Tag Archives: Air Show South Africa

2018 vs 2019 Airshow Seasons with a Look into 2020

The 2019 Airshow season has come to end and has been quiet year, yet it was busier than 2018.

In 2019 we lost Rand Airshow and has still not been added to the 2020 Airshow calendar. The Longest Current Running Airshow is Newcastle and it will celebrate its 10th Airshow in 2020. Newcastle took 2nd Place at African Pilot Airshow of the year award. Johan, lead organizer of the Newcastle Airshow said that they are aiming at the number one spot for the 2020 season.

Something new was the Sports Aerobatic Club Airshow at Klerksdorp this year. We truly enjoyed that airshow. This was an Airshow arranged by the Airshow and Aerobatic pilots themselves. The 2020 SAC Airshow will be in Bloemfontein.

Stellenbosch hosted a top-class Airshow this year and for that reason they took the African Pilot Airshow of the Year Award. Stellenbosch team will be back with a two-day Airshow in 2020. Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini) also hosted very successful airshows in 2019 and both will be back 2020.

The SAAF Museum – Swartkop Airshow was delayed this year due to the Presidential Ingurgitation. When South African Airforce finally decided on a new date for the 2019 Airshow, the SAAF Museum team had about one calendar month to arrange an Airshow with the size of what is expected by the public was a huge task! The team delivered an almost perfect show. Well-done.
The SAAF Museum – Swartkop Airshow 2020 will form part of the SAAF 100 celebrations and 2021 Swartkop Air Force Base will be celebrating 100 Years. The SAAF one hundred celebrations will be themed Embracing our Collective Heritage and 100 years of Air Power, through 25 years of Democracy

The Main SAAF100 – Public Calibrations Airshow will run in conjunction with Africa Aerospace and Defense 2020 that is to be hosted at Waterkloof Air Force Base in September 2020.

The Aeroclub of South Africa will also be celebrating 100 Years in 2020 with their main event is to run with the Aero Club Airweek and Airshow 1st Week in May 2020. South Africa will also be hosting the World Air Rally championships in Stellenbosch during 2020.

The 2020 Edition of the President trophy Air Race will be hosted at Ermelo in May and as part of SAAF and Aero Club centenary celebrations we will see a Silver Queen Air Rally to be hosted at Swartkop AFB.

Click here to view our online 2020 Calendar


DJ Aviation & Team Aviation Central

We would like to thank DJA Aviation for Teaming up with Team Aviation Central and this making it possible for us to attend more Airshows in the Year 2020

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Airshows 2018 vs 2019

2019 Had 12 Airshows compared to 7 in 2018. 2019 Airshows had 355 total flying aircraft vs the 213 in 2018. Yes, 2019 had more Airshows so let’s have a look at the average number of aircraft per Airshow 2019 had 31 and 2018 had 30 average aircraft (Number of aircraft divided by number of Airshows)

The Top performer in airshow attendance was Team Xtreme Airshows, with attending 10 Airshows and total of 36 Aircraft vs 2018 Top Performers. Flying Lions, Attended 7 and 20 Aircraft appearances!

The Airshow with the most Aircraft for 2019 and 2018 was Swartkop with 53 for 2019 vs 54 2018.

3 Airshows up its number of Aircraft from 2018 to 2019 with Botswana Wesbank international Airshow showing the biggest growth.

Number of Aircraft per Airshow where the Airshow was hosted in both 2018 and 2019


2018 2019 Growth
Matsieng 24 37 13
Newcastle 26 32 6
Bethlehem 18 24 6
Swartkop 54 53 -1
Lowveld 42 33 -9

2 Squadron Gripen

SAAF Gripen remained the same with 6 Gripen’s flying in 2018 and 2019. C130BZ, another favorite among the public saw no displays during 2019.

Helicopters and Airliners was also in the decline for 2019. The Airlink Embraer E190 was a welcome newcomer to Airshows and flew at Lowveld, Newcastle and Ladysmith. The 2018 Season Lowveld Airshow was the only Airshow lucky enough get the Embraer E190.

Menno Parsons and his P51D Mustang also made a welcome return to the Airshows with 0 Airshows in 2018 and 7 in 2019. The Reason for 0 in 2018 is the Mustang engine was sent for a scheduled overhaul.

The Best Airshow of the year awards 2018 vs 2019

Position 2018 2019
1st Lowveld Airshow Stellenbosch Airshow
2nd Rand Airshow Newcastle Airshow
3rd Ermelo Air Show Middelburg Airshow

Brian Emmenis and his Capital Sounds team was the broadcaster at all airshows in 2018 and 2019. At Some Airshows he had specialist co-commentators that was provided by the Airshow organizers.
The Sound was as always clear throughout the Flight lines. Brian and his Crew kept the crowds on their feet and well informed on all Pilots, Aircraft, Team, Airshows, Sponsors, Key Aviation Media, all the Safety and behind the seen personnel. We are looking forward to a festive and busy year 2020 in the compony of the wonderful team.

** Notes**

  • AAD2018 is not counted as it’s not an Airshow but a Trade show.
  • If an Aircraft or Team flew more than one displays a day it is still counted as one, counted per airshow and not displays
  • Some Pilots and Teams displayed at other events that classified as an Airshow, these are also excluded

Below are the 2018 and 2019 Airshow Attendance lists

2018 Airshows

2019 Airshows

2020 Interim Airshow Calendar


18th – 19th SAC Gauteng Regionals – Vereeniging
7th – 8th North West Regionals – Klerksdorp
21 & 22 FASHKOSH 2020 Stellenbosch 2-day air show
4th Wings and Wheels Festival, Uitenhage
25th Garden Route Air Show – GEORGE AIRPORT
1,2,3 Middelburg – Aeroclub Aero week
9th Swartkop Airshow
16th Lowveld Air show
23rd – 25th PTAR – Ermelo
23rd – 24th SAC KZN Regionals – Ladysmith
30th Wesbank Botswana Air show
5th & 6th Newcastle Air show
13th Maputo Air, Sea and Land Air show
16th – 20th SAC National Championships – Tempe
20th SAC Aerobatic Air Show
22nd – 1st SAC Advanced World Championships
22nd Bethlehem Air Show
19th – 20th AAD Waterkloof – SAAF100
3rd – 4th SAC Western Cape Regionals
24th – 25th SAC Judges Trophy
9th – 21st SAPFA World Rally Championships
5th – 6th SAC Ace of Base

Top Photos

Upload your top photos and we will share them for you for everyone to see!

Best of 2018

Before uploading your photos please have a look at the T&C’s

  1. Only two photos per person
  2. Max file size per photo is 1mb
  3. All photos must contain a short text describing where the photo was taken and what aircraft & pilot name (where its known)
  4. Photo must be uploaded with permission to share on our Website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram pages or Calendar.
  5. We cannot be held responsible for anyone downloading the photo from any of our online platforms.
  6. You can add a watermark to your photo before uploading, but it is not a requirement. (For our Calendar NO watermark)
  7. You are requested to share the page with your friends when your photo is online
  8. This is not Competition, but an opportunity to showcase your top two photos
  9. Once uploaded we will receive your submission, review and then share

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    10 Years – Aviation Central 2009 to 2019

    Aviation Central celebrates 10 Years

    10 Years Long

    Adrenaline Show

    Adrenaline Show – Wonderboom National Airport

    Aviation Central was founded in September 2009, just days before the 2009 Swartkop Airshow.

    The drive behind the team that makes up Aviation Central, the time and effort spent in taking photographs, traveling across multiple countries to report on events, is all about the love and passion that the team has for aviation.

    We have managed to see and witness some incredible moments in aviation in Southern Africa, and even witnessed some incidents we wouldn’t want to see again.

    From the ups and the downs of regional air shows, to the fantastic Africa Aerospace and Defence show we eagerly attend every second year,

    Race for Rhinos at Sua Pan in Botswana, The Botswana International Airshow and other neighbouring countries airshows around Southern Africa.

    Gaborone International Airshow 2017

    To flying in some exotic aircraft with friends we have made in the industry, to all the people behind the airshow scenes and fans we have met along the way.

    We can’t thank you, all our fans and supporters, enough for all the positive feedback we have received on all our social media sites and our webpage, which was introduced in 2017.

    Our team has all visited shows in their youth, but it started at the Wings N’ Wheels Airshow that was held at Airforce Base Swartkop in 2009, where we got to see a number of fighter aircraft display including

    The SAAF Museums Mirage IIICZ ‘Black Widow’ and Aerosud Mirage F1AZ. To see those aircraft in formation at the end of the day, will stay in our memories for years to come.

    It was also an opportunity to see the New Gripen and Hawk Fighter jets display as they were put through their paces for the Pretoria crowds for the first time.

    Aviation Central’s mission is to bring as much information to the public about upcoming airshows and aviation related events that take place in Southern Africa.

    We get messages from all over the world when it comes to airshows and people want to know more about the event before attending.

    As a non-profit organisation, our purpose is not to make money, but rather to bring the joy of aviation pictures and stories to the public to their mobile phones, PCs and now even on YouTube. We will now be

    posting aviation videos from airshow MOs and events so you can also witness the sights and sounds of the magnificent aircraft.

    We look forward to continue providing everyone with up to date news on all aviation events in Southern Africa, for many, many years to come.

    Aviation Central Timeline

    1. Formed 13 September 2009 by Elan Hoffman
    2. June 2011, Flippie van Emmenis joined as a Follower to Aviation Central
    3. March 2012 Flippie van Emmenis was granted admin right to help run Aviation Central
    4. Sep 2012 John James joined Team Aviation Central, John is currently inactive.
    5. Dec 2013 Aviation Central had it 1st 1000 likes
    6. Dec 2013 Lettie van Emmenis  Joined Aviation Central  (Admin) 
    7. March 2014 Trevor Viljoen Joined Aviation Central
    8. May 2015 Jarryd Sinovich joined Aviation Central, Jarryd has become one of the most active members of the team.
    9. Feb 2016 Aviation Central passed all other Aviation Media related pages with followers on Facebook
    10. September 2018 Alan Richert joined Aviation Central
    11. March 2019 Niel Swart Joined Aviation CentralJuly 2019 Aviation Central reached the 30 000 likes mark on Facebook

    The Team

    Team AC AAD2018

    Team Aviation Central AAD2018

    Elan Hoffman
    I love flying. I love watching the aeries soar, the smell of jet fuel in the morning, the feel of the throttle in my hand.

    I remember the internet boom and wanting to catch into that. Long ago, in a land down under, I built a website that could connect flyers, enthusiasts, aviation businesses. I left that land back home to South Africa and started that idea again.

    And then Facebook happened and with it came a fast moving need that I could not manage on my own.

    Fortune brought a good man to Aviation Central who had assembled a great team. They have taken Aviation Central to heights I only dreamed of. Their photographic prowess on display, their service given to this idea now showing in an Aviation Central Calendar on as many digital channels I know.

    May an idea taken from humble beginnings keep on ascending!

    Alan Richert

    Since as a young lad watching Vampire’s, Hawker Hunter’s and Alouette III’s of the then Rhodesian Air Force flying over Lake Kyle returning from their missions, I have always been fascinated by aircraft.

    However, it was only in the 1990’s that I got to experience air shows, and then trying to photograph them with my trusty old 35mm film point and shoot automatic camera! It was around 2012 I decided to do something about my interest in taking photographs, got myself a proper DSLR and dived head first into the world of photography. It was a natural progression to then bring the two passions together.

    With a stressful day job in the Information Technology world, the relief of getting out and doing photography is very rewarding and helps keep me focused.

    My passion is aviation photography, but I do enjoy shooting most types of action sports. To keep sane and when I want some me time, I indulge in a bit of landscape photography.

    Having joined the Aviation Central team late 2018 I am still learning the ropes of all the behind-the-scenes activities, but I thoroughly enjoy the privilege of being able to share with you my photographs of these magnificent flying machines.

    Niel Swart

    Niel has been a member of Aviation Central since March 2019. He is based in the Cape but travels to events when and where possible and has actively been taking photos since 2007.
    Niel has covered events like AAD and air shows at Swartkops, Stellenbosch and Rand. Some of his other work cover the Coca Cola World Cup B737 visiting South Africa as well as the first landings of the three British Airways reto B747’s.
    He also has a fond love for trains, both big and small. His fondest memory is of chasing a train in a 1953 Chipmunk as a passenger by taking air to ground photos with the cockpit filling with the amazing smell of burning coal while banking and experiencing the sensation of flying.

    Jarryd Sinovich

    From the day my father brought home a toy 747 from his business trip to Cape Town,i have been devoted to aviation in South Africa. I attend my first ever airshow at the tender age of 3 that being DEXSA that was held at Airforce Base Waterkloof in 1998.To this day I remember sitting in the then Shurlock  Sponsored Pitts Special Aerobatic aircraft and the R=roar of thundering jets from above as my ears took a beating. I was hooked!

    As the years went on I attend airshows all over the country from Cape Town to Polokwane, but one of my favourite shows I attended was the only and lets hope not the last fighter meet at Airforce Base Makhado in the Limpopo province. It was where I got to see a number of fighter jets fly as well as hear the then cheetah fighter jet break the sound barrier. I also got to witness Ivan “Viking” Pentz display the new Hawk Mk120 for the first time.

    Since then I got my PPL in 2013 and continue to travel and enjoy the South African Airshow circuit. I look forward to a big celebration in 2020 with the South African Airforce 100th anniversary  and the Aero Clubs 100th too.

    Flippie van Emmenis

    Flippie Van Emmenis

    Aviation Central’s Flippie Van Emmenis receiving an Honorary Membership Certificate from Eagle Air

    I use to be the guy attending air shows sitting on my camping chair form the start of the show until the end of the show, without moving from myspot even if it caused dehydration as I did not want to miss a thing. At first I did not own a camera, nor did I ever consider getting one as it was about my love for air shows, the aircraft, the fuel and smell from the vendors all while listening to Brian doing commentary.  Facebook started to gain popularity in 2009 and in order to find out more about upcoming air shows, I started following aviation pages to.

    I joined Aviation Central as a normal follower which had about 140 likes at that stage. Soon afterward following, I started commenting and asking many questions. Elan Hoffman, the creator of Aviation Central, asked me if I would like to help him with the admin the page. This totally caught me off guard as I never expected myself to be doing something like this. I thought that my writing skills were not up to standard for this but this will not stop me! About one year later the page had grown to over 1300 likes. Elan phoned me and offered me to take over the ownership of the page, once again shocked, but I accepted. So yes, I never planned something like this let alone dreamt about it. Now, my love for air shows has also grown into a passion that my wife and I as well as the rest of my team can share with all air show lovers all over Southern Africa and abroad.

    Trevor Viljoen

    My passion for Aviation started as a young boy going to the Virginia Airshows and from there it was just aviation that was in my head and all I could think about and still up to today, Flippie ( Boss Man) and I got to meet each other for the first time in 2014 after being chatting to each other and sharing our passion and love for Aviation on Facebook for sometime. My first post for Aviation Central was the first Sky GO held at North Beach in Durban and from then it has been one Fantastic ride with this team!

    To be apart of this team is something that I never ever thought would happen but when Flippie asked me to join the Team I was not sure if i was good enough to be apart of Aviation Central but just took it by the horns and said yes for the love of Aviation and I have never looked back, it’s hard work but it’s an Honour and I am truly greatful and blessed to have been given the opportunity to share my passion for Aviation!

    Lettie van Emmenis (Admin)
    Since I met Flippie he took me to the first Air show. I saw the Vampire flying and the Silver Falcons I could not wait for the next airshow just to see them flying again. My love for Aviation was triggered by Flippie and I enjoy it a lot.

    Thank you!

    We would also like to Thank all the Guys and Gals that helped us with phots and stories over the last ten years, below is a list of Some of them!
    Dries Beetge, Pieter Cronje, Ryno Albrecht, Koos Smit, Andre Nel, Andre Venter, Michael Combrink, Mark Mansfield, Annette Visage Nel, Russell Dixon-Paver, Ben van der Walt, Bennie Henning, Justin de Reuck, Brent Best, Ruan Du Rand, Dian Townsend and Charmaine Oliver.

    We Would also like to send out a BIG thank you to Mr Brian Emmenis form Capital Sounds that was always willing to guide us and advise were we can improve, Brian, Thank you and please continue with your valuable input.

    Mark Mansfield, Your guidance and Support to the Team is also very much appreciated, You opened many doors to Team Aviation Central and always supported us!

    Thank you to all our Fans and Followers out there. To Our Critics, Thank you for showing us where we can Improve

    Some Birthday Messages

    Air Show South Africa – ASSA

    Many happy returns to all our friends at Aviation Central on their 10th anniversary – Congratulations on the huge success and we look forward to continuing relationship for another 10 years at least

    Trevor Cohen

    Congratulations Aviation Central on achieving your first 10 years. You guys have provided the greater flying community with awesome up to date info pertaining to flying and flying events. Flippie you have guided this ship expertly and you should be proud of your achievement. Keep up the good work and loads of respect.

    DJA Aviation

    DJA uses Aviation Central to ensure that it stays up to date with all industry events and happenings.

    DJA applauds Aviation Central on the availability and accuracy of information on their platform.

    Simone Helen Stoop Lekker FM

    Happy 10th birthday Aviation Central. This community has given me a platform to get updates about airshows, aviation news and to be part of a community that share my love for avaition. Thank you for your hard work and sharing your passion with all of us. Here is to another 100years of Aviation Central

    Puma Energy – Flying Lions

    Congratulations to Aviation Central on a decade of authentic aerobatic news. Although I have not worked with Flippie van Emmenis and his flaring team for the longest time, I am truly impressed by their dedication to the flying scene. Self-funding excursions to capture the greatest airborne photographs and creating emotional stories about our beloved pilots http://bit.ly/ArniesLoveStory. Aviation Central is our loyal Airshow support, without them, fans wouldn’t know about Airshows happening across our African skies. We are sincerely grateful to the Aviation Central team for collaborating on events to ensure we all experience the love for flying with the Puma Energy Flying Lions! We continue to praise you for your amazing work and together we bring you the roaring action from above.

    Brian Emmenis Capital Sounds

    What started out as a dream has now become an essential part of our everyday life. Congratulations FLIPPIE, you and your team are doing sterling work to promote aviation in South Africa. We at Capital Sounds are proud to be associated with your on-line forum.

    Omphile Mutloane, Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team Leader

    In an ocean of negativity, AC is a glimpse of what we can be in the professional world of aviation in SA, their professional approach to all that involves the saaf ,GA and corporate is highly appreciated! Carefully over the years you guys chose to highlight and promote the saaf and the Silver Falcons aerobatic team to the general public Cheers 🥂 to the next 10 years . Thank you so much for y’all professionalism.

    Elvis Manene Capital Sounds

    Well am proud of Aviation Central as the online magazine, they keep us updated with what’s happening in the aviation circle and they always accurate with the news they give us, one can rest assured when reading the news you guys give to the people that those news a correct as you get your story straight you don’t just head the bush, as for me am over the moon the be associated with Aviation Central.

    Justin du Reuck

    Wishing Flippie and the team at Aviation Central a very happy 10 year anniversary. Love what you guys do for aviation in SA. Keep up the good work.

    Dian Townsend

    Wishing Flippie and the team at Aviation Central a very happy 10 year anniversary. Love what you guys do for aviation in SA. Keep up the good work.

    Team AC and Falcons

    Team Aviation Central and Silver Falcons – Wonderboom 2016

    Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team 82
    Wishing Flippie and the team at Aviation Central a very happy 10 year anniversary. Love what you guys do for aviation in SA. Keep up the good work.

    A Moment Time Stood Still-Air Force Base Swartkop

    Wherever one wonders around aviation museums around the world, you wonder and think how aviation has come this far as we speak in 2019,expecially in South Africa .The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum, Imperial war museum at Duxford and many more.Airforce Base Swartkop in Pretoria is also part of the elite museums to visit as an aviation enthusiast touring South Africa.

    The Past..

    The SAAF claims Swartkop is the second oldest air station in the world and the oldest operational air station in the world.Over the years many distinguished Squadrons have been based at Swartkop. This includes 26 Squadron which was formed there on 24 August 1942.

    * Photos by Adrian Munro, Stefan Bouwer, Team Aviation Central and SAAF Museum archives

    Photo of Swartkop taken 1935

    The Chief of the South African Air Force opened the relocated at AFB Swartkop in 1993. The Air Force Base reverted to Air Force Station status in 1999. This decision was made by the South African Air Force to vacate the base and leave behind the Museum located there and to keep the Airfield as an extension of Airforce Base Waterkloof. The SAAF Museum Historic Flight had also moved to Hanger 14 at the end of the Southern part of the base to this present day.

    As of December 2013 the South African Air Force still hasn’t vacated all operational units on the base. The South African Airforce Museum currently occupies the northern side of the base while active SAAF units occupy the southern side of the base.

    One of the oldest ATC Towers In South Africa

    Air Force Base Swartkops over watches the residents of Valhalla, Centurion in Pretoria and most air force officers that outlasted their selection phase of pupes course and other forms of duties in the South African Airforce were boundless.

    Still to this very day Harvard’s and other museum assets fly at the base
    Former 44 Squadron C47 Dakota part of the Museum Historic Flight

    The famous SAAF memorial is located on Bays Hill in Swartkop outside overlooks the entire Airbase. Its familiar in pictures of SAAF fighters passing behind it as they brought the sound of freedom amongst visitors of many airshows held over the years. The memorial was unveiled 1 September 1963 by the then State President of South Africa Charles Robberts Swart. The unveiling ceremony was attended by 5000 people.

    SAAF Memorial Bays Hill

    The history of the SAAF dates back after a visit to observe the 1912 military manoeuvres in Europe, Brig. Gen. C.F Beyers (who was then Commandant-General of the Defence Force) gave an extremely positive report on the future use of aircraft for military purposes to General Jan Smuts initiated an arrangement with private fliers in the Cape and established a flying school at Alexandersfontein near Kimberley, known as the Paterson Aviation Syndicate School, to train pilots for the proposed South African Aviation Corporation.. The first South African military pilot qualified on 2 June 1914.

    de Havilland DH.9
    New and old trainers T6 Harvard & Pilatus PC7MKII

    On the 1 February 1920 Colonel Pierre van Ryneveld was appointed as the Director Air Service with the task of forming an air force, the date is used to mark the founding of the South African Air Force. In December 1920 the South African National insignia was added to aircraft for the first time.

    SAAF Insignia 1921–1927
    SAAF Insignia 2004-Present

    4 Squadron was reformed in January 1951 at AFB Waterkloof as the Active Citizen Force element of 1 Squadron with Harvards and Spitfires until once again disbanded in October 1958. On 1 November 1961, it was reformed at Swartkop, flying Harvards and in August 1972 the first Impala Jets were received.

    Swartkop in the late 1940s
    Swartkop in the late 1940s Photo credit http://www.spitfire-restoration.co.za

    The squadron moved from Swartkop to Waterkloof and then to Lanseria Airport where it received Impala Mk IIs. It saw numerous deployments to South West Africa and Mpacha and Rundu airfields in southern Angola. Its home base remained at Lanseria until it was disbanded in September 1991.

    The Museums Spitfire in her former glory days

    Airshows at AFB Swartkop over the years..

    For years many of Aviation Centrals followers have been to some of the many historical airshows at Airforce Base Swartkop in Pretoria. The shows have had a big impact in promoting aviation in South Africa and more military aviation.

    Yester year youngsters watching former fast movers shadowing “Bays Hill” in the foreground in the form of Mirage IIIs,Mirage F1s and Cheetahs and today the Gripen as the countries 4.5 generation fighter aircraft. The echo of the sound of freedom is what draws the “vlamgat” lovers to these shows!

    Swartkop has had a number of airshows over the years which were mainly known as flying days from when the museum had a big fleet of ex air force aircraft that were part of the shows program.This also saw many fighter aircraft from the then current and past SAAF from various fast mover squadrons,including Impalas, Mirages, Cheetahs and up till now to the current SAAF fighters Gripen and Hawk. Warbirds that have attended included PBY Catilina, DC3, DC4, DC6, JU52, Spitfires, Mustangs, Sea Fury’s, Yaks and the list goes on.

    Ex Eastern block jet trainers such as the L39 and L29, Vampires, Hawker Hunters and a T2 Buckeye have touched down on Swartkops sloped runway on many occasions. Many airliners have taken part in shows and have landed at the base included MD80s, Airbus A319s, Boeing 707s, 727s and 737 series.

    Photos below by Adrian Munro, Stefan Bouwer, Team Aviation Central and SAAF Museum archives.

    Since 2012, the Chief of the South African Air Force, Lt Gen FZ Msimang, has initiated a programme to preserve and promote our Air Force history, which includes former TBVC states and the Armed Wings of Former Liberation Movements in relation to the corresponding political, social and economic dispensation of the country under the theme “embracing our collective heritage”. One of the fundamental elements in nation-building and cultivating a cohesive society is the reconfiguration of the heritage landscape to ensure that it reflects the diversity and the incredible efforts of the unity of our society.

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    Silver Falcons Aerobatic Team Ready for the first Airshow of 2019

    The skies over Stellenbosch are getting Busy with the Big airshow this coming Saturday, 23 March at Stellenbosch Flying Club in the Western Cape.

    Stellenbosch hasn’t hosted an airshow since 2015,the Cape aviation enthusiast’s are sure hungry for an airshow.

    Silver Falcons

    The Silver Falcons will be displaying at their first airshow for 2019 at Stellenbosch this coming Saturday under the leadership of Major Omphile Matloane.

    Major Omphile Matloane receives his golden wings from Major Sivu Tangana September 2018

    The team recently displayed at the past Armed Forces Week in Cape Town in February 2019.

    Falcon 1 Background
    Falcon 2 Tiaan Stander
    Falcon 3 Corne van Deventer
    Falcon 4 Bheki Shabangu
    Falcon 5 Sivu Tangana
    Silver Falcons over Cape Town during Armed Forces Week February 2019
    Silver Falcons

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    The Pride of the nation, The Silver Falcons

    The Pride of the nation,  The Silver Falcons
    The Silver Falcons are the South African Air force official display team. The team of five Pilatus Pc7mkii plus 3 additional spare aircraft are based at the Central Flying School,Air force Base Langebannweg in the Western Cape South Africa. The main purpose of the Silver Falcons is to enhance the image of the South African Airforce, encourage recruitment and restore national pride.
    The team was originally formed in 1946 as the Bumbling Bees display team. The team flew a 4ship formation flying the de Havilland Vampire. By the 1950s the team disbanded and left a major gap in South African Aviation. In 1967 at the opening of the Atlas Aircraft Corporation known today as Denel Aviation, there was an idea to change the name of the team to something a bit more bold. The Silver Falcons team which was chosen as they gave their first display at the event in November 1967,under the leadership of Col Chris Prins.

    In 1986 the team was expanded to a five ship to bring more exciting displays and to include a solo display, at this team the aircraft were painted up in old South African flag display colors. The team operated out of AFB Langebaanweg until the early 1990s,when all impala jet training was moved to Air force Base Hoedpsruit on the Kruger National Parks door step in the lowveld region of South Africa.

    Falcon 1 of the Silver Falcons at an Airshow 2000

    Falcon 1 – Photo: Russell Dixon-Paver

    ex -Silver Falcon Impala

    ex -Silver Falcon Impala

    ex -Silver Falcon Impala

    ex -Silver Falcon Impala

    Photos Credit Stefaan Bouwer

    1995 Red Arrows and Silver Falcons

    1995 Red Arrows and Silver Falcons photo credit unknown

    This formed part of 85 combat flying school which is now located at AFB Makhado in Limpopo flying the Hawk m120. In 1994 with the new South African national  flag, the teams aircraft were repainted to represent the colors of the South African Air force:blue, light blue and white. With SAAF75 in 1995 the Silver Falcons had the opportunity to tour South Africa with the RAF Red Arrows all over South Africa.
    During 1998, the team moved back to AFB Langebaanweg and commenced training on the new Swiss Pilatus Astra turboprop trainers. The decision was taken to display the Astra trainer to the public, as the time was near for the retirement of the impala aircraft in 2005. The air force was getting ready for the introduction of the Bae Hawk mk120 into SAAF service.
    At AFB Langebaanweg the team was reduced to a four ship in the standard red and white paint scheme, known to pilots as flying coke cans on the Astra fleet. At this point of time the aircraft had no eye catching paint scheme on the aircraft.

    In September 2008 at the African Aerospace and Defense (AAD) Expo at AFB Ysterplaat in Cape Town, the aircraft were specially painted in a unique blue and white and other additional liveries and the team was expanded to 5 ship once again. The paint for the aircraft was donated by a local paint supplier, First African Paints. The first display was flown at this major show.
    From then on the Silver Falcons have been a hit at every airshow they’re attended, if they not flying with an SAA Airbus in formation. They up close and personal with one of Mango Airlines Boeing 737-800s.
    Something new was when they started is flying with a fighter jets, including Hawk and now Gripen. The Gripen formation is also known as the “Aviation Central Formation”. Many of these particular  formations have the crowds on their feet every time they are flown!

    The team also made history when they opened the Fifa Soccer World cup in Soweto in 2010,the world had all eyes on them. Today the Falcons lead Major Mark ‘Katana’ Gentles is the most capped leader in the whole Silver Falcons history. With the rest of the team made up of Major Bheki Shabangu,Major Sivu Tangana,Major Wendy Badenhorst,Major Omphile Matlaone and the GLO Corne Deventer and don’t forget Falcon 8 Brian Emmenis who has commentated for almost every team.

    To the very special ground crew who keep the aircraft serviceable and fix snags before shows at the last minute. If it wasn’t for you guys we would have no aircraft flying but hopefully taxing lol.
    This year  the Silver Falcons are celebrating their 50th Anniversary with an airshow at AFB Langebaanweg on the Capes West Coast on December 9th. With some of the rumors going around its definitely a show to attend, with a major SAAF presence. We would like to wish the Silver Falcons all the best and many more safe sorties. To the past team members,once a falcon …always a falcon!

    Team Update 2018-07-17 “A new Number 2”

    As we are well into the 2018 South African Airshow season,recently we saw the Falcons preform at the Total Air Newcastle Airshow in KZN in June.The Falcons are set to preform at the Bethlehem Freestate Airshow on the 25th August and the big one Africa Aerospace and Defence Expo at Airforce Base Waterkloof on the 19-23 September,this is promising to be the biggest show to date.This week the Falcons announced their new Falcon 2 Major Tiaan Stander!

    Major Tiaan Stander



    Major Stander will be flying in the number two position in the team, Tiaan joined the South African Airforce on the 23 April 2002!

    Pilots Wings Course 03-2004-Wings Date 8-07-2008

    Completed RWCC 18-05-05

    A109LUH Commander 01-12-07

    Oryx NVG Commander-22-11-09

    Instructors Course 03-03-16

    Aircraft types and Hours:


    Alouette III 49.9




    Major Tiaan Stander is married and has two children.We look forward to seeing the new Number 2 preforming at the Bethlehem Airshow in August.The team will now be back to a 5ship and remain as team 82.

    Silver Falcons Team 82

    Falcon 1-Major Omphile “Biggy” Matloane (Flown the Pc7MKII,A109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

    Falcon 2-Major Tiaan “Excell” Stander (Flown the PC7MKII,Alouette III,A109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

    Falcon 3-Major Corne “Stilbo” van Deventer (Flown the PC7MKII,HawkMK120)

    Falcon 4-Major Bheki “SwaziBoy”Shabungu (Flown the PC7MKII,Cessna 208 Caravan)

    Falcon 5-Major Sivu “Sivuple” Tangana (Flown the PC7MKII,AgustaA109LUH and Oryx Helicopters)

    Falcon 6 GLO- Major Musa Dlamini (Flown the PC7MKII)

    Falcon 7 PRO- Captain Xander Albasani (Flown the PC7MKII)

    Falcon 8- Commentator Brian Emmenis

    See Falcon One’s Story here-https://www.aviationcentral.co.za/2018/04/05/from-soloist-to-lead-omphile-mutloane/



    Airshow of the Year 2017

    Aviation Central’s Flippie Van Emmenis and Lettie van Emmenis got invited to attend the 2017 The Aero Club of South Africa Gala awards dinner held at Air Force Base Swartkop 04 November 2017.
    We will be doing two posts on this prestige event, one focusing on the Airshow side of things and a 2nd focusing on the full event.

    Francois Hanekom
    Lt. Col. Francois Hanekom From SAAF got the DON TILLEY “Safety in Aviation” Award for his roll in Aviation Safety at Airshows 2017, He was involved on the safety side of things at a few airshows during 2017 in South Africa and Botswana. He was also the Airboss for the SAAF Museum Airshow 2017. Well deserved award!

    Athol Terence Franz
    2017 Had a number of good shows and the decision was tuff according the Editor of African Pilot, Athol Terence Franz
    3rd Place went to Lowveld Air Show hosted by Kishugu. The 2017 Airshow season was not easygoing for the team at Kishugu as the show had to be moved after a tropical storm was moving in and was on its strongest on show day. The team made an good call to move the show to an later date. What a show it was! Well-done to the team at Lowveld Air Show 2017.
    2nd Place went to one of my favors for the 2017 (and 2016) year.

    Middelburg Aero Club
    The Middelburg Airshow 2017 hosted by the Middelburg Aero Club. The team had no SAAF and many other Stars on the Airshow circuit in South Africa was also not able to attend, yet they pulled-off and fantastic show! Middelburg Aero Club will also host The Aero Club of South Africa Air Week 9-11 March in 2018, keep an eye on Aviation Central and other Media for more information on this! Wayne van Rooyen said this will be the best and biggest event of its kind South Africa has ever seen!
    The Winner of the 2017 Airshow of the year award goes to Adrenaline Show 2017

    Adrenalin Team
    Christian Maiorana, Chris Briers, Mark Mansfield and all the Rest! Well done guys, and as Athol said, you set the bar so high, you will have to go to all extream to get the 2018 award. What made them pull to the top was the well timed end to the show on the Saturday evening
    Brian Emmenis CAPITAL SOUNDS, Francois Hanekom SAAF, Rikus Erasmus chairman of Air Show South Africa – ASSA and myself, Flippie Van Emmenis Aviation Central. Also on our table we had Brian’s Lovely wife Beverley Emmenis, Athol Terence Franz from African Pilot, Christine Brits and my Stunning Wife Lettie van Emmenis

    Table 19

    Airshows and Other Aviation Events Calendar

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