Best of 2018

Best of 2018

Best of 2018 submitted by Aviation Central’s followers!

Best of 2018

This page is dedicated to our Followers giving you the opportunity to submit your top two photos of the 2018 season.
This is not a competition but giving you the opportunity to show your love and passion for Aviation!

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Dian Townsend

My first photo was taken at this year’s SAAF Museum Airshow held in May. The wind was scares and the smoke hung nicely in the air. Patrick Davidson did not disappoint with his display. I used my Canon Powershot sx530hs camera on shutter priority for this shot.  (Read more on Patrick Davidson)

Rooivalk with Flares

Gavin Petersen

C-130 sunset at AAD 2018, iPhone 6

C-130 sunset at AAD 2018

Gripen sunset at AAD 2018, iPhone 6


 Des Hewitt

Armed Forced day 2018 Du Brug Bloemfontein

Armed Forced day 2018 Du Brug Bloemfontein
Armed Forced day 2018 Du Brug Bloemfontein

Click to enlarge

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