Tag Archives: Pc12

Pilatus Delivers First PC-12 NGX to Tradewind Aviation

Tradewind Aviation accepted delivery of their first PC-12 NGX during a ceremonial handover at the Pilatus US subsidiary in Broomfield, Colorado. The delivery marks the first of twenty PC-12 NGXs to be delivered to Tradewind’s headquarters in Oxford, Connecticut, over the next five years.

Pilatus and Tradewind Aviation executives gathered to celebrate the milestone at Rocky Mountain Metropolitan Airport. David Zipkin, Tradewind co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer, shared: “We’re thrilled to take delivery of the first of twenty brand-new PC-12 NGX aircraft. Tradewind is the largest US operator of Pilatus PC-12s for private charter, and these new aircraft will further expand our ability to grow and serve our clients with the very best flight experience. The PC-12 NGX provides the perfect balance of efficiency, comfort and superior performance for shorter flights and hard-to-reach destinations, allowing our clients to save precious time and focus on what’s most important to them.”

Pilatus’ most advanced single-engine turboprop, the PC-12 NGX, will join Tradewind’s fleet of PC-12s, further expanding their private charter options throughout North America and the remote islands of the Caribbean.

Pilatus Business Aircraft Ltd’s President & CEO, Thomas Bosshard stated: “The PC-12 continues to lead the industry as the global fleet approaches 2,000 aircraft and ten million flight hours. The demand remains very strong among new and returning customers looking to upgrade. Our customers, especially fleet and charter operators, value the PC-12 NGX’s reliability, performance and elevated passenger experience. We are pleased to celebrate this ceremonial delivery with Tradewind, and look forward to commemorating their future growth and success.”

Eric Zipkin, Tradewind Aviation co-founder & President, added: “I am proud of all that the team at Tradewind have been able to accomplish in the past 20 years. From humble beginnings with a single plane, we have grown to a fleet of 23 and a team of over 220, firmly establishing Tradewind as the leader in so many premium markets, including the Northeast and Caribbean. The continued investment in, and expansion of, our Pilatus fleet is evidence of Tradewind’s continued growth and increased demand for private charter and we are thankful to our loyal guests and team for making this possible.”

SAAF Change of Command Parade

A cold frosty morning on the 4th June 2021 we made on way to Airforce Base Swartkop in Valhalla. This is has been our home grounds for years for Airshows, flying training days and parade as such this being the new chief acceptance parade from Lieutenant General Fabian Zakes Msimang to pass on his task as the new chief of the South African Airforce, Lieutenant General Wiseman Simo Mbambo.

Thanks to the South African Media Liaison officers. We were kindly given gift bags and made surely welcome to base and had a fantastic position for photo opportunities for both members of the parade and aircraft flying overhead.

SA Defence News provided live streaming via YouTube for Aviation Enthusiasts and other guests which weren’t able to attend the parade due to covid 19 restrictions. AFB Swartkop made sure all protocols were made for screening and sanitizing all invited guests and media.

A general salute was first up of the sequence of events of cannon gun fire while a pair of Oryx Helicopters carried both the South African National flag and South African Airforce (SAAF) flag. Once again great flying by the crew from various helicopter Squadrons in such windy conditions.

During this time Chaplin Melanie Smit provided the parade with a Religious observance and a code of conduct also mentioned.

Lt General (Retired) Fabian Zakes Msimang continued with his speech as he passes on his command to Lieutenant General W. S Mbambo as said :

I leave an Air Force that centers its behaviour around the needs of the next generation. An Air Force that lived by the slogan “We serve with Discipline, Dignity, Professionalism and Patriotism”.

The mass Flypasts began with a helicopter formation of five Oryx Helicopters from various Squadron from around South Africa and one BK117 from 15 Squadron “Charlie” flight.

The pointer formation was next led by 1 Pilatus PC12 and four Cessna 208A Caravans from 41 Squadron bSed at Airforce Base Waterkloof.

Nine Pilatus PC7s MKIIs led by Major Sivu Tangana, current leader of the Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team of the South African Airforce, flew directly over the parade podium showing the abito-nitio trainer for student pilots to qualify to get their wings in the SAAF.

28 Squadron with two C130BZ Hercules in linerstern formation flew over with not far behind them the Combat Formation with two JAS39 Gripens from 2 Squadron and three Hawks from 85 Combat Flying School, both Squadrons based at Airforce Base Makhado in the Limpopo Province.

After the parade we we treated to a wonderful spread of refreshments at the Centre of Aviation Awareness Hanger at AFB Swartkop, where Lieutenant General Mbambo, addressed media and invited guests.

The SAAFs Combat Readiness


We’d like to welcome the new Chief of the South African Airforce to his position and look forward to working with him in the future. Till then this “an Airforce that inspires Confidence”

Thanks to the contributors to this article Jarryd Sinovich, Vincent Nagel, Dian Townsend & Gerrit Mynhardt

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Chief of The SAAF Lieutenant General Fabian Msimang Retreat Parade

A rather sad day to be at Air force Base Swartkop on the afternoon of the last day of September 2020,cuddled around a number of cumulonimbus clouds kept their distance as a final retreat parade could take place with a magnificent background as the Chief of the South African Air Force retired.  

Lieutenant General Fabian “BlackHawk” Zimpande (Zakes) Msimang,a former operational helicopter pilots on various types of SAAF Helicopters he flew during his time,including MI8,MI25,Alouette III and Oryx Helicopters just to name a few.

On 28 September 2012,Msimang was appointed the new Chief of the South African Airforce as Lieutenant-General Carlo Gagiano retired from the SAAF.

As we all know,Covid-19 has all hit us all hard,this cancelling a number of events such as airshows in the aviation industry and most important celebrating the SAAFs centenary,with the cancellation of Africa Aerospace and Defence (AAD2020),we could not have a 100 year celebration airshow taking into consideration of being the world’s second oldest air force after the Royal Airforce (RAF).And yes the Chief and the Deputy Chief Major General Innocent Buthelezi mentioned we are the second oldest air force in the world!

By 5pm a number of SAAF aircraft including helicopters and fixed wing assets took to the skies around the Pretoria area.Before the outgoing Chief opened the flypasts flying the Alouette III part of the South African Air force Museum.

The next elements of the flypast columns included the De Havilland Vampire T55,flown by Rama “Dynamite”Iyer and Vladimir “Spoetnik” Schultz.The Museums Aerospatiale Puma SA330 and Alouette II closely followed behind.

SAAF Museum De Havilland Vampire T55
SAAF Museum De Havilland Vampire T55
SAAF Museum Aerospatiale Puma & Alouette II

The big chopper formation was soon over Snake Valley led by a 16 Squadron Rooivalk Attack Helicopter,flanked by various helicopters from squadrons across South Africa,including two Lynx Mk 64 Helicopters all the way from AFB Ysterplaat in Cape Town,A number of Agusta A109LUHs and Oryx Helicopters also formed part of the formation.
The former school master of the sky the Harvard formation including Two Museum Harvards and two Harvard Club aircraft were next over the podium.

Mass Helicopter Formation
Rooivalk,Lynx MK 64,Oryx & Agusta A109LUH
Mass Helicopter Formation
SAAF Museum & Harvard Club (Harvard Formation)
SAAF Museum & Harvard Club (Harvard Formation)

The Lycoming formation were next with a Cessna C185,a Kudu and a Bosbok making up for the taildragger aircraft in the museum fleet.41 Squadron put on a tight formation with a leading Pilatus PC12,Two KingAirs and five Cessna 208A Caravans.

SAAF Museum Cessna C185,Kudu & Bosbok
41 Squadron Pilatus PC12
41 Squadron Formation
41 Squadron Formation

Pelican Formation was next with a 35 Squadron C47TP Turbo Dakota,while a 44 Squadron Casa 212 kept tightly behind the Daks 6 o’clock position.Open the gates its 28 Squadron with Two C130BZ Hercules Transport aircraft in formation with four Central Flying School Pilatus PC-7 MKII ab initio trainers.

35 Squadron C47TP & 44 Squadron Casa 212
35 Squadron C47TP
C130BZs & Pilatus PC7MKIIs
C130BZs & Pilatus PC7MKIIs

The last flypast was the combat formation consisting of two 2 Squadron JAS39 Gripens and four Hawks from 85 Combat Flying School.The formation was led by Major Geoffrey “Spartan” Cooper.
As the parade continued with a change of command tradition,a flag setting.

Gripen & Hawk Formation
Gripen & Hawk Formation

The South African Air Force band entertained the VIP Guests and members of the SAAF and Media. The surprise flypast of a Gripen from, behind the seated guests pitched up into the dark sky while releasing flares.Surely presented the chief with a final loud and spectacular goodbye.

Gripen Flare drop

Attending the after function,where we were kindly invited by the outgoing chief,it came time to give one final speech with tears in his eyes “he mentioned to be in an Air Force that Inspires Confidence we need to be confident in ourselves.Since I started here,I have always believed that you,each of you,are more capable.I believed and still do that you have the capacity to make this organisation into something bigger than what it was.”

We were treated to a delicious dinner and cold beverages before leaving the base,well done to all involved in making the final event for the chief a success.

We would like to wish the former chief of the South African Air force all the best for his future and a restful retirement,we’d like to take the time to thank you for making the time for us and giving us the opportunities that some didn’t have.
We thank you sir.

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At Cruising Altitude in 2019 and Prepared for Turbulence in the Future-Pilatus

Pilatus reported another very successful business year in 2019, exceeding the one billion mark yet again with turnover of approximately 1.1 billion Swiss francs. Operating income totalled 153 million Swiss francs, incoming orders amounted to 1.1 billion Swiss francs. Pilatus staff enjoyed a share in this success with a generous bonus payout – even in the current difficult economic climate.

2019 will go down in the company’s 80 year history as another very successful twelve months overall. The figures were very similar to those reported in 2018. Total aircraft deliveries came in at 134 – 83 PC-12 NGs, 40 PC-24s and 11 PC-21s – the most extensive production programme yet.

Successful PC-24 market launch

The market rollout of the brand-new PC-24 is now complete and Pilatus has well and truly left the build-up phase. 75 PC-24s have been delivered to date and are in use on every continent. The PC-24 with the most hours in the air has already flown over 1,800 hours. The order book re-opened in May last year and demand for the world’s unique Pilatus Super Versatile Jet remains as high as ever. The PC-24 has won prestigious new clients such as Volkswagen and KSA, the Swedish air ambulance service – important milestones in a programme which is still young as yet.

Pilatus PC24

A comprehensive post-certification test campaign was performed in 2019 to have the Super Versatile Jet approved for operations on rough field runways and in other conditions. All PC-24s are now authorised for use on wet and snow-covered unpaved and grass runways. In the same vein, other PC-24 product improvements have been made to eliminate initial teething problems and provide customers with extra added benefits.

Excellent response to the PC-12 NGX

Pilatus launched the PC-12 NGX in autumn 2019: compared to its predecessor, this further development of the world’s best-selling single-engine turboprop in class now boasts an improved engine, smarter avionics and a completely re-designed cabin with larger windows. The new PT6E-67XP engine by Pratt & Whitney Canada is particularly impressive: its electronic propeller and engine control system is a worldwide first in this market segment. After obtaining certification in 2019 and making appropriate changes to the production line, the market launch generated a large number of orders. This month saw the first customers take to the skies aboard their new NGXs.

Pilatus PC12 NGX

Major PC-21 order from Spain

Finalised in 2019 and signed in January 2020, the PC-21 order from Spain is a very important step in securing future operations. From 2021 onwards, Pilatus will deliver a total of 24 PC-21s to the Spanish Air Force, the Ejército del Aire. Spain is the third European air force to opt for this Next Generation Trainer. If the General Aviation Division is indeed heavily impacted by the current economic difficulties, this order will prove essential for Pilatus in terms of providing sufficient activity for the workforce and continued business success for the company. It also demonstrates the importance of the two-pillar strategy – civilian and military business – in guaranteeing future economic viability.

Pilatus PC21

Pilatus delivered the last of a total of 49 PC-21s to the Royal Australian Air Force in November 2019. This delivery – the final one for the time being – brings the worldwide fleet of PC-21s up to a total of 211 aircraft. An impressive figure indeed, and proof that the PC-21 is now the world’s most modern, most efficient training system.

Employee profit-sharing – nothing changes

At 2,289 the number of full-time jobs across the Pilatus Group increased slightly in 2019. The very good figures for the year deliver the most effective means of thanking Pilatus employees: from apprentice through to senior manager, all employees received their personal share in the profits for 2019 as usual. This year’s bonus, paid in April 2020, is equivalent to almost 1.5 times the respective monthly salary. This performance-related employee profit-sharing model is contractually agreed with the company’s own Workforce Committee and has been in place for over 25 years.

Turbulent times in 2020

Pilatus started the year with orders worth over two billion Swiss francs, not including the major order from the Spanish air force. But the corona crisis is bound to leave its mark, and the promising outlook of the early weeks of the year has had to be revised downward. Pilatus was quick to take appropriate countermeasures, including the introduction of short-time work for large numbers of staff. In the meantime, fewer than 20 percent of employees are still affected by this measure. Supply chains remain disrupted, necessitating continuous reassessment of the situation.

Oscar J. Schwenk on 2019 and the future

Oscar J. Schwenk, Chairman of Pilatus, commented on the annual results as follows: “I am very pleased with our performance in 2019. I note, however, that the corona pandemic has pitched us – and many others – into a period of severe turbulence requiring constant fact-based readjustment of our chosen heading. Every pilot learns how to make the all-important corrections to flight path and altitude. We are doing exactly, reverting to the basics, as taught from the first hours of flight instruction – encompassed in the term good airmanship: aviate, navigate, communicate. In other words, retain control of the business, apply an analytical approach to problems and, finally, define a fact-based plan of action and communication.

Under the leadership of CEO Markus Bucher, I have always tailored my management style to economising during the good times in preparation for the challenges of the future, all the time keeping our feet firmly on the ground – all entrepreneurs know that healthy liquidity comes before everything else! Specifically, that means paying realistic salaries, monitoring fixed costs at all times and distributing profits with prudence. Happily, our investors have supported this sustainable corporate strategy – one which we have deliberately kept free of external loans – for years.

We are not the only ones having to tighten our belts. In a situation which no one could have foreseen, it is reassuring to know that the financial reserves set aside in the past will ensure we are able to navigate the current crisis in preparation for a clean landing and a renewed take-off into the future, together. In the final instance, our business success benefits everyone!”

Klerksdorp Airshow 2019

Country Airshows in South Africa definitely make you hungry as you arrive at the smaller airports such as Klerksdorp to the smell of boerie Wors rolls and pannekoek among the crowds. This show was quite different to others shows in the country as the SA National Aerobatic Championships had been taking place days before the show and ending on show day. Airshow followers were able to see the competition side of aerobatics plus an airshow to top it off. Read more on the aerobatics competition here

Airshow Crowd Line

The morning of the 22 June 2019,the final day for some of the competitors taking part in the national aerobatic champs was underway. By mid afternoon the airshow was underway by Team Extreme under the leadership of Nigel Hopkins, who also won the national aerobatic champs in the unlimited category. The Western Transvaal Classic Car club were also present with a number of classic cars on display. Lt Colonel Francois ‘Hose’ Hanekom and Klerksdorp aerobatic pilot local Cliff Lotter kept a good eye on Proceedings of the show. Capital Sounds provided sound and commentary for the large crowds and kept them entertained with information on pilots and aircraft. An RC Sbach was also put through its paces, that showing how it could hover centimetres off the ground.

Team Extreme
. The Western Transvaal Classic Car Club
Cliff Lotter climbing into his YAK55
RC Sbach 342

The Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman flown by Ivan Van Der Schaar flew next on the program,while the freestyle aerobatics coloum continued with Barrie Eles,Nigel Hopkins,Patrick Davidson,Mark Hensman and Mark Sampson.

Boeing Stearman
Extra 330SC Barrie Eles
Extra 330SC Nigel Hopkins
Patrick Davidson in his Gamebird
MX2 Mark Hensman
Sbach 341 Mark Sampson

Master Power Technologies Menno Parsons brought both his Swiss Pilatus PC12 and P51D ‘Mustang Sally’. This was the first display for the Mustang at Klerksdorp. The Goodyear Eagles Pitts S2Bs gave their polished high energy display led by Glen Warden who also flew his Slick 360 in the aerobatic competition.

Pilatus PC12
P51D ‘Mustang Sally’
Goodyear Eagles Pitts S2Bs

The Puma Energy Flying Lions Harvard’s put on a three ship display, led by Scully Levin,Arnie Meneghelli and Sean Thackwary. Followed on by Andrew Blackwood Murray in his Nashua Extra 300LP.The Raptors RVs flew a four ship display also led by Nigel Hopkins. A jet powered glider was put through its paces, not something you see at airshows in South Africa that often.

Puma Flying Lions Harvard
Nashua Extra 300LP
Raptors RVs

Henley Air provided helicopter flights at the show in one of their Bell 206 Jet Rangers. A solo RV7 display by Trevor Warner before one of the best displays of the day was the three ship Yak 55 display with tight formation aerobatics flown by Nigel Hopkins, Jason Beamish and Mark Hensman.

Henley Air Bell 206
Yak 55 Formation

Klerksdorp Airshow, an Airshow arranged and ran by Pilots and what a good show this was!
Well done to the pilots and organisers for putting a show together in limited time, a big thanks to Werner Kruger from DJA Aviation Insurance for your hospitality during the show. Hope to see a show next year in the North West Province once again.

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Wesbank Botswana International Airshow 2018

The 2018 Botswana International Airshow held at the Matsieng Airfield a few kilometers outside of Gaborone. We arrived the Friday afternoon an allocated to our tents,all thanks to the Matsieng Flying Club, The theme this year was ‘Wings of fire and wheels of fury’ held over the weekend of the 26th May.

Wesbank Botswana international airshow + Fly-in and camping was a sell-out event this year. 311 guys and gals flew in to Matsieng aerodrome for the weekend. They made use of 128 rented tents and 41 provided own tents for the weekend, this brining a record 169 tents. Some people made use of the Town Lodge in Gaborone.

The Friday and Saturday evening was festive with an excellent band proving entertainment both evenings, Fly in pilots, Display Pilots and crew all braai’ing or getting a burger / steak from the mobile spur that was setup. We can recommend those that can fly in or drive in to attend the 2018 event and social with all other pilots and display pilots plus attend an amazing and adrenaline packed airshow.

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With this airshows,some things were abit different,one had the option to camp over at the airfield where the show was to take place. Not many shows on the African contitnent you can camp over at an Airshow but Matsieng you can. The show at Matsieng Airfield has now been goping since the first show started at the field  back in 2012. The Matsieng Flying Club really went all out for this year show, making sure all the pilots and other visitors were looked after and made sure their stay was comfortable in every way. We were treated to a live band on both Friday and Saturday night with the many bond fires that kept us warm during the average winter evening.We were then welcomed the next morning with perfect airshow weather and some of the crowds eagerly wanting to get a front row seat. The two safety directors for the day was Chris Briers and Col.Francois ‘Hosepipe’ Hanekom which made the show flow smoothly during the course of the day.



The show opened by a free fall of skydivers,with their jump-ship a PAC750 flown by Darius Briers,followed after that a two-ship display by the Goodyear Eagles in their Pitts S2Bs flown by Dennis Spence and Larry Beamish. Glen ‘Gringo’ Warden flew the L29 Delphin in its stricking Tiger scheme.Andrew Blackwood Murray flew his Nashua Extra 300LP and Neville Ferreria flew his Kitty Hawk based Slick 540 in his high energy aerobatic sequence.Later in the day Neville and Andrew joined up for a formation pass both in the Extra and in the Slick. Matthew Zalewski put two different Magni Gyros through their paces during the course of the day.The Bathawk flew a great display and showed why its a great asset to combating poaching in Southern Africa.The Raptors Rvs made a welcome return flying RV7s flown by Pierre Gouws,Larry Beamish and Ryan Beaton.

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The welcome appersnce of ex Presidnet Ian Khama  and memebrs of the Matsieng Flying Club handed over Charity Cheques to the lady Khama Trust,The Motswedi Rehabilitation Centre,The Masire Foundation and the Movhudi Centre for the Blind.Brian Emmenis from Capital Sounds provided the long speaker line so spectators coyuld get all thr information about aircraft and pilots displaying on the day,assisted by the Capitals sound crew and Leon Du Plessis and Keith Fryer adding to the commentary team for the day!

Menno Parsons made a great appearance with his Bell 407 and his Pilatus PC12,which made up for the absence of the P51 Mustang.The mighty Bell 430 flown by Alister Brown really gave a real thump on his passes and showed the VIP helicopter to its full capability.Other helicopter action saw the Brakpan Airfield based Alouette II and III flown by Rob Osner and Juba Jourbert. True North Aviation saw a three-ship of Citabria aircraft flying gentle aerobatics,the Matsieng Flying Club preformed a formation flypast from two Cessna 210s,a Cirrus SR22 and King Air C90.A solo display from both the Cessna 210 and King Air was a real delight.The Air tractor also part of True North Aviation also did a display of low level passes while dropping water in front of the crowds.

The An2 ‘Little Annie’ was displayed by Jon-Marc Hill and South African Air force Airshow  Air Boss Col.Keith ‘Fulcrum’ Fryer.The day before they treated some pupil from some schools around the vicinity of Botswana in a flight in Little Annie,and did they enjoy it!

The Randolph Boeing Stearman flown by Ivan van der Schaar also showed off the gentles aerobatics of the aircraft and the beautiful sound of the Radial.Conrad Botha flew his slick 360 and becoming a great aircraft to watch at airshows after an absence for some time

Cliff Lotter flew in  his Klerksdorp based Rv7,he then joined up with Marin Venn in his RV7.Neville Ferreira flew Jonty Essers Kitty Hawk based Yak 52 adding some russian flavour of aircraft to the program.

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The Puma flying Lions led by Captain Scully Levin performed their usual display routine and taking part in a fly-by with a big wall of fire,having most of the crowd on their feet and heart beats been raised.


The Puma Flying Lions then closed the show off with their spectacular night display,once again another successful airshow from the Matsieng Flying club,well done to all involved and we look forward to seeing the team again next year!

The mini Oshkosh of Southern Africa,if you love airshows come to Matsieng next year”Jarryd Sinovich

“What an amazing show, the guys from Matsieng has once again showed what an Airshow should be like. To the Airshow team, Camping team and Media Boss, Well-done to you all. See you at the 2019 Matsieng Airshow and Fly In” Flippie van Emmenis

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