Tag Archives: C130

Flippie van Emmenis – #AAD2022

#AAD2022, Africa Aerospace and Defence 2022, After a 4-year absence and the SAAF100 celebrations being missed in 2020, all South Africans were hungry for a good Airshow. With tight finances, Fuel costs, COVID, and war in Ukraine everyone, including myself was skeptical if AAD2022 was going to happen, but even with all these major negative impacts AAD2022 did take place, and what a good show it was. The crowd was just amazing, the most cheerful and cheering crowd I ever witnessed at an Airshow, The Airboss did a fantastic job putting together and flight program like that we saw, Was just wow.  The Static display and exhibition halls could have been fuller, but again, no one has the budget for that now! From end to end I will give 7/10 (9/10 Airshow and 5/10 exhibition side)

Woza #AAD2024 and we at Aviation Central will once again be sharing you all with information regarding the buildup to Africa Aerospace and Defence 2024. Our next focus will be the SAAF Museum 50th Birthday celebrations at Swartkop Air Force base in 2023.  

Photos by Flippie van Emmenis, Click to enlarge photos

67 Days to AAD 2022 Media Briefing

The countdown to 67 days to Africa Aerospace and Defence Trade exhibition and Airshow which will be held at Airforce Base Waterkloof in the city of Tshwane from 21-25 September 2022.

A media briefing plus a youth development familiarisation to the world of aerospace was held at 28 Squadron “Portamus” (We Carry” home of the Lockheed Martin C130BZ under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Nandi Zama.

The Deputy Chief of the South African Air Force, Major General Innocent Buthelezi welcomed the guests on behalf of the Chief of the South African Air Force, Lieutenant General Wiseman Mbambo and said that he is happy that an event of this magnitude had been dissected, reinvented, finally comes to life.

“When we started there was still so much uncertainty on whether we would be able to host the 11th edition. The pandemic still was at its worst and we watched and waited as we gathered every pronouncement made by the World Health Organisation and our Department of Health.

The Deputy Chief of the SA Air force mentioned that he personally likes the theme of this year’s AAD which is: exploring new paths, sharing solutions and showcasing innovation and capabilities.

“For the first time in the history of AAD, we have secured the express permission for the presence and use of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs) or drones during the show. It is evident that the future is upon us and still coming at us at the speed of light. Innovation is coming from young minds, minds that can still dream big.

Invited guests witnessed the signing of agreements between the AAD and the City of Tshwane, Gautrain and the South African Airways, we are assured of the success of AAD2022,” said Major General Buthelezi

The 67 learners from Mshuluzani Mayisela Primary School from bronkhorstspruit and said, “these learners are fresh, impressionable minds, we aim to ignite the spark of aviation in their minds so that they can always remember that they were part of this august moment,” he said

The Executive Mayor of the City of Tshwane, Mr Randal Williams welcomed the AAD team to the City of Tshwane and said, “we are thrilled to be associated with the AAD, what is interesting is that it showcases the latest technological innovations.

Ms Nompaza Ndlovu, the chairperson of AAD said, “this is a new dawn as we slowly recover from the shackles of the pandemic, I am pleased that we are back in action because we will bring all the strategic partners together to realise what we have been looking forward to, the best AAD this year,” she mentioned.

Foreign airforces have been invited to the event with a couple already committing their presence at this year’s AAD.

Obviously we will know closer to the event who’s who that will be at AAD 2022. Ticket sales and vendor applications will also be available in August next month.

Africa Aerospace and Defence Trade exhibition and Airshow will run from 21-25 September 2022.

Outgoing SANDF General Solly Shoke Parade

The 28th May 2021,saw the outgoing chief of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) General Solly Zacharia Shoke during a retreat parade at Thaba Tshwane, known to many as the military town of Pretoria.

Just to mention just some of his curriculum vitae In 1998, Shoke commanded the South African Development Community forces during Operation Boleas in Lesotho. He was the Director Personnel Acquisition from January 1999 to October 2000, when he was promoted to the rank of major general as the Chief Director Human Resources Support. He was promoted to Chief of the Army in 2004, and became Chief of the South African National Defence Force in May 2011.Solly Shoke was the longest serving Chief of the SANDF to date.

President Cyril Ramaphosa attened the parade during the hand over the command of the SANDF to Lieutenant-General Rhudzani Maphwanya as new chief of the South African National Defence Force.

A flag fly-past started proceedings by two Oryx Helicopters carrying both the South African National Flag and SANDF flag, a single 44 Squadron Casa 212 dropped skydivers from 44 Parachute Regiment. Different marching columns made their way onto the sports.

First of the Mass Fly pasts included a helicopter fly-past consisting of a Agusta A109LUH from 19 Squadron, four Oryx Helicopters and a 15 Squadron ‘Charlie’ Flight BK117.

Next was the Pelican Formation made up of a 35 Squadron C47TP Dakota and a 44 Squadron Casa 212.Followed then by the pointer formation of four Cessna 208As Caravans from 41 Squadron. It was then the return of 28 Squadron with two C130BZs.Major Sivu Tangana led a 9-ship formation of Pilatus PC7MKIIs from the Central Flying School, AFB Langebaanweg.

The final formation was the combat formation led by Colonel “Boerboel” Mashaba with two Gripens from 2 Squadron and three Hawks from 85 Combat Flying School. It was then time for Major Mohau “Dobaman” Vundla’s first Gripen solo display in Gauteng skies as he comes in as 2 Squadrons new Gripen display pilot!

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Hercules C130 aka “Flossie”

Hercules C130 Flossie aka “Flossie

C130 Flossie

A while back, whilst we were running a series on SAAF aircraft, the question arose as to how the Hercules C130 got the nickname ‘Flossie’. Well, here we have it courtesy of Jan Marais from Who’s Who in the SAAF.

Here is the story of where the name “FLOSSIE” came from.

Not many years after the arrival of the C130B’s onto the SAAF register, South Africa became embroiled in a Border War along the South West African/Angolan border. There has been much good and bad written about that conflict and I am not going to add further to that issue, other than to point out that the C130’s were used on a daily basis to convey troops and material to and from the border, and in later years SAFAIR, operating L100’s, were contracted to assist in the air transport effort. To the casual observer the C130 and L100 look so much alike that one could be forgiven for thinking they were the same. Having said the above I can now get on with story.

At 28 Squadron, the operators of the SAAF C130’s, was a Flight Engineer named Phil or “Flippie”. He was a most dedicated man who ate, slept and dreamed C130. In his private life he was a most disciplined man (real old school, soldier), who never did a half job of anything. You all know the type, “if its worth doing, do it properly or don’t do it at all”

Phil was married to a lady with the real old English name of Florence. In her family she was called Flo, and among her siblings she was called Flossie. (by now you can see where this is going)

Presidential Inauguration 2019

Photo: Johan Stephens

Being the consummate professional Phil would ALWAYS walk out, long before the rest of the crew, to the aircraft he was scheduled to fly in and do a proper pre-flight inspection. A few of his fellow flight engineers would pull his leg and tell him the aircraft was only due for a major technical inspection at a future date. His standard reply was “Chaps, if you treat and look after your aircraft like you look after your wife, she will never let you down” This comment always gave all of his Squadron mates a smile. Over the months, whenever his crew were due to walk out to the aircraft they would ask “where is Flippie, is he at Flossie? or Come guys we shouldn’t keep Flossie waiting” or comments along those lines.

In time the reference to Flossie was made more often at the movement control section at Air Force Base Waterkloof and more and more people became attuned to this reference and this then morphed into all troop transport, becoming known as “FLOSSIE”

You may ask how I know this bit of history. The simple answer is that Phil was my Father and “FLOSSIE: was my Mother.

Flying the BDF C130

U.S. donates COVID-19 protective gear to South African Health Services

The U.S. government and U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) delivered approximately $340,000 in personal protective equipment to the South African National Department of Health (NDoH), August 15.  

The equipment, delivered by a U.S. Air Force C-130J, is bound for Gauteng, Western Cape, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu Natal, where it will benefit front-line health workers.   

AFRICOM purchased the supplies, which include N-95 masks, gloves, gowns and sanitizer, using Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid Appropriation (OHDACA) funds after the South African government made a formal request for assistance to the U.S. Embassy. 

a C-130J from the United States Air Force arrived at ORTI on a special visit. She is from the Ramstein Air Base with tail number 08-8602. More info on this special visit to follow soon. These beautiful photos taken by ORTIASpotter.

The command also is supporting the set-up of handwashing stations in Gauteng, Eastern Cape, and KwaZulu Natal, contributing $225,000 to this initiative. This brings the total value of U.S. support toward South Africa’s COVID-19 response to more than $46 million.

“U.S. Africa Command is focused on mission and the fight against COVID-19. We’ve been working in close coordination with the Department of State and United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to provide assistance where we can to the international COVID-19 response,” Lt. Gen. Kirk Smith, deputy commander, U.S. Africa Command. 

“The contributions of critical personal protective equipment and supplies help South Africa and reflect our commitment to partnership in Africa,” he said.

The U.S. has had a long-standing relationship with South Africa. This relationship includes a commitment to improving security and military cooperation to advance peace and security in the region.

a C-130J from the United States Air Force arrived at ORTI on a special visit. She is from the Ramstein Air Base with tail number 08-8602. More info on this special visit to follow soon. These beautiful photos taken by ORTIASpotter.

On the occasion of the C-130’s arrival, U.S. Ambassador to South Africa Lana Marks said, “We are so proud of our growing partnership with South Africa’s National Defense Forces and our cooperation to ensure peace in the region.  This delivery of lifesaving equipment, critically needed here in South Africa, shows how we can leverage the infrastructure of our strong defense cooperation to further bolster the U.S. support to South Africa’s ongoing COVID-19 response.”

Earlier this summer, AFRICOM Foreign Humanitarian Assistance funds provided 11,064 face shields earmarked for the South African Military Health Service and two additional projects provided surgical face masks and protective face shields to assist the South African Government.

SAAF C130 with a Kill

History of the SAAF C-130 with a “kill”: 408

This C-130B was first delivered to the USAF as 58-0731 in 1959, being converted to WC-130B for the weather service in 1970. Reverted to USAF operation as a C-130B in 1982 and donated to South Africa in 1996, where she still flies with 28 Squadron as 408.

USAF incident in 1966:
On 12 January 1966, in Vietnam, 58-0731 (now 408) was with the USAF 463rd Troop Carrier Wing at Mactan. It flew into Ca Mau airfield taking fuel to the Special Forces team stationed there. Just after landing and opening the aft doors the base came under sustained Viet Cong (VC) attack and the Green Berets on the ground radioed to tell them to take off ASAP. But “Wendy” Moser said “Let’s drop the bladders on the roll and keep going. We dont want to take a hit with all the fuel on board.” They taxied and pushed the fuel bladders out of the back of the airplane. As soon as the last bladder was off, Moser taxied the airplane to the end of the runway and wheeled around into takeoff position.

As as they prepared the takeoff roll, someone noticed a figure on the runway just past the area where they had off-loaded the fuel. The crew noticed that the figure had a gun, and it was pointed at them. They saw him open up, shooting into their direction, although none of the rounds appeared to strike the airplane. Then the figure did a strange thing, he jumped onto a bicycle and began pedaling down the runway as hard and fast as he could.

All four men in the cockpit agreed that they must get the VC. Moser released the brakes and the C-130 hurtled down the runway. When the airplane reached flying speed, Moser held it down and aimed at the fast-pedaling VC. Then the crew heard a “BRRRRRRRR” as a prop caught the VC and splattered him all over the side of the airplane. Moser let the airplane become airborne and came back around over the runway to see what they had done. They flew low down the runway and could see the remains of the chopped-up VC and his bicycle.

After landing at Tan Son Nhut, everyone stood around the front of the airplane and apologised to the crew chief for the damage done and for the mandatory engine change.

After that they put a sticker of a person on a bicycle under the pilot’s window as a kill marking.

From the book “Trash Haulers” by Sam McGowan.

58-0731 (408) in NOAA service:
“Despite the damage and death caused by Hurricane Camille in 1969, there was one positive side-effect: she was a wake-up call to Congress. As a result, $8-million was appropriated to obtain more aircraft for the weather recon fleet, and upgrade all of them with state-of-the-art equipment. The Air Force dubbed the effort Project “Seek Cloud”.

Under Project Seek Cloud, twelve 1958-series C-130Bs were obtained from PACAF. They were old, and some were not in great shape, but a tired C-130 is still the equal of almost any other airplane. All twelve were modified for weather reconnaissance at WRAMA in 1970-71 with the installation of the Seek Cloud equipment suite. None of them were configured for atmospheric sampling.

Only eleven of these B-models kept their blue suits, however. 58-0731 was given a temporary duty assignment to the civilian sector, with NOAA’s Hurricane Research Division. It was first re-numbered N6541C, then N8037, and was nicknamed NOAA’s Ark. It served NOAA proudly for eleven years as a hurricane research aircraft. Re-converted to transport in 1981, she then served with the Texas, Ohio, and Kentucky Air National Guards before retiring in 1992. She was later donated to South Africa…”

Source: “Whiskey-Charlie!” by Tom Robison

We Fly the C130B -Botswana Defence Force

The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is an American four-engine turboprop military transport aircraft designed and built originally by Lockheed. Now known as Lockheed Martin, which is capable of using unprepared runways for takeoffs and landings, the C-130 was originally designed as a troop, medevac, and cargo transport aircraft.

The Botswana Defence Force received their first of three C130 B models in the late 90s as their medium transport resource.The last C130 which was . The latest addition to the transport fleet was an ex-AMARC C-130 Hercules to complement the two existing aircraft. The C130s belong to the Z10 Transport Squadron, made up of the Lockheed C-130, Casa 212 and CN235 – Maparangwane Air Base (Thebephatshwa/Molepolole in Botswana.

The C-130B model was developed to complement the A-models that had previously been delivered, and incorporated new features, particularly increased fuel capacity in the form of auxiliary tanks built into the center wing section and an AC electrical system. Four-bladed Hamilton Standard propellers replaced the Aero products three-blade propellers that distinguished the earlier A-models. The C-130B had ailerons with boost increased from 2,050 psi (14.1 MPa) to 3,000 psi (21 Mpa), as well as uprated engines and four-blade propellers that were standard until the J-model’s introduction.

An electronic reconnaissance variant of the C-130B was designated C-130B-II. A total of 13 aircraft were converted. The C-130B-II was distinguished by its false external wing fuel tanks, which were disguised signals intelligence (SIGINT) receiver antennas. These pods were slightly larger than the standard wing tanks found on other C-130Bs. Most aircraft featured a swept blade antenna on the upper fuselage, as well as extra wire antennas between the vertical fin and upper fuselage not found on other C-130s. Radio call numbers on the tail of these aircraft were regularly changed so as to confuse observers and disguise their true mission.

At Aviation Central we’ve had the privilege of also flying with the South African Airforce C130BZs from 28 Squadron based at Airforce Base Waterkloof in Pretoria on a number of occasions. A big thank you to the Botswana Defence Force for allowing us to join you during the 2019 Makgadikgadi Skydiving Epic in the beginning of July.

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Makgadikgadi Epic 2019-Skydiving Boogie

The Magadikgadi Epic once again took place with some of Africa’s finest scenery along the salt pans of Sowa,which lies in the Central District of Botswana. The event consisted of a number of skydivers from across the world sharing their knowledge with one another and using jumping platforms from both the Botswana Defence force and a lonely South African based Atlas Angel.

Sua Pan
Casa 235 & C130B
Atlas Angel flown by Dennis Howe
Skydivers from around the world

The Sua Pan or Sowa Pan is a large natural topographic depression within the Makgadikgadi region of Botswana. It is located near the village of Sowa, whose name means salt in the language of the San. The Sua salt pan is one of three large pans within the Makgadikgadi, the other two being Nxai Pan and Nwetwe Pan.

Sowa Town

A lot of our questions we get is what is skydiving, another word for skydiving known as Parachuting is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent with the use of a parachute or parachutes. If you enjoy skydiving the Sua pan is the best place to view from the sky.

We had a early start, leaving Pretoria in the premature hours of Thursday 11 July 2019. Arriving back at the pans after visiting last year, we were greeted by members of the Botswana Parachute Association and old friends from Botswana. The evening we were briefed for the upcoming days activities. Before going to bed, one could admire the beautiful galaxy the pans bring out with the absence of city lights and other concerning noises one would hear while trying to get some sleep.

Entrance onto the pans
Our accommodation

Our accommodation was made up tents with comfortable beds, added with warm blankets and pillows for the chilly nights. With the wildlife in Botswana we were spoiled to see many types around the area, including Wildebeest, Zebra, Kudu and many more!

Blue Wildebeest

The following morning saw the first jump with a quick briefing at manifest (meeting area) before making our way with the shuttles to Sowa airport, just a few kilometers away from the pans. The first two days the jump ship was the Botswana Defence Force Casa 235, while the next two days saw the welcome return of the Lockheed Martin C130B. The Atlas Angel flown by Dennis Howe took tandems (first time skydivers) during the course of the epic.

Evening Briefings
Turnoff to Sua Airport
BDF Casa 235
Casa 235 cargo hold
C130B Sunset Flypast
C130 cargo Hold
Atlas Angel
Ready for the jump in the Atlas Angel

The Saturday was open to the people of Botswana to come enjoy a day out on the pans, in addition as listen to some local musicians while skydiving doings took place. This saw mass jumps from the C130B, as said this could accommodate more skydivers in the large cargo hold the aircraft has. One of the jumps saw the aircraft climb to 19 000ft with oxygen fitted to the aircraft for the skydivers use. Helicopter flips were also available with one of the Delta Rescue Bell Jetrangers.

Oxygen at 19 000ft
Wingsuiters ready for the jump from the C130
Bell Jetranger giving flips over the pans.

Botswana current president Mokgweetsi Masisi also visited the event on Saturday afternoon. Great to see world leaders visiting top notch events that bring exposure from around the world. The only waterskiing we saw on the pans this year was a hilux bakkie(pick up van), just this time on sand and stone.

Cyril Nfila and a happy new skydiver
The only waterskiing we saw on the pans this year was a hilux bakkie(pick up van) and a Taxi, just this time on sand and stone.

A big thank you to the Botswana Parachute Association, Colonel Majama, Botswana Tourism and many others who got us to the event. A big Congratulations to another successful boogie and a safe event.Individually next year is again on our lists to attend without a doubt.

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Closing in fast-The Makgadikgadi Epic

The Makgadikgadi Epic is closing in fast which is set to be another successful skydiving boogie, with skydivers from around the world, are coming see Makgadikgadi Salt Pans, and precisely, in the Nata Bird Sanctuary.

Makgadikgadi is synonymous with awesome birding experiences and open natural landscapes that will be a marvel from any view, be it from the ground or above.

The event will take place at Sowa pan, which is the same venue as Race For Rhinos which we have visited in past years. We will see the first jump from 12 – 15 July 2019.

Aircraft that will be jump ships from the start of the event will be Atlas Angels as well as a Botswana Defence Force C130 and Casa 235 which will take bigger loads of skydivers.

The main objective of the event is to give travellers to Botswana, Is a lifetime unique experience to capture the majestic wildlife and a an uncultivated area.

With the Parachute Assosioan of Botswna,Gabarone Skydiving Club,Botswana Defence Force and Botswana Tourism on board and many others, You don’t want to miss out on this event. Stay up to date with our Facebook page and website for more information closer to the event.

2019 Schedule

Thursday, 11 July 2019


Arrival – Licensed Skydivers

Friday, 12 July 2019


Briefing – Licensed Skydivers


Arrival – Members of the Public, Tandem Passengers

Saturday, 13 July 2019


Start – Tandem Skydives

Monday, 15 July 2019


Last Operational Day

Facebook pages

Makgadikgadi Epic, 2019 Event page – https://www.facebook.com/events/2316344431977757/

Makgadikgadi Epic, page –

Parachute Association of Botswana, page – https://www.facebook.com/Parachute-Association-of-Botswana-391366344374851/

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