display by TSU/AGA involving vehicles, dogs and a EC145, M16 Gyro, NAC Mirage PA 46-350.

Team Extreme
Mango 737-800
Mango 737-800 & Ex SAAF Bosbok

The list of pilots being as impressive as the list of aircraft consisting of Scully Levin, Pierre Gouws, Trevor Warner, Nigel Hopkins, Glen Warden, Trevor Milton, Ivan V/D Schaar, Jurie Steyn, Trevor Milton and many others. These pilot put up energised displays that had the crowds entertained, camera shutters clicking all day long (making downloading, editing and posting a challenge) and made this show a memorable one.

NAC Bell 407
NAC Bell 407

throughout the day there were constant movements by staff between the crowds to collect litter which easily makes this the cleanest show I have witnessed. After a long hot day, the warmest in weeks, with loads of liquids consumed and the crowds leaving, there was not a single piece of paper or empty bottle lying around.

With the crowds heading home and some staying for a last drink or chat with old friends, the departing aircraft made for a mini show as many did the traditional fly by as a thank you. The Silver Falcons being no exception. They took off, the formation was formed and the six ship came past 3 times, almost as if they didn’t want to head home as yet. As the sun set on the mountains, the light being amazing, the dust from the show settled these were observed by a few and was truly magical.

A time to reflect on the day. To cement the memories made. To salute an organising team and everyone involved, from pilots to ground crew and cleaning staff. A massive thank you to all. Not even load shedding could dampen spirits or impact the show!

Raptors RVs

The Stellenbosch Air Show hosted by the Stellenbosch Flying Club is to be an annual event and surely one to diarise! I for one will be there.

See you next year!

Launch of Ultimate Heli-port Midrand

Ultimate HELI, a well respected operator that flies fixed wing aircraft and helicopters out of Grand Central Airport. Grand Central Airport which is just up the road from the heli- port, located near the Alan dale off ramp in Midrand.

Bell 206 (Photo by Vincent Nagel)
Agusta A109 Grand ZS-BAX (Photo by Vincent Nagel)

Sunday the 9th December 2018 saw the official opening of the heli port with conjunction with National Airways Corporation (NAC).The gloomy Sunday morning saw invited guests and media being shown around the world class facility.

Agusta A109 Grand ZS-BAX (Photo by Vincent Nagel)

A number of helicopters visited the facility during the course of the day, while others have now taken up as residents at the heli port. Some of the helicopters that one could see was a number of Robinson R44s,Bell206 Jet Ranger, a Airbus H125, an Agusta A109,A119,Bell 430 and a Huey belonging to airshow performer Menno Parsons.

Photo by Camry De Lorme
Bell 430 (Photo by Camry De Lorme)
Bell 206 ZS-RVP (Photo by Vincent Nagel)
Airbus Helicopters H125 ZS-OCA (Photo by Camry De Lorme)
Bell 206 Jet Ranger (Photo by Vincent Nagel)
Bell 206 & Bell Huey(Photo by Camry De Lorme)

The heliport will have space for about 30 choppers and, since Ultimate HELI currently has 12 of its own, that leaves plenty of room for those that are corporately or privately owned. Roseveare knows that at least six or seven property owners within Waterfall own a helicopter, so they can now negotiate convenient storage space with the company.

Robinson R44s (Photo by Vincent Nagel)

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Wesbank Botswana International Airshow 2018

The 2018 Botswana International Airshow held at the Matsieng Airfield a few kilometers outside of Gaborone. We arrived the Friday afternoon an allocated to our tents,all thanks to the Matsieng Flying Club, The theme this year was ‘Wings of fire and wheels of fury’ held over the weekend of the 26th May.

Wesbank Botswana international airshow + Fly-in and camping was a sell-out event this year. 311 guys and gals flew in to Matsieng aerodrome for the weekend. They made use of 128 rented tents and 41 provided own tents for the weekend, this brining a record 169 tents. Some people made use of the Town Lodge in Gaborone.

The Friday and Saturday evening was festive with an excellent band proving entertainment both evenings, Fly in pilots, Display Pilots and crew all braai’ing or getting a burger / steak from the mobile spur that was setup. We can recommend those that can fly in or drive in to attend the 2018 event and social with all other pilots and display pilots plus attend an amazing and adrenaline packed airshow.

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With this airshows,some things were abit different,one had the option to camp over at the airfield where the show was to take place. Not many shows on the African contitnent you can camp over at an Airshow but Matsieng you can. The show at Matsieng Airfield has now been goping since the first show started at the field  back in 2012. The Matsieng Flying Club really went all out for this year show, making sure all the pilots and other visitors were looked after and made sure their stay was comfortable in every way. We were treated to a live band on both Friday and Saturday night with the many bond fires that kept us warm during the average winter evening.We were then welcomed the next morning with perfect airshow weather and some of the crowds eagerly wanting to get a front row seat. The two safety directors for the day was Chris Briers and Col.Francois ‘Hosepipe’ Hanekom which made the show flow smoothly during the course of the day.



The show opened by a free fall of skydivers,with their jump-ship a PAC750 flown by Darius Briers,followed after that a two-ship display by the Goodyear Eagles in their Pitts S2Bs flown by Dennis Spence and Larry Beamish. Glen ‘Gringo’ Warden flew the L29 Delphin in its stricking Tiger scheme.Andrew Blackwood Murray flew his Nashua Extra 300LP and Neville Ferreria flew his Kitty Hawk based Slick 540 in his high energy aerobatic sequence.Later in the day Neville and Andrew joined up for a formation pass both in the Extra and in the Slick. Matthew Zalewski put two different Magni Gyros through their paces during the course of the day.The Bathawk flew a great display and showed why its a great asset to combating poaching in Southern Africa.The Raptors Rvs made a welcome return flying RV7s flown by Pierre Gouws,Larry Beamish and Ryan Beaton.

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The welcome appersnce of ex Presidnet Ian Khama  and memebrs of the Matsieng Flying Club handed over Charity Cheques to the lady Khama Trust,The Motswedi Rehabilitation Centre,The Masire Foundation and the Movhudi Centre for the Blind.Brian Emmenis from Capital Sounds provided the long speaker line so spectators coyuld get all thr information about aircraft and pilots displaying on the day,assisted by the Capitals sound crew and Leon Du Plessis and Keith Fryer adding to the commentary team for the day!

Menno Parsons made a great appearance with his Bell 407 and his Pilatus PC12,which made up for the absence of the P51 Mustang.The mighty Bell 430 flown by Alister Brown really gave a real thump on his passes and showed the VIP helicopter to its full capability.Other helicopter action saw the Brakpan Airfield based Alouette II and III flown by Rob Osner and Juba Jourbert. True North Aviation saw a three-ship of Citabria aircraft flying gentle aerobatics,the Matsieng Flying Club preformed a formation flypast from two Cessna 210s,a Cirrus SR22 and King Air C90.A solo display from both the Cessna 210 and King Air was a real delight.The Air tractor also part of True North Aviation also did a display of low level passes while dropping water in front of the crowds.

The An2 ‘Little Annie’ was displayed by Jon-Marc Hill and South African Air force Airshow  Air Boss Col.Keith ‘Fulcrum’ Fryer.The day before they treated some pupil from some schools around the vicinity of Botswana in a flight in Little Annie,and did they enjoy it!

The Randolph Boeing Stearman flown by Ivan van der Schaar also showed off the gentles aerobatics of the aircraft and the beautiful sound of the Radial.Conrad Botha flew his slick 360 and becoming a great aircraft to watch at airshows after an absence for some time

Cliff Lotter flew in  his Klerksdorp based Rv7,he then joined up with Marin Venn in his RV7.Neville Ferreira flew Jonty Essers Kitty Hawk based Yak 52 adding some russian flavour of aircraft to the program.

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The Puma flying Lions led by Captain Scully Levin performed their usual display routine and taking part in a fly-by with a big wall of fire,having most of the crowd on their feet and heart beats been raised.


The Puma Flying Lions then closed the show off with their spectacular night display,once again another successful airshow from the Matsieng Flying club,well done to all involved and we look forward to seeing the team again next year!

The mini Oshkosh of Southern Africa,if you love airshows come to Matsieng next year”Jarryd Sinovich

“What an amazing show, the guys from Matsieng has once again showed what an Airshow should be like. To the Airshow team, Camping team and Media Boss, Well-done to you all. See you at the 2019 Matsieng Airshow and Fly In” Flippie van Emmenis

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