Tag Archives: Patchen Explorer

SAAF Museum Training Day 2019-08-03

This past weekend the SAAF Museum once again held their monthly flying day. Being busy with other aviation events this past couple of months, we really enjoyed being back for a great museum event. This flying day was very busy in particular with three Allouette helicopters, five Harvards, a bosbok, Cessna 185, Patchen Explorer and Puma all flying. The Friends Of The SAAF Museum sold very tasty boerewors rolls and the Windsock café also had a wide selection of toasted sandwiches and drinks to satisfy all tastes on the day.

The visitors had plenty of flying to enjoy, starting out with the Aerospatiale SA 330 Puma starting up right in front of the crowd line. The Puma pilots ensured that everyone nearby left with a funky hairstyle. As the Puma taxied past, it was able to blow over my tripod  with my secondary camera doing video recording. Luckily the only thing that was damaged was my ego with my fellow photographer friends getting a good laugh out of the tumbling Canon.

With this being the final flying day before the big airshow in September, some of the Harvard pilots lead by Glen Warden flew a nice formation flight at the end of the day. The three Harvards participating in the flyby were Siyandiza, 7231 and 7480. The trio flew a tight formation coming from the rear over the main tower, making a wingover to the left, passing over Bay’s Hill and then passed in front of the crowd again.

This year’s airshow was delayed due to the elections taking place in May. The official date has now been set as 7 September 2019. The show organisers are hard at work with the planning and the theme for this year’s show is “Collective Heritage”. The Gautrain will once again be aiding with transport and Computicket will be the ticket sellers. The prices are as follow: R80 for over the age of 16, R30 for 12-16 and under 12 is free. NB: Ticket sales are not open at the time of writing. Keep an eye on the event Facebook page for more info regarding the show.

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SAAF Museum Flying Day 2019-07-06

The first Saturday of July 2019 saw the annual SAAF Museum flying training day take place at Airforce Base Swartkop in Pretoria. Known as the second oldest operational air force base in the world saw a number of museum assets take to the skies above Pretoria.

AFB Swartkop Tower

The day started with a pilots briefing, where Lieutenant Colonel Melvin Bruintjies Officer commanding the SAAF Museum Lieutenant Colonel ,Trish Schoeman Officer Commanding AFB Swartkop and Major Iwan Robbertse (Oryx Helicopter Commander) briefed the pilots on movements and safety for the days flying programme.

Major Iwan Robbertse, Safety officer for the day

A walk through the hangers and some of the aircraft shelters on the bases premises bring back memories of the past aircraft that roamed the skies in South Africa and been able to see the flying exhibits such as the Museums Harvard’s and Harvard Clubs possessions, one of two Cessna C185s,Bosbok,Patchen Explorer, Alouette II, Alouette III and Aerospatiale Puma, which was also the SAAF Golden Eagles Parachute Display Team jump ship for the mornings processing’s.

T6 Harvard
Cessna C185
Alouette III
Aerospatiale Puma
Golden Eagles Parachuting team
Golden Eagles Parachuting team
Golden Eagles Parachuting team
Golden Eagles Parachuting team
Golden Eagles Parachuting team
Golden Eagles Parachuting team

Skydiving photos credit Wimpie Gerber

The Windsock Café fed hungry pilots and visitors with the friendly and helpful Johnathan Taylor behind the counter, The Spitfire Restoration Team also were present with the shadow of ‘Spotty’ the Cheetah hangered in one of the exhibit shelters. The Friends of the Museum also doing their part of giving back to the SAAF Museum.

Mirage F1AZ
Alouette III
Aerospatiale Puma

With the now confirmed date for the SAAF Museum Airshow on the 7th September, the anticipation for a great airshow is around the corner, keep your eyes on our website and Facebook page for the upcoming airshow for more information. Until then keep them up where they’re belong!

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Visit to the SAAF Museum 03 November 2018

Visit to the SAAF museum 03 November 2018

Since 1973 the SA Air Force Museum has been the custodian of South Africa’s military aviation heritage. Our legacy, dating back to 1920, is one worth preserving and we aim to showcase this legacy to the public through our world-class displays.

The South African Air Force Museum aims to collect, preserve, restore and exhibit aircraft and articles relevant to the air force and South African military aviation. All our exhibits are designed in a way which is inclusive, factually accurate and conveys context in a way which does not express judgment. A dedicated team of permanent force, citizen force and civilian members works tirelessly to achieve these objectives and to oversee the day-to-day running of the museum as well as its continuous improvement.

The SAAF Museum is free for all members of the public but donations are appreciated, with all donations going towards the running of the museum.

The AFB Swartkop branch of the SAAF Museum is the largest branch of the museum and serves as the SAAF Museum’s headquarters. It is also the only branch of the SAAF Museum to boast a fleet of airworthy aircraft. A flying day is held on the first Saturday of each month, with members of the public welcome to attend.

Aircraft on display

  • Aerospatiale Alouette III
  • Aerospatiale Puma
  • Aerospatiale Super Frelon
  • Atlas Cheetah E
  • Atlas Cheetah C
  • Atlas Impala Mk.I
  • Atlas Impala Mk.II
  • Atlas XH-1 Alpha
  • Avro Shackleton
  • Blackburn Buccaneer
  • Boeing 707
  • Canadair CL-13
  • Douglas DC-4
  • Dassault Mirage III BZ
  • Dassault Mirage III CZ
  • Dassault Mirage III RZ
  • English Electric Canberra T Mk.4
  • Fieseler Storch
  • Lockheed Ventura
  • Mikoyan MiG-21 (South Africa returned jet to Angola in 2017)
  • Mirage F1 AZ
  • North American Harvard
  • North American Mustang
  • Patchen Explorer
  • Paterson Biplane
  • Pilatus PC-7 Mk.II
  • Westland Wasp

To Reead more about the MIG 21’s return to Angola click here https://goo.gl/dEz5JM

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