Tag Archives: Team Extreme

Klerksdorp Airshow 2019

Country Airshows in South Africa definitely make you hungry as you arrive at the smaller airports such as Klerksdorp to the smell of boerie Wors rolls and pannekoek among the crowds. This show was quite different to others shows in the country as the SA National Aerobatic Championships had been taking place days before the show and ending on show day. Airshow followers were able to see the competition side of aerobatics plus an airshow to top it off. Read more on the aerobatics competition here

Airshow Crowd Line

The morning of the 22 June 2019,the final day for some of the competitors taking part in the national aerobatic champs was underway. By mid afternoon the airshow was underway by Team Extreme under the leadership of Nigel Hopkins, who also won the national aerobatic champs in the unlimited category. The Western Transvaal Classic Car club were also present with a number of classic cars on display. Lt Colonel Francois ‘Hose’ Hanekom and Klerksdorp aerobatic pilot local Cliff Lotter kept a good eye on Proceedings of the show. Capital Sounds provided sound and commentary for the large crowds and kept them entertained with information on pilots and aircraft. An RC Sbach was also put through its paces, that showing how it could hover centimetres off the ground.

Team Extreme
. The Western Transvaal Classic Car Club
Cliff Lotter climbing into his YAK55
RC Sbach 342

The Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman flown by Ivan Van Der Schaar flew next on the program,while the freestyle aerobatics coloum continued with Barrie Eles,Nigel Hopkins,Patrick Davidson,Mark Hensman and Mark Sampson.

Boeing Stearman
Extra 330SC Barrie Eles
Extra 330SC Nigel Hopkins
Patrick Davidson in his Gamebird
MX2 Mark Hensman
Sbach 341 Mark Sampson

Master Power Technologies Menno Parsons brought both his Swiss Pilatus PC12 and P51D ‘Mustang Sally’. This was the first display for the Mustang at Klerksdorp. The Goodyear Eagles Pitts S2Bs gave their polished high energy display led by Glen Warden who also flew his Slick 360 in the aerobatic competition.

Pilatus PC12
P51D ‘Mustang Sally’
Goodyear Eagles Pitts S2Bs

The Puma Energy Flying Lions Harvard’s put on a three ship display, led by Scully Levin,Arnie Meneghelli and Sean Thackwary. Followed on by Andrew Blackwood Murray in his Nashua Extra 300LP.The Raptors RVs flew a four ship display also led by Nigel Hopkins. A jet powered glider was put through its paces, not something you see at airshows in South Africa that often.

Puma Flying Lions Harvard
Nashua Extra 300LP
Raptors RVs

Henley Air provided helicopter flights at the show in one of their Bell 206 Jet Rangers. A solo RV7 display by Trevor Warner before one of the best displays of the day was the three ship Yak 55 display with tight formation aerobatics flown by Nigel Hopkins, Jason Beamish and Mark Hensman.

Henley Air Bell 206
Yak 55 Formation

Klerksdorp Airshow, an Airshow arranged and ran by Pilots and what a good show this was!
Well done to the pilots and organisers for putting a show together in limited time, a big thanks to Werner Kruger from DJA Aviation Insurance for your hospitality during the show. Hope to see a show next year in the North West Province once again.

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Klerksdorp Ready for Aerobatics and Airshow this weekend

Some of South Africa’s local aerobatic Nationals are currently taking place at Klerksdorp Airport in the North West Province of South Africa. The P.C. Pelser Aerodrome will be abuzz with many aerobatic aircraft for the next couple of days. Local Radio presenter Alex Caige from 94.7 also graduated and will be flying in the Sportsman’s class in a Zlin50LS.

94.7 Highveld radio presenter Alex Caige flying the Zlin 50
Zlin 50

Airshow 22 June 2019

Saturday after the finishing of the national Aerobatic Champs, Klerksdorp will have a an Airshow, with many of the favourite airshow regulars such as the Flying,Lions,Team Extreme and many more. Capital Sounds will be the Broadcaster of the event and bringing you all you need to know during the course of the 22 June 2019.

Show starts at 11am, BUT gates open a 7 as Saturday morning will see the final rounds of the South African Sport Aerobatic Club National Championships. The Camps starts on Wednesday 19th, so if you can get to Klerksdorp please go and support our great aerobatic guys, Not only the pro’s but the young and upcoming guys as well.

Team Extreme
WesBank Botswana International Air Show 2019
Flying Lions

All the Big names will be competing over 3 days. +/- 30 Competitors had entered the SAC National Champs

19-21 June – Free to go and support our Aerobatic pilots
22 June – R50 per Adults and R20 per Kid to see the Final rounds and a Full Airshow from 11am to 4pm

Get your tickets at any Pick n Pay or online at #Webtickets
Ticket link https://www.webtickets.co.za/event.aspx?itemid=1492090715

List known of Competitors at time of article

Some of the aircraft that will fly in the Nationals

Pitts S2B
Extra 330SC
Slick 360
Extra 300LP
Extra 330SC
Extra 330 LC & Extra 330LX
Vans RV8
Zlin 50
Yak 55

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O Incrível Show Aéreo de Maputo – The Amazing Maputo Airshow

It has become abundantly clear that if you have enough willingness, passion and eagerness then all things are possible.  This was the attitude of not only the organizing committee of the 2019 Maputo airshow hosted by the Aeroclub of Mozambique for its 90th anniversary celebrations but also from all the relevant authorities that made the show work.  It was a perfect example of a conducive synergy between the Mozambique Municipality, the Mozambique  Civil Aviation Authority, the Airforce, the Police, the Harbor Authorities, as well as Air Traffic and Navigational services are the reasons why it was a resounding success and can be ranked as one of the best airshows in Africa.

The Aeroclub of Mozambique (ACM) has had an illustrious history and is the oldest Mozambican aeronautical institution and has been instrumental in pioneering the way for aviation on the African continent as wells been the forefather of commercial and military aviation in Mozambique.

Unlike other aeroclubs, whose main activity is limited to sports and recreational aviation, the history of ACM is marked by the training of aeronautical technicians by the support of public causes and by the contribution that it has given to the development of aviation in Mozambique.

Since its foundation the genesis of the Aero Clube de Moçambique has been defined by the voluntarism of its members, a principle that remains alive to this day.  The purchase of its first aircraft in 1928, a Gipsy Moth, was a result of a large monetary donation and the auction of a car, a luxurious Minerva, by the man who presided over its Constituent Assembly on 6 August of that year.

The example given by Sebastião Valle and Vasconcelos would be multiplied throughout the 90 years of history of the ACM.  The most symbolic and striking was perhaps the first flight that Armando Torre do Valle took between Xai-Xai and Alverca aerodrome in Portugal, in 1933.  He was the first amateur pilot to fly between South Africa and the European continent, he did it with his own funds and flying his de Havilland Puss Moth.  The navigation aids he relied on were very basic maps and a compass. Torre do Valle left Xai-Xai on 28 March, headed for Lumbo, flew to Malawi, then made stops in Tanzania, Kenyan, Sudan, Egypt, Tunisia and Algeria, crossed the Mediterranean sea, flew over Spain and on 4 May 1933 landed in Alverca, Lisbon the capital of the Portuguese colonial empire that still had no aerodrome.

On return to Mozambique he founded the ACM and established the first commercial aviation company of the then colony, which was bought in 1935 by the Mozambique Railways (CFM), then run by Pinto Teixeira.  do Valle joined the AM with the Railways where he held the position as chairman of the board, this partnership gave a strong impetus to the creation of its flight school. This venture, in 1936 was the formation of the CFM’s Directorate for Operation of Air Transport (Direcção de Exploração do Transporte Aéreo or DETA), which in 1980 was transformed into what today is Mozambican Airlines (LAM).  In addition to the creation of the Civil Aviation Services in Mozambique in 1932, Aero Colonial in 1934, and DETA in 1936, the ACM was responsible for the construction of numerous airfields throughout the country. In part this resulted from the establishment of its subsidiaries in Lichinga, Pemba, Lumbo, Nampula, Angoche, Tete, Quelimane, Beira, Chimoio, Inhambane and Xai-Xai.

The independence of Mozambique however imposed an inevitable clash of mentalities and in particular, of political wills.  The vast majority of members left the country leading to the standstill in all branches of the ACM. Basically, all that was left were a few members a s well as its rich heritage.

It was with this that the ACM moved on to the post-independence era. Even so, it was the ACM’s pilots that played a key role in setting up the Mozambican Air Force by volunteering to train their pilots in 1976.  The ACM also was pivotal in training the army’s first parachutists, as well as played a vital role in humanitarian efforts when the country was hit by natural disasters.

Only after the signing of the General peace Agreement in 1992 did the ACM activity once again gain momentum and part of this ongoing momentum was to celebrate its 90th anniversary by hosting an airshow that has set new standards in airshow co-operation between various stakeholders.

The Maputo airshow was held over the Baía de Maputo (Bay of Maputo), under the RNVA approach into Maputo International airport and sandwiched in between serious no-fly zones, one which include the presidents palace, with over 20 commercial operations continuing as if were just another day, just goes to show that with all stakeholders committed to the ‘cause’, anything is possible, it would be a sigh of relief if the South African Civil Aviation authorities take note of this synergy, it also proves that cross-border airshows are now becoming the place to be due to the eagerness and wiliness of all authorities to make it a success, and to add to the show highlights, drones were flown, yes, drones in controlled airspace -the mind does boggle.

All kudos must go to the four dedicated and committed members of the ACM for their perseverance and tenacity in pulling off one of the best airshows in Africa; namely Gavin Neil, Bruno Homem, João Ribeiro and Bernardino Malawene, were the driving forces behind the show.  The organizing committee took cognancy of the fact that in order to pull off a show of this magnitude, help would be needed and that help came from a group of South African display pilots, Capital Sounds Broadcasting team that not only included the commentary on the day, but also played a vital role in the logistical planning of the airshow behind the scenes as well as offered critical support for the sea search and rescue operations as well as the Airshow Boss and Ramp Director from South Africa that assisted the Mozambican team in making history.

The vast crowds that filled the waterfront street of Av. 10 de Novembro (10 November avenue) were constantly entertained by non-stop action, either from the sea, air, or land as a jammed-packed airshow program kept them constantly applauding for more.

Aerial display acts included, drones, Bathawk, Boeing Stearman, Gyrocopter, skydiving, a gazelle helicopter display as well as Alo 11 helicopter display, a Yak, as well as the very famous Little Annie Antonov AN2, and some high-speed jet action in the form of the GoodYear Eagle L29 Jet.  Formation aerobatic teams kept the energy going and displays flown by the Puma Energy Flying Lions in their Harvard’s, the Tailift Cows Pitt Special aerobatic team, as well as the heart-stopping Team Extreme, and the radial formation made up of an AN2, Boeing Stearman and a Yak.

When the skies above the bay were not filled with smoke, the crowd’s attention was drawn to the action on the water that included a yacht race, jet ski races, as well as a jet ski and helicopter race.  For the land enthusiast, there plenty food and drink stalls, a children’s paly area as well as various activities including a sound stage that featured prominent local musicians kept everybody entertained for the entire day.

Unfortunately, all good things have to come to an end, and the penultimate display was a sunset display dedicated to the Airshow Director, Gavin Neil that saw his homebuilt Safari Z010 be flown as a tribute flight to him.  Closing the show was the very special and spectacular sunset display by the Puma Energy Flying Lions.

Thanks to Mark Mansfield for the report of the Maputo Airshow.
Photos below by Mark Mansfield – M Cubed Media

Click to enlarge

I Can Dream – Newcastle Air Show 2019

The Newcastle Air Show in KwaZulu-Natal, which is the only airshow in KZN, was held on Saturday the 1st June 2019, for the ninth year running. With the theme “I can Dream”, the show encouraged participation from the community with free entrance and focused on the youth, which saw a lot of school children attending the show. It is fantastic to see the local community being considered and the drive to encourage the youth into the aviation world.

With lots of food stands available, there was also lots of activities and stands to keep the public busy, including a virtual reality stand, military and air force stands, motor bike stunts and even an  South African Air Force Agusta A109 static display.

The show opened to a parachute drop with a huge South African flag, whilst the Newcastle High School Choir performed the national anthem for the twelve and half thousand strong crowd. It was a very special moment as the choir timed it to perfection with the flag landing as they completed the anthem.

This was followed by an impressive display by the Silver Falcons. Team 82 of the Silver Falcons performed their display, lead by Major Omphile Matloane in Falcon 1, with team members Falcon 2 Major Tiaan Stander, Falcon 3 Major Sivu Tangana, Falcon 4 Bheki Shabangu and GLO Captain Xander Albasini.

(Photo by Brian Emmenis)

The Puma Flying Lions followed with their display showing off the Harvard T6 aircraft capabilities in the fabulously clear skies over Newcastle. Leading the team was Scully Levin with team members Arnie Meneghelli and Sean Thackwray.

Gary Whitecross performed a graceful aerobatic display with his glider.

Nigel Hopkins took to the clear skies with an impressive aerobatic display, showing the crowd the capabilities of the Extra 330.

The tradition of racing a plane against a car was taken to a new level this year when Nigel Hopkins raced the Extra 300 against a dragster.

A parachute drop from the SAAF 44 Sqaudron CASA C212 AVIOCAR by the Golden Eagles parachute team kept the crowd entertained.

A SAAF 2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen flown by Major Lee-Roy “Shinobi” Goosen and navigator LT Col Marc “Bluebird” Wilson wowed the crowd with a very fast paced display. The speed and noise from the fighter jet always gets peoples attention and creates a lot of excitement. This was third appearance of the Gripen at the Newcastle air shows and for the second year in a row.

The iconic Pitts Specials of the Goodyear Eagles team performed their aerobatic routine, which is always a great display to watch. The four ship team was lead by Glen Warden with team members Johan van Solms, Dennis Spence and Jason Beamish.

A Magni Gyrocopter flown by Andre van Zyl was next up and he put the gyrocopter through an impressive display showing just how maneuverable the gyrocopter is.

Andrew Blackwood Murray flew his Extra 300 in an aerobatic routine that certainly impressed everyone.

An Embraer E190 from Airlink surprised the crowd with an appearance, giving the crowd a good close up look at the jet.

Team Xtreme put on a high energy aerobatic display which really had the crowd going. They performed their routine which included the signature knife-edge fly past and a double knife-edge (two aircraft together) and if that was not enough, they did a double knife-edge side by side!

Lunch time saw the runway being used for some drag races.

After lunch saw the L29 flown by Glen Warden put through it’s paces. Always a good display of this fine jet.

The Raptor RV’s took to the skies and performed a great display for the crowd.

Ivan van der Schaar flew his Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman, adding a touch of the olden day pilots with an impressive scarf!

The Goodyear Eagles with the Pitts Specials gave the crowd another beautiful display of aerobatic showmanship.

The Raptor RV’s then paired up with Team Xtreme to show us just how good they are, with an impressive 8 aircraft flying their display in very close formation. Truly a sight to behold.

The aircraft then split up with Nigel Hopkins and Jason Beamish giving the crowd some more precision flying demonstrations which included a few more signature double knife edge passes down the runway.

The iconic World War 2 fighter P51 Mustang, Mustang Sally flown by Menno Parsons showed the crowd the might and speed of this beautiful aircraft. The whistling of the air over the gun barrels always makes an impression to remember.

The Glider flown by Gary Whitecross took to the skies to give us a graceful display of flight. Barrie Eeles gave us a solo display in his Extra 330.Good to see Barrie back at Airshows once again!

The South African Airforce display team, the Silver Falcons gave us a late afternoon display. Always a great crowd pleaser and their stunningly professional display did not disappoint.

Closing the show was a parachute drop at sunset which was stunningly beautiful against the setting sun.

A huge congratulations to the organisers on achieving an attendance of over 12 000 people! The entire airshow committee lead by Johan Pieters worked hard to give us a great show and they gave us a winner! A big thank you to Christo Van Der Vyver and all the airshow committee members for their hard work. The Air Show director Rikus Erasmus, Safety Director and SAAF safety officer Col Francois “Hose” Hanekom,Grant Timms as Ramp Controller, ATC for keeping everything running smoothly and safely. All the pilots and ground crews, all the emergency and police services keep the public and crews safe.

Thanks to Mark Mansfield for managing the media and to Capital Sounds, Brian Emmenis and his team that gave excellent Airshow commentary and the sound that was heard nice and clear throughout and to the South African Air force providing aircraft and promoting and restoring National pride to our country. To all the stakeholders who sponsored the show, this last paragraph is for all the unsung hero’s mentioned above who make these country Airshows possible. We look forward to the 10 year anniversary of the Newcastle Airshow next year.



ABSA Lowveld Airshow 2019

Some of the Aviation Central media arrived Friday afternoon from Wonderboom National Airport in Pretoria and others on Saturday morning with some validations happening before the large crowds flocked to the airfield for an airshow that has won numerous airshow awards.

The skies over the old Nelspruit airfield were once again filled with aerobatic display teams, vintage aircraft, helicopters, jets and jet airliners to name a few. This years show had a different twist of the program with the theme fast and furious, the show started in the afternoon and had no repeats of display acts during the course of the afternoon with airboss Johan Heine keeping a watchful eye on display teams.

Ramp Controller Frank Smook

Capitals Sounds Brian Emmenis and his team provided commentary in between the battle of the DJs with Jacaranda who partnered up with airshow Organisers Kishugu and sponsor Absa for a different vibe to the Lowveld airshow during display acts. Before the airshow started, the Lowveld Model Aircraft Club (LOMAC) provided remote control (RC) aircraft displays with their different scales of aircraft in their club, For new photographers to Aviation, its a good learning curve to capture Rc aircraft.

The show opened with BMW Motorcycles revving down the runway, just before a paradrop with different member’s of the skydiving community on the airshow scene, their jump ship was ‘Little Annie’ an Antonov two flown by Jon-Marc Hill and Colonel Keith Fryer. The An2 also led the vintage formation and dropped a large amount of marshmallows for
children aspiring to be pilots one day. The Yak18T which was also flown in the formation by spotter pilot, Riaan Prinsloo. Comair Boeing 737 Captain Ivan van der Schaar flew his Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman. Danie Terblanche flew the ‘crazy pilot display’ in the well known STOL capability Husky.

BMW Motorcycles
Big South African Flag carried by Ralph Ridge
Vintage Aircraft Formation

The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) as well as South African National Parks put together A mock battle with poachers and members of the SANDF coming into contact with each other a patrol. The put on act just shows what happens on a daily occurrence in the Kruger National Park and South Africa’s borders. The South African Airforce was unfortunately not present at this years show, due to the countries inauguration taking place on the 25th May later this month. Air Force Base Hoedspruit exhibited some of the SAAFs duties in the form of life boats, dummy bombs, etc in one of the hangers.

A total of five Extra 300 series aircraft were at the airshow, Nashua sponsored Andrew Blackwood Murray flew his solo display in his Extra 300LP. Arnie Meneghelli and Ellis Levin flew the first double inverted ribbon cut in the world at an airshow. Team Extreme had both Nigel Hopkins in his Extra 330 and Jason Beamish in his new Extra 330, they joined up with Mark Sampson in his newly painted Sbach and Mark Hensman in his MX2 for the full Team Extreme display. The Raptor RVs with the new number five Johan von Solms completing his first display.

Double inverted Ribbon Cut
Nashua Extra 300LP
Team Extreme

Two Pitts Special display teams flew their usual routine,The Cows put up a threeship with Captain Scully Levins daughter Sally Bates flying one of the aircraft,not many women airshow display pilots on the airshow scene. Nigel Hopkins led the Goodyear Eagles sponsored Pitts Specials with Johan von Solms and Jason Beamish. A light aircraft display consisted of two Bathawks and two Kitfox’s showed the short takeoff capability’s and a asset in the bushveld area.

Cows Pitts S2C
Goodyear Eagles Pitts

Jet display’s by a L39 ZU-IBN owned by Middelburg’s Richard Lovett and flown by Pierre Gouws joined up with Mike Weingartz in the Impala MK1 ZU-IMP. The Airlink Embraer E190, flew a beautiful tight display. Airlink have displayed at most Nelspruit airshows now, and the E190 is definitely a crowd favourite.

L39 & Impala MK1
Embraer 190

Helicopter displays included a Gazelle flown by Juba Jourbert who raced to Jaguar cars, he also joined up with a Airbus Helicopters H125,Bell Huey and a Enstrom. We don’t often see such choppers in a display like we did. It was like a licorice all sorts formation. Three Working on Fire Hueys flew a sunset display with the use of two bambi buckets throwing water in show centre. The Flying Lions ended the display flying with a sunset show mixed with pyrotechnics to end another safe airshow.

Gazelle flown by Juba Jourbert
Airbus Helicopters H125,Bell Huey and a Enstrom.
Working on Fire Hueys

We would like to thanks Monica Fourie, Naranda Leeuwener and the rest of Kishugu for taking the time to keep the media up to date with the show months before. Also big thank you to StayEasy Emnotweni, Nelspruit for the wonderful accommodation!
Till next year, Thanks Nelspruit for the support!

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Rasesa ready for takeoff- WesBank Botswana International Airshow

The WesBank Botswana International Airshow is almost ready for takeoff to give the people of Botswana and other international visitors a day of spectacular aerobatic sequences from both old and new aircraft.

Matsieng Airfield (ICAO: FBMA) is a new Airfield which has been around since 2011. The airfield is located near Rasesa, 44 kilometres north of Gaborone Botswana.

The highlight for some is definitely the fly-in experience where pilots fly-in for the weekend and camp under the wing of their aircraft or even camp in the set up tent area where ablution blocks are available as well as log fires, that are made available for braai packs and other needed necessities during the weekend.

Aircraft that will be making a welcome back appearance will be the only airworthy P51 Mustang in Southern Africa, owned and flown by Master Power Technologies Menno Parsons. He will also have his Bell 407.Other helicopters that will be displayed will be the NAC Bell 430 flown by Alister Brown. Team Extreme will be making their full team debut made up of Nigel Hopkins in his Extra 330,Jason Beamish in his brand new Extra 330,Mark Hensman in his MX2 and finally Mark Sampson in his Sbach. Other favourites will be the L29 and L39 Jet trainers, AN2 ‘Little Annie’ Harvard’s ,Pitts Special teams and many other aircraft. Program to be posted soon!

P51D Mustang
Bell 407
Bell 430
Team Extreme
Jason Beamish”s new Extra 330


Entrance gates: Gate 1 (on site map)https://www.botswana-airshow.com/index.php/info/maps

Gates open: Saturday from 9:00 to 16:00
Air Show ends: 17:00

Entrance fees: P120 per adult; P60 per child (6-17 years); Under 6 years – free if accompanied by paying adults.

Tickets available at the following PUMA outlets

·         PILANE

·         PHAKALANE

·         BBS

·         RAILPARK

·         TLOKWENG


·         PULA SPAR

·         GRAND PALM

·         KGALE VIEW



·         MAHALAPYE

·         PALAPYE

·         MOLEPOLOLE

·         KANYE

·         Also available from PHARMA LULU @ Westgate Mall


  • No food or beverages will be allowed through the gates.
  • Empty cooler bags will be allowed through the gates.
  • No picnic or recreation of any sort will be allowed in the parking area.
  • No buses exceeding 8 people seated.
  • No admission will be granted without a valid entry ticket or permit.
  • The public shall enter and use the parking area as well as the premises at their own risk and the organisers and the owners of the premises cannot accept liability for any loss or injury to any person or property.
  • Any form of misbehaviour or criminal activity will be handed over to the members of the Botswana Police Service.
  • The public may not enter any fenced off zone allocated to aeroplanes and other vehicles. Trespassers will be escorted off the premises immediately without refund of any kind.
  • Members of the public are strictly not allowed to access the Hospitality tent area.

Us at Aviation Central cant wait to share a fantastic day with the people of Botswana in the next couple of weeks, we sure are super excited. Keep an eye on our social media pages and website for more updates to follow!


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Stellenbosch Airshow 2019 What to expect

Stellenbosch Airshow 2019

Stellenbosch Flying Club Airshow

Dubbed FASHKOSH, a play on Stellenbosch’s official airfield name FASH and OSHKOSH, the single biggest airshow and gathering of aviation enthusiasts in the world which takes place annually at Oshkosh Wisconsin in the USA, the 2019 Stellenbosch Airshow takes place on the 23rd of March and promises to be bigger, louder and more exciting than in previous years.

Friday 22nd March is a practice day for the participating pilots and the Stellenbosch Flying Club will host a youth development day with around 200 learners from local schools attending where they will have the opportunity to gain first hand insights into possible careers in aviation. They will also be able to get up close to the participating pilots and aircraft, in particular the South African Airforce.

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The program for show day provides non-stop adrenalin and entertainment with some of the highlights of the show being the South African Airforce Silver Falcons, a Boeing 737 airliner flypast, the first public display in South Africa of the Pilatus PC24 small business jet and for the first time in the Western Cape a skydiver will jump with the biggest South African flag ever to fly. Team Extreme will thrill with their precision formation aerobatics display, and Working on Fire will demonstrate it’s capable team of firefighting helicopters and fixed wing aircraft that have been seen hard at work around the Cape over the last few weeks. These are but a few of the exciting aircraft to be seen on the day.

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World renowned airshow commentator Brian Emmenis and Capital Sounds will bring you informative and entertaining commentary and food and refreshments will be available throughout the day.

Gates open for spectators at 0800 with visiting aircraft of various descriptions flying in until the emergency cavalcade procession at 1015 whereafter the show will be opened by the skydivers

Tickets are available online at Webticket at R150 for adults and R100 for children. Under four years old enter for free. Numbers are limited and very few tickets will be available at the gate so get yours online early.

Click here to get your tickets online 

Stellenbosch AirShow Program 2019

Wide spread that covers most of the flying disciplines. From paragliders gliders, helo’s, business jets, fighter jets, formation team extreme aerobatics, competition aerobatics, flag jumps, gyro planes, model aircraft, simulated firefighting, simulated armed response and medivac, warbirds, new types on market.

A few not normally seen in the Western Cape. (Hidden in the program are a number of firsts at Stellenbosch.)

Below is subject to availability of aircraft & crew and is not in display order

  1. Power Para Gliders
  2. Large scale model Jets
  3. Biggest SA Flag skydivers
  4. SAAF Silver Falcons
  5. L 39 fighter jet
  6. Aero Machi Bosbok Ex SAAF
  7. Glider and Tug display
  8. Vintage Tiger Moth and Chipmunk display
  9. Emergency vehicle cavalcade
  10. Bell 407 Helicopter
  11. Howard vintage
  12. Cessna 195 vintage
  13. Boeing 737 airliner
  14. “THE HULK” display
  15. Pilatus PC 24 business jet
  16. Motor Glider
  17. Raptors Aerobatic Formation team
  18. RV Aerobatic solo display
  19. Gyrocopter M16
  20. Shock Cub display
  21. Team Extreme Aerobatic team
  22. Aviat Husky short field performance (Stellenbosch first female display pilot)
  23. Nashua Extra 300
  24. Harvard T6 Display
  25. Boeing Stearman Aerobatic display
  26. Black Hawk Helicopter
  27. Huey helicopter
  28. Piper Malibu
  29. Piper Aerostar
  30. Airborne armed response/ medivac demo
  31. Working on Fire demonstration

The above is subject to availability of aircraft and crew. Will be updated closer to the event.

Look for us on Facebook and Instagram or at www.stelfly.co.za

Race for Rhinos 2018

Race for Rhinos 2018

The 2018 edition of Race for Rhinos finally arrived for all the eager competitors taking to the skies of Sua Pan in Botswana from the 28th June -1 July.The Sua Pan or Sowa Pan is a large natural topographic depression within the Makgadikgadi region of Botswana. It is located near the village of Sowa, whose name means salt in the language of the San.The Race for Rhinos in now in its forth year running and this year was the biggest amount of aircraft taking part in the race, a new world record.

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The vision for the race came from veteran pilot Chris Briers who has planned all four races to date, with the help of the Botswana government ,Botswana Tourism and the Botswana environmental Department.This is all to help stop the poaching of Africa’s most majestic animal the Rhinoceros . These animals are being poached on a daily rate and need to be protected before they’re are extinct.

Air racing is a highly specialised type of motorsport that involves aircraft or other types of aircraft that compete over a fixed course, with the winner either returning the shortest time, the one to complete it with the most points, or to come closest to a previously estimated time.

After arriving from Wonderboom National Airport in Pretoria on the Thursday before day1 of the Race. We were greeted by all of the known faces in the Southern African Region of the aviation community,while many aircraft were still arriving over head the pans above us. We had a fun-filled flight from Pretoria to Pilanesberg to clear customs and from their on to Sua Pan on ‘Little Annie’ An2 piloted by Jon-Marc and Mark Hill.We were allocated to our accommodation in comfortable  tents that were placed up before arrival. Each day our tents were cleaned, beds made and all our valuables all in one place!

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The oldest aircraft in the race was the Navion, 1046, race 38
A few of the rarest aircraft; Race 14 a Rockwell’s Collins 112, first time in the Race for Rhinos, possibly early 70s model, a Rockwell Collins 114 Race 105 first time racing in the Race for Rhinos, and very rare to have both a 114 and a 112. Another rare aircraft was Race 40, the Dornier DO 27, also a first time at Race for Rhinos, the Harvard also rare as well as Little Annie
Biggest air race to date was in Bloemfontein in central South Africa with 111 entries, The 2018 Race for Rhinos is 117 entries.

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The huge marquee that was put up just in front of Race Headquarters where Brian Emmenis and his team were Broadcasting from and was our daily alarm clock playing music from 6am in the morning to get the competitors up and amped for the day ahead.At the Marquee we were served three meals a day,obviously that being breakfast,lunch and supper.The bar area was also placed there where we could enjoy many of the sunsets on shores of the pan and the evenings entertainments from various musicians. Most of the competitors were busy with their plotting’s and race briefings before everyone made route for the tents quite early before the start of day one of Thursday evening.


Day 1- Friday 2018-06-29

With our daily alarm clock getting us up nice and early thanks to Capital Sounds, we headed off to freshen up in the portable showers, straight after that to the filling breakfasts and Cappuccinos on tap to get all competitor’s ready for day 1 of the race. Pilots and Navigators then made their way to their aircraft while the Bathawk and Bantam took off for the Telstar mission to communicate with Race authorities if their had to be a emergency from one of the competing aircraft along the route. Chris Briers took media up in the Agusta A119 to get some aerial shots of different competitors. The chopper was donated 20 hours of flying during the race days.

The Kingdom of Sua Pan had its own non-radio station from Capital Sounds, filling us in with any information for the days proceedings with most of the base having sound equipment reaching far and wide into the distance. To make sure no one couldn’t miss out what was taking place. The team comprised of Brian Emmenis, Leon Du Plessis, Rodger Coetzee, Ricky Fouche, Eric Nkomo.

At 10am saw the first takeoff from race 74, a Aerostar/Piper 600A ZS-PCV flown by JZ Moolman and his navigator Jannie Moolman of the 114 competitors with ex President of Botswana Ian Khama waving the Botswana National flag of the start of go time!

Just after mid day the first of the aircraft made their way back to base,once landed and checked back in at Race HQ,Then treated to lunch and competitors getting ready for day 2.We were then treated to some fantastic flying displays from a T6 Harvard flown by Dion Raath, Extra 330 flown by Nigel Hopkins who also led Team Extreme with Jason beamish in the Rv7,Mark Hensman in the RV8 and Mark Sampson in the Sbach XA41.Neville Ferreira flew a great show in his Kitty Hawk based Slick 540,The Raptors RVs were the up next in their tight formation flying and then joined up with other Rv owners in a mass RV formation that has not been seen before in Southern Africa,with a total of 12 RVs in one formation. What a sight it was!


Raptors Rvs

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Team Extreme

Dinner was served and a short race briefing was presented and some of the daily loggers were shown. Day 2 was slowly upon us.

Top 40-Day 1


Day 2- Saturday 2018-06-30

The day once again with our daily alarm clock, shower Breakfast and go time. Day 2 saw all the slowest aircraft getting off the ground first and the route being more difficult then the day before. The flag was waved and the first aircraft was off the ground, that being Race 108 a Piper PA-22 ZS-CET flown by Pilot Richard Fair and Navigator Timothy Fair. At lunch time all the aircraft arrived back and a sight it was to behold seeing many aircraft arriving back at the same time. Not long after that the Puma Flying Lions Harvard’s arrived from Rand Airport. The first four aircraft arrived back and the long wait for who was the winner of this years Race for Rhinos. The late evening airshow took place as like the day before plus the Puma Flying Lions doing their display plus water skiing on the water in front of the marquee was unbelievable, something we don’t see everyday.

The evening saw a dress up of the early fifties of pilots and crew, where some of the beautiful ladies dressed up like cabin crew and some of the men taking the part of early fighter pilots.The Minister of Environment, Conservation, Natural Resources and Tourism Affairs Mr. T.S Khama greeted the competitors of the final results and presented why everyone has to work together to protect Botswana’s wildlife and still keep the country as a tourist attraction for many. He also addressed many with a joke or two, not many ministers one can interact with without having body guards swarming the place!

Mr. H.T Khama

Stephan Fourie nd Derek Bird in Race 99 finished in 3rd place.



Richard and Timothy Fair took 2nd place in race 108.


Overall winners in race 25,Michiel and Greylingh Jansen.

Race 25 at turn point two

Race 25
CENTURY AVIONICS TROPHY Best handicap Performance on day 1
THE RACE FOR RHINOS TROPHY To the aircraft and crew placed first overall
KLN / Aveko sr VL-3, 100HP, 3-bl CS, N
Handicap speed: 134.79
Michiel Jansen and Greyling Jansen

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Chris Briers was up next to thank all that took place and made the forth Race for Rhinos take place without any incidents involved, he thanked the Government of Botswana for all their hard work and finance’s put into the race, without them tis race would not be taking place. We would like to thank Chris Briers and the Botswana Government for hosting the media and to Mark Mansfield for organising everything for Aviation Central from all the updates and making sure we were taken good of. We were then treated to again some of the various musicians and Diner .The next day we set sail back to South Africa in ‘Little Annie’ flown by Father and son Jon-marc and Mark Hill. We thank them for getting us to and from Sua pan safe and sound.

We look forward to the 2019 Race as every year gets bigger and better!

Overall Results-Top 43


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Air Total Newcastle Airshow 2018

The 8th annual Newcastle Airshow, the only show in Kwazulu-Natal took place on the 2 June 2018 at the Newcastle Airport on the outskirts of the town of Newcastle. With this show being the only show on the circuit in KZN, members of the public traveled far and wide to the norther KZN town of Newcastle to witness the ever vibrant Airshow.  This years theme was ‘Give your dreams some Wings’.

Show day saw some early morning mist around the skies of Newcastle,but didn’t last long due to the sun creeping  through the hills in the distance,some early morning arrivals from display aircraft from Gauteng and other parts of the country was a welcome sight like every other airshow as the excitement cannot be hidden before the start of an Airshow.An Aviation Career expo was held in the morning before the days proceedings took place.Other talks from pilots took place during the day.

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The show started with a Para drop from SANDF and Golden Eagles parachutists from a 15 Squadron Oryx helicopter flown by Altaaf Sheik, Warren Jobe and flight engineer Lazola Vumazonke,once the last skydiver had landed safely the Oryx crew then began giving flips to the youth who have never flown in a aircraft ever.The Aerobatics Unlimited L29 ZU-AUX flown by Glen’Gringo’ Warden showed off the eastern block aircraft the to crowds who love seeing a jet in the sky especially in Newcastle.Major Lee-Roy ‘Shinobi’ Goosen and Lt Col Johannes ‘Boerboel ‘Mashaba flew the JAS39D Gripen all the way from Air force Base Makhado in the Limpopo province ,this was the 2nd time the Gripen has flown at Newcastle,the last time was in 2012.The frontline fighter was put through its paces before its final maneuver ,a ‘Upper Charlie’ and disappearing into the blue sky.Major Lone Nel was the GLO for the SAAF Aircraft.


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Major Diaan Grobbelaar put the 15 Squadron A109LUH through its paces,one of the great A109 displays one can see at an airshow these days. The Silver Falcons Team 82 with the leadership of Major Omphile Matloane,  flew the first official airshow display as team 82 flying out of the Central Flying School of AFB Langebaanweg along the Capes West Coast. Other team member’s consists of Major Bheki Shabangu at the number 2,Major Corne van Deventer and the soloist Major Sivu Tangana. It was great to see how hard the ground crew for the Silver Falcons, they’re  are the ones who keep the aircraft maintained at all time. A big salute to all of them!

Radials that were present on the day was Menno Parsons Dc3 flown by Derek Hopkins,a first to see a DC3 at the Newcastle Airshow.The Puma flying Lions flying the T6 Harvard’s led by Captain Scully Levin. Ivan van der Schaar flew his Randolph sponsored Boeing Stearman.

Brian Emmenis from Capital Sounds provided the sound for this Airshow once again.commentary for the day was professional provided by Leon Du Plessis and Brian Emmenis, keeping the public informed of all the aircraft and pilots during the course of the day, and always bringing the vibe to the airshow and getting the public excited for each act during the display slots.

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South Africa’s top aerobatic pilots from the likes of Patrick Davidson flew all the way in from Port Alfred in his RedBull sponsored Sbach 342,a first at Newcastle to have him display at this particular show.He will soon get ready for his next Redbull Air Race series in Russia in August this year. Team Extreme  two member’s, Nigel Hopkins flying his Extra330 and Mark’Buggs’Hensman flying Mark Sampson’s yellow Sbach in high energy aerobatic sequences. The Goodyear Eagles Pitts Team flew their three ship display routine under the leadership of Glen Warden, Nigel Hopkins and Jason Beamish flying the other two Pitts.

Neville Ferreira flew his newly painted Slick 540 from Kitty Hawk aerodrome to the East of Pretoria, He then raced a AMG Mercedes later in the day. Matthew Zalewski flew the Magni Gyrocopter, becoming one of the best and only Gyrocopter displays to watch at airshows.

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A big well done to the organizer of this years Newcastle Airshow, from the entire Airshow Committee and Johan Pieters and Christo van der Vyver from Champ Marketing. Johan Neilon, Pete Graham and the ATCs kept the show safe and on time.To all the emergency services that were on standby during the whole day if any incidents had to occur. Thanks to Charlie Hugo for organising the media accreditation and to Capital Sounds for providing commentary and sound during the show, to the South African Air force providing aircraft and promoting and restoring National pride to our country.To all the stakeholders who sponsored the show, this last paragraph is all for the unsung hero’s mentioned above he make these country Airshows possible.We look forward to the 9th edition of the Newcastle Airshow next year.

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Kishugu Lowveld Airshow 2018

Kishugu Lowveld Airshow 2018

Friday, Midday our journey to Nelspruit in the Lowveld started by road from Gauteng, the Team for the Weekend was, Flippie & Lettie van Emmenis and Jarryd Sinovich. We got to Nelspruit Airport at about 16:00 and did our accreditation with the friendly Monica Fourie, once done we went to checking Sheba Rock Guest House our accommodation for the weekend. This was followed by a 780m quick trip to the Mini Boss music festival, this festival started with Brian Emmenis and Willem Botha arriving and a Robinson R44 shortly followed by the Flying Lions doing a sunset display before the music started. During the evening a hot air balloon did some night glows adding to the amazing atmosphere. The artists for the evening was and Willem Botha, Touch of Class and Bok van Blerk

Touch of Class

Bok van Blerk

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After a fun filled night before at Minibos,we were up early and we  had the Hot Air balloons up and about filling the early morning skies above Nelspruit.Nelspruit Airport was originally the only airfield serving the region. For commercial flights, it has mainly been replaced by the new Kruger Mpumalanga International Airport.Today the airfield still has the Lowveld Aero Club where many pilots learned to fly including airshow display pilot Ivan van der Schaar. Compare to last year we were blessed with beautiful airshow weather and the days program flowed smoothly.The theme for this years show was ‘Rock The Runway’.

The show started with a Para drop from ‘Little Annie’ AN2 flown by Jon-Marc-Hill and a SAAF Casa 212 from 44 Squadron AFB Waterkloof,both had civilian skydivers and SANDF skydivers including the SAAF Golden Eagles Parachute Team. Different Harley Davidsons were part of the Cavalcade as the skydivers cam into land.Lowveld Radio Control Club flew their aerobatic RC aircraft,while a Kit fox showed off the aircraft versatility .The Bathawk showed why it can be such a great asset to tackling Rhino-Poaching in the Kruger National Park and other private reserves around the country .Airlink provided an Embraer E190 with two beautiful displays during the day.

High energy aerobatics from Team Extreme flying the MX2,Sbach,Extra 300 and Extra 330,led by SAA Training Captain Nigel Hopkins who also led the Goodyear Eagles flying Pitts S2Bs.It was the debut of the CHOC Cows Aerobatic team led by Scully Levin and also leading the Puma Flying Lions.Another airshow debut in his new colour scheme was Neville Ferreira in his Kitty Hawk based Slick 540.During the end of the program most display teams formed up in major formation which really isn’t seen at airshows in South Africa to often. Little Annie was then put through its paces in a solo display flown by Jason Beamish and Jon-Marc Hill. Ivan van der Schaar flew his Boeing Stearman with gentle aerobatics.

Capital Sounds were present from their busy schedule coming up, they’re provided the show with music from producer Ricky Fouche and commentary  from Brian Emmenis ,Elvis Manene and Leon Du Plessis,making sure the public had information on aircraft and the pilots present.line technicians Phillip Smith, Elvis Manene, Eric Nkomo and Wesley van Zyl, who also raced Little Annie on takeoff with the Yamaha sponsored scooter where Wesley was blown away!.

The South African Air force was present with a 2 Squadron JAS39D Gripen operating out of AFB Makhado flown by Major Mohau ‘Doberman’ Vundla and Navigator Marc ‘Bluebird’ Wilson.The 44 Squadron Casa 212 was used as a jump ship for the SANDF skydivers.A lonely 19 Squadron Oryx helicopter was on standby if any incidents had to occur during the day, it was used when a SANDF skydiver had trouble with his canopy and landed in a field not to far from the airshow center. The Ground Liaison Officer for the SAAF aircraft flying wads Major Ashley ‘Sensei’ Naxhe who now flies the Casa 212.

Working on fire had a number of aircraft flying during the show,this including a syncro drop from four AT802s and four Hueys .They’re were called out to go put a raging fire out on the outskirts of Nelspruit. The Airshow debut of the first civilian Blackhawk in South Africa ,what a great helicopter to see flying. We also saw to great displays from Danie Terblanche in the Robinson R66 and Juba Jourbert in the Aerospatiale Gazelle who also raced a Jaguar F-type and a super charged Range Rover Sport in a relay race.

Johan Heine, Chairman of the Lowveld Air Show and Safety director Francois ‘Hosepipe’ Hanekom made sure the show flowed smoothly .Kishugus Monica Fourie and Naranda Leewner kept Aviation Central with any news and regarding the show itself and providing us with great hospitality,we thank you.

The show ended with a dusk display from the Puma Flying Lions and Fireworks lighting the night sky up, this was another great Lowveld Airshow complete the rest of the night we were rocked away from the rock band.





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Flippie van Emmenis:

After many years of obstacles and barriers I finally get to attend the Lowveld Airshow, I had rather high expiations of the show as I followed reviews of the all the Lowveld airshows I missed in the past. This was the one South African airshow I recommended to everyone is the one that was not to be missed and they did not disappoint, Well-done to the Team at Kishugu, Brian Emmenis and all the Pilots and Support crews for this amazing weekend.  Your show and hospitality was top class!

Jarryd Sinovich: 

.What a great show,. Really enjoyed seeing the Blackhawk for the first time, see you all next  year…

Our next Airshow we are attending will be the Matsieng Airshow and Fly-in in Botswana 26 May 2018.

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